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Ch.17 Nervous system


smallest part of nervous system Neuron
bundles of cell bodies Ganglions
Neuron extensions that recieve electrical impulses Dendrites
part of neuron that processes electrical impulses cell body
part of neuron that conducts impulses Axon
Largest section of brain Cerebrum
Controls appetite hypothalamus
controls breathing medulla oblongata
controls muscle function cerebellum
Parkinsons has an imbalance of these Dopamine, acetylcholine
relays messages from outside to cns Somiatic system
what is SMR Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
Cholinergic agent Mestinon
SMR Flexeril, Soma, Chlorzoxazone
Treat myasthenia gravis Neostigmine, Mestinon
Progressive degenerative brain cond. Alzheimers
treat parkinsons Symmetrel, Benztropine, eldepryl
Neomuscular blocking agent Zemuron
controls voluntary actions of skeletal muscles somiatic
responds in stressful situations sympathetic
feed-n-breed parasympathetic
Mimic sympathetic nervous system adrenergics
take w/food, milk, no alcohol, d/d Aux labels for SMR's
direct acting muscle relaxants depress calcium
centrally acting muscle relaxants depress CNS
transmits messages from peripheral area to CNS afferent
transmits messages from CNS to peripheral area efferent
where neurotransmitters travel from one neuron to the next synapse
white matter bundles of nerve fibers (myelinated axons)
Gray matter neuron cell bodies, dendrites
treat epilepsy anticonvulsants
treat alzheimers cholinesterase inhibitors
treat multiple sclerosis autoimmune stimulants
goal of parkinsons treatments increase dopamine
cholinergics treat myasthenia gravis
inhibits pain perception seratonin
inhibits involuntary movement dopamine
Bronchodilator, increases heart rate epinephrine
increases digestive motility acetylcholine
lipid soluble molecules only blood-brain barrier
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
hydantions, barbituates, succinimidesm benzodiazepines classes that treat epilepsy
Created by: 519208778
Popular Pharmacology sets




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