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Medical Term KSU

Lessons 1 thru 12

cele tumor, cyst, hernia
cyto cell
glyco sweet, sugar
homeo,homo similiar, same, like
lingua tongue
lip fat
lith stone
madaro falling hair
pysch mind
pyo pus
radi rays
thermic heat
arthro joint
carpo wrist
chondro cartilage
costa rib
cranio skull
dactyl finger
ili hip
manus hand
myel bone marrow
myo mucle
ortho straighten
osteo bone
pedi foot
spondyl vertebra
cutis skin
dent teeth
derma skin
hapsia touch
odont teeth
onco tumor
onychia nail beds
pedicular lice
prurigo itching
psora itch
sarco flesh
sclero hard
squama scaly
tricho hair
chole bile, gallbladder
colon large intestine
emesis vomiting
entero intestine
gastro stomach
glosso tongue
hepat liver
ile ileum
laparo abdomen
myxo mucus
procto anus, rectum
pyloro pylorus gatekeeper
stoma opening, mouth
viscero body organs
angio vessel
aortal aorta, main artery
arterio artery
cardio heart
emboli vessel obstruction
emia blood
hema, hemo blood
phleb vein
thrombo blood clot
varico varicos veins
vaso blood vessel
vena vein
ventricu heart cavity
broncho bronchi, airway
cili hairlike processes
ectasis expansion
laryngo larynx, vioce box
naso nose
oro mouth
oxy oxygen, keen
pector breast, chest
pleura rib side
pneumo lung
ptysis to spit
pulmo lungs
rhin nose
tracheo trachea, windpipe
albus white
chloro green
chrom color
cirrhos yellow
cyano blue
erythr red
leuko white
melano black
polio gray
purpura purple; porphyria
rhodo rose
rubeo red
xantho yellow
myalgia muscle + pain
myesthesia muscle + sensation
myocele muscle + protrusion (hernia)
myocyte muscle + cell
myocytolysis muscle + cell + destruction
myocytoma muscle + cell + tumor
myoedema muscle + swelling
myofascial muscle + face
myograph muscle + writing (record)
myoid muscle + like (resembles)
myolipoma muscle + fat + tumor
myology muscle + study of
myoma muscle + tumor
myomalacia muscle + softening
myomectomy muscle + tumor + removal
myoneural muscle + nerves
myoneuralgia muscle + nerve + pain
myoparesis muscle + paralysis
myopathy muscle + disease
myoplasty muscle + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
myosalpingitis muscle + fallopian tube + inflammation
osteoarthropathy bone + joint + disease
osteochondritis bone + cartilage + inflammation
osteomyelitis bone + marrow + inflammation
osteopath bone + disease (usually refers to a physician specialty)
osteoplasty bone + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
osteoporosis bone + porous + condition of
osteorrhaphy bone + suture (wiring together of bones)
osteosclerosis bone + hardening + condition of
osteotome bone + instrument (used to cut bone)
derma skin
odont teeth
dermahemia skin + blood
dermatalgia skin + pain
dermatitis skin + inflammation
dermatoalloplasty skin + graft + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
dermatocyst skin + bladder (filled with something)
dermatoid skin + resembles
dermatologist skin + one who studies
dermatolysis skin + dissolution (destruction)
dermatome skin + instrument (used to remove skin for grafting)
dermatomycosis skin + fungus + condition of
dermatoneurosis skin + nerves + condition of (skin eruptions due to emotion)
dermatopathy skin + disease
dermatophobia skin + fear (afraid of catching a skin disease)
dermatoplasty skin + surgical repair (plastic surgery)
dermatorrhagia skin + bleeding
dermatorrhea skin + drainage
dermatorrhexis skin + rupture
epidermitis outer + skin + inflammation
epidermodysplasia outer + skin + bad + molding
hypodermis below + skin
intradermal within + skin
melanoderma black + skin (dark pigmentation)
odontalgia tooth + pain
odontoprisis tooth + sawing (tooth grinding)
odontoptosis tooth + drop (downward placement)
odontorrhagia tooth + bleeding
odontoscopy tooth + exam
scleroderma hardening + skin
subdermal below + skin
xanthoderma yellow + skin
oophoro ovary
pyelo pelvis
salping tube
galacto milk
uro urine
parietes brain wall
occiput the back part of the head or skull
oto ear
anti against
hydra water
ante before
ferro iron
desis binding or fixation
kinesis movement
hypo under
lysis disintegration
Popular Medical sets




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