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Korean four needle

Tai Yin & Yang Ming

Tai Yin energy is balanced by? Yang Ming Energy
Hand Tai Yin - LU Meridian􀁠s properties of: 6 Qi, 5 Element? Moisture & Metal(Cold)
Foot Yang Ming - ST Meridian􀁠s properties of: 6 Qi, 5 Element? Dryness & Earth (warm damp)
Hand Yang Ming - LI Meridian's properties of: 6 Qi, 5 Element? Dryness & Metal(Cold)
Foot Tai Yin - SP Meridian's properties of: 6 Qi, 5 Element? Moisture & Earth (Warm damp)
Primary Mental feeling of Tai Yin? Satisfaction which comes from having enough of the basic physical necessities including food, money and material possessions
Primary Mental feeling of Yang Ming? Dissatisfaction which comes from NOT having enough of the basic physical necessities including food, money and material possessions
Emotional balance of Appropriate Amount feelings of satiation, generosity, richness, relaxation and comfort? Feelings of lack, emptiness, or impoverishment
Emotional balance of Appropriate Amount feelings of safety regarding having enough food, material possessions, money? • Feelings of anxiety regarding NOT having enough food, material possessions, money
Emotional balance of Appropriate Amount feelings of Satiation after eating? Feeling alert and hungry
Emotional balance of Excess Amount feelings of over-satisfaction manifesting as arrogance due to having an overabundance of basic needs? Feelings of extreme starvation, impoverishment or total lack of basic needs
Emotional balance of Excess Amount feelings of Over-satisfaction manifesting as laziness, no motivation, sluggishness, weight gain? Anxious, impatient, cold-hearted, having no mercy
Hand Tai Yin LU Characteristics? Mixed - Moisture and Metal (dryness)
Which JG's properties of coolness and moisture make it most effective for thin people with dryness signs? LU JG
Which JG can be used for all symptoms of Qi deficiency including fatigue, low energy and mental exhaustion, especially for thin and weak constitutions? LU JG
Which JG is used for dry skin with lack of elasticity or muscle stiffness caused by Qi deficiency? LU JG
Which JG used for Qi is too deficient to do its function of descending Qi which results in lower body muscular weakness LU JG
Feelings of generosity, richness, relaxation and comfort belongs to which meridian energy? Hand Tai Yin LU Energy
Which JG can be used clinically for insomnia which is caused by someone who is worried about a true lack of money or material possessions? LU JG
Which can stimulates the body to generate moisture and coolness? LU JG
Which can be applied to balance conditions of dryness and heat associated with respiratory system disorders? LU JG
Hemoptysis - caused by Empty Fire rising, especially indicated for a slim person with empty heat. This could also be caused by pulmonary TB.? LU JG
Respiratory system disorders including sinusitis, nasal congestion, rhinitis,epistaxis, difficulty smelling? LU JG
anterior shoulder pain, lateral elbow pain, wrist pain, thumb pain LU JG
throat disorders including tonsillitis, pharyngitis? LU JG
respiratory system disorders including sinusitis, nasal congestion, rhinitis, epistaxis, difficulty smelling? LU JG
red, thread-like blood vessel in sclera of eye. The sclera is associated with the LU, the exposed blood vessel is due to heat/dryness? LU JG
Qi deficiency with fatigue or low energy especially if the person is thin, weak and has dryness signs? LU JG
muscular weakness - especially lower leg weakness? LU JG
Guide the direction of Qi is downward? LU JG
Which is used if patient can bend forward but not backward? LU JG
Right Side of Body Disorders? LU JG
wind-stroke with hemiplegia. Movement is affected on the right side of the body? LU JG
Shan disorder - a Qi disorder causing pain from the lower back to the scrotum? LU JG
Skin Conditions - especially with Dryness and Heat problems due to dryness including dry skin, skin cracking or flaking, urticaria, dry-type rash, dandruff? LU JG
if there is a high fever with sore throat? LU11
if there is a high fever only? LI1
Exterior Wind-Heat symptoms including more fever than chills and copious sweating? LU JG
Activating Qi to Relieve Stagnation -For Blood Stasis? SP 3+, LU 9+, SJ 5-, LI 11-
Activating Qi to Relieve Stagnation -Damp-phlegm Stagnation? "Reverse LU JG" HT 8+, LU 10+, SP 3-, LU 9-
KID Related Disorders LU JG
Multi-joint or Rheumatoid arthritis also known as "White Tiger Wind"? LU SG
What formula is used for someone who is anxious and unable to relax due to excess worry about a true lack of money and basic material possessions? LU JG
Which meridian has the moisture of all the meridians ? SP meridian
Which meridian energy has its emphasis on obtaining satisfaction from acquiring food? SP meridian
Which JG can be used clinically for all impaired digestive system functions and resulting internal damp stagnation impacting the Middle Jiao? SP JG
neutralizing effect (for detoxification from alcohol, drugs, food, poisonous gas)? SP JG
Poor digestive system function causing muscular weakness, numbness and atrophy can be helped with which JG? SP JG
Which adds Moisture which nourishes and strengthens the SP and digestive system and ultimately the muscles of the whole body? SP JG
Emotional energy of this is like the feeling of satisfaction and deep relaxation one experiences after a great meal? Foot Tai Yin SP Energy
Feelings of deep satiation and satisfaction, SP JG
In excess, this feeling manifests as "over-satisfaction" with sluggishness, laziness, lack of motivation and general couch potato tendencies. SP JG
Which JG is good for Overthinking, overanalyzing, indecisiveness? SP JG
What JG would most logically be applied to balance conditions of dryness and cold associated with digestive system disorders SP JG
• long time food stagnation • indigestion • reduced appetite • abdominal distention • diarrhea , borborygmus • epigastric pain SP JG
• rebellious Qi including belching, nausea and vomiting SP JG
• ascites in the Middle Jiao due to LIV cirrhosis. SP JG
Hyperacidity of the ST SP JG
Difficult urination SP JG- Transformation and Transportation problems can include a dysfunction of the water metabolism.
Jaundice- Yin type, cold-damp. SP JG
Diabetes mellitis SP JG
Upper abdominal masses- epigastric area SP JG
Lips - dryness and cracking. SP JG
chest pain - lateral side SP JG
mid-back/hypochondriac area pain. SP JG
stiffness or paralysis of the tongue as a sequelae of wind-stroke. SP JG
submandibular area pain SP JG
lower leg medial aspect pain and disorders SP JG
general XX Qi Deficiency signs including: poor appetite, loose stools, abdominal distention ? SP JG
hernia SP JG- weakness of the abdominal wall and genital wall muscles due to Qi deficiency; rectal hernia
• fatigue with chronic digestive problems. Especially for a thin, weak person who is easily fatigued due to XX Qi Deficiency SP JG
whole body pain, myalgia SP JG
emaciation and muscular weakness, numbness or atrophy SP JG
wind-stroke causing hemiplegia or affected movement on the right side of the body. SP JG-Especially indicated for a thin person with poor digestion.
The SP and LU are associated with the right side of the body and are indicated for disorders of Qi. In comparison to the XX and XX? LIV & HT are associated with the left side of the body and are indicated for disorders of blood.
Symptoms include pain in the four limbs and the feeling of wearing a tight cap - can be exacerbated on a gloomy, damp and rainy day? SP JG - Multi-joint arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis) with damp signs of pain and heaviness.
clinical indications for multi-joint arthritis based on the signs presented: if there is less swelling with cold symptoms? SP JG adds moisture and warmth.
clinical indications for multi-joint arthritis based on the signs presented: if there is swelling with heat? SP SG inhibits the body from generating moisture and warmth.
clinical indications for multi-joint arthritis based on the signs presented: if there is more swelling with cold symptoms? LU SG inhibits the body from generating moisture and coolness.
Which has a neutralizing effect on toxic substances? alcohol, C02, environmental pollutants, drugs, poisonous gas, cigarettes/nicotine, food SP JG
hordeolum (stye on upper or lower eyelid) the SP is related to eyelids
trichiasis - eyelash inversion toward the eyeball (usually lower eyelash) the SP is related to eyelids
blurry vision / photophobia due to SP Qi deficiency with fatigue causing vision problems
if there is no digestive system involvement, XX can be used to add feelings of clarity and decisiveness? the LI JG
If the patient doesn't respond to the LI JG? SP SG
Obesity - SP SG has drying properties. SP SG
After being exposed to Exterior Damp pathogenic factor - patient feels dizziness, heaviness in the body, voice can become lower, huskier SP SG
Lymphedema- patient feels a strange sensation on their skin as if its not their own SP SG
Leukorrhea - yellow, heat-type SP SG
Which meridian energy is described as: sharp, solid, straight-forward, tall, dry, cool ? Yang Ming
Which meridian energy is the most drying of all meridian? Yang Ming
Which meridian mind-path deals with the desire to acquire the most basic survival? needs of Food, Shelter, Money, Material Possessions Yang Ming -Associated with the first, or most primary level of human needs
Feelings of dissatisfaction for this meridian come from feelings of lack or poverty in regards to basic necessities including money and nutrition? Yang Ming
what refers to the frame of the body. This energy gives support to all the other meridian energies? metal
The frame is considered an "unchangeable" energy and functions as the bodies foundation for a lifetime. metal
outer protective structure plus the supportive internal steel girders Yang Ming = Metal
the decoration Tai Yin = Earth (moisture)
the lighting system Shao Yang = Minister Fire (light)
the ventilation system Jue Yin = Wind (air movement)
the heating system Shao Yin = Fire (hot)
the cooling system Tai Yang = Water (cold)
Which meridian emotional mentally in a disposition that is direct, accurate, detail-oriented, strong willed, decisive? Yang Ming
In excess, this can manifest as stubborn, inflexible and cold-hearted to the point of no mercy? Yang Ming
Primary Mental Feeling of Dissatisfaction which comes from NOT having enough of the basic physical necessities including food, money and material possessions balances with ? Satisfaction which comes from having enough of the basic physical necessities including food, money and material possessions -Tai Yin
Feelings - Appropriate Amount: Feelings of lack, emptiness, or impoverishment balances ? Feelings of satiation, generosity, richness, relaxation and comfort -Tai Yin
Feelings - Appropriate Amount: Feelings of anxiety regarding NOT having enough food, material possessions, money balances ? Feelings of safety regarding having enough food, material possessions, money -Tai Yin
Feelings - Appropriate Amount: Feelings of alert and hungry balances ? Satiation after eating -Tai Yin
Excess Amount- Feelings of extreme starvation, impoverishment or total lack of basic needs? Over-satisfaction manifesting as arrogance due to having an overabundance of basic needs -Tai Yin
Excess Amount- Feelings of extreme starvation, impoverishment or total lack of basic needs? Over-satisfaction manifesting as laziness, no motivation, sluggishness, weight gain -Tai Yin
Which meridian has the most drying energy of all the meridians? Hand Yang Ming LI
the skeletal system? The material frame LI-provide support and protection for the body
the immune system? The immaterial frame LI-provide support and protection for the body
This makes the XX JG very effective for damp-heat conditions and may also be used for damp and phlegm stagnation? LI
lifestyle diseases in overweight patients? The LI JG can be used as part of a weight loss regimen where loosing weight can alleviate one of the underlying causes of the disease such as in Type 2 Diabetes or hypertension
chronic autoimmune disorders treated with long-term use of steroids resulting in accumulation of damp-heat? LI JG
Clinically which JG can be used for conditions which are the result of a lowered immune system such as atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis? LI JG
The XX aspect of the XX meridian corresponds to a straight forward, strong willed, and decisive disposition metal, LI - counterbalance excess Foot Tai Yin SP manifestations of ambiguity, laziness and indecision.
The XX meridian has the feelings of lack or poverty especially in regards to the basic necessities of food, money and material possessions? LI JG could be used to counterbalance a pathological excess of Foot Tai Yin SP energy manifesting as arrogance, lack of motivation and overeating in a person who has an overabundance of food and material possessions.
This JG can be applied to balance conditions of dampness and heat but can also be used for damp-phlegm conditions because it is has the most drying energy of all the meridians? LI JG
diarrhea, could be with borborygmus LI Jung Gyuk
lower abdominal distention due to damp-heat or damp LI Jung Gyuk
diverticulitis LI Jung Gyuk
acute or chronic colitis, IBS - could be with blood and mucus in the stool LI Jung Gyuk
excess symptoms include yellow mucus in the stool or damp-heat dysentery with mucus and blood LI Jung Gyuk
deficiency symptoms include severe diarrhea or diarrhea with undigested food LI Jung Gyuk
Related to the Anus: rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids LI Jung Gyuk
pain in the lateral side of the index finger, forearm, upper arm, shoulder, neck or the teeth • wrist pain • tennis elbow • trigger finger in the index finger, • anterior shoulder pain LI Jung Gyuk
toothpain LI JG - could be for both lower and upper teeth.
This XX JG can be used for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. It is especially indicated in overweight patients? LI JG
Back pain - LI JG is used if patient can bend backward but not forward LI JG
back pain so severe that it feels like the bone and muscle have become broken. Most commonly this occurs in the lower back LI JG
opisthotonus the LI JG tonifies the back or Yang side of the body and provides a counterbalancing "straightening" effect
overweight conditions caused by damp and phlegm accumulation? HandYang Ming LI energy is the most drying energy in the body
Dermatitis: damp-heat lesions characterized by redness, wetness, oozing, atopic dermatitis caused by an immune system deficiency? LI JG strengthens the "immaterial" (immune)frame.
eyes - dark circles around the eyes indicate damp stagnation? This could also be dark circles with uneven coloration or puffy/swollen eyelids
nose - sinusitis with yellow discharge, runny nose, rhinitis, epistaxis LI JG
allergies - especially with nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, throat problems, coughing. Could also be combined with skin problems? LI JG
could be used in a "Stop Smoking' protocol? LI JG The LI meridian terminates at the side of the nose.
mouth sores - with redness, oozing, wetness, yellow discharge LI JG
gum problems - both upper and lower gums. Symptoms include swelling due to heat or damp-heat accumulation, bleeding gums, gingivitis LI JG
scrofula - lymphedema in the neck that forms nodules below the ear? LI JG
Exterior Wind-Heat conditions with a fever and swollen, sore throat? LI JG
the XX JG can be used for tooth pain if there is a dominance of KID deficiency symptoms? KID JG
Which meridian energy has feelings of lack, loss and poverty? LI JG It directly balances Tai Yin's energy of over-satisfaction
which JG in excess this can manifest as "arrogance, lack of motivation and overeating”? LI JG
Which JG is helpful for someone who always gets everything their own way, feels they are the center of the world and can do whatever they want without regard for others? LI JG
Which JG is good for over-satisfaction manifesting as arrogance and conceit, boredom, lack of motivation, lethargy? LI JG
Which meridian energy corresponds to a straight-forward, decisive disposition? LI JG
The XX JG can be used for someone who is vague, ambiguous or indecisive which is a manifestation of excess SP energy. LI JG :When SP energy is excess, this person deliberates so long before making a decision that they become paralyzed with hesitation and doubt. If this mentality becomes chronic, the doubt and suspicion can become stronger and may border on paranoia.
This XX adds feelings of clarity and decisiveness as a direct counterbalance LI JG
This XX inhibits the body from generating dryness and cold LI SG
If patient doesn't respond to the SP JG - try XX XX LI SG
Which meridian is likened to an agricultural field in the body. Seeds grow and thrive in the nutrient rich soil? Foot Yang Ming ST
Which meridian dysfunction is follows Qi rebelling including nausea, vomiting, belching, indigestion acid regurgitation, ST pain ? Foot Yang Ming ST
Which meridian is very useful clinically for Bell's Palsy, TMJ, frontal headache and nasal ,congestion with clear discharge? Foot Yang Ming ST
Which XX XG has the properties of warmth and dryness? Foot Yang Ming ST - especially effective for conditions with damp, phlegm and cold signs
• lack of appetite• acid reflux • burping, indigestion, nausea, vomiting ST JG
• ST pain - especially in the Ren 12 area ST JG
• ST Qi rebelling (normal Qi direction is downward) ST JG
Which XX points are used for pain, swelling, cold sensations or atrophy along the meridian pathway, nasal congestion with clear (cold) discharge? ST JG
Which XX points are used for pain, swelling, cold sensations or atrophy along the meridian pathway, weakness and atrophy of the lower limbs including Wei syndrome? ST JG
the XX JG is used for problems related to Qi, so it is used for lower leg weakness when there is Qi deficiency. The XX JG is used especially when there is atrophy. LU, ST
According to the Huang di Nei Jing that the which meridian has the most Qi and blood, making the XX JG most effective for atrophy and Wei Syndrome conditions? Yang Ming meridian, ST
Which points are used when there is a problem with the seeds (eggs)? KID JG
frontal headache. This could be in combination with dizziness caused by cold-damp or phlegm. ST JG
drooling - this effect is like adding "dry soil" to absorb the excess moisture. ST JG
Bell's Palsy (facial paralysis), TMJ ST JG
skin problems around the mouth and lips characterized by wetness or oozing. ST JG - In comparison, if there is redness and heat use the LI JG which has cool and dry properties
Head, face, ENT : facial swelling, sensation of heat in the face, red eyes, tinnitus due to a flaring up of Minister Fire treated with which points? ST JG - Different materials are used to extinguish different types of fire. In SaAm acupuncture, the emotional effect of Shao Yang Minister Fire manifests physically as the type of heat caused by anger, shame or embarrassment.
Which points are used for an invasion by an Exterior damp pathogen? ST JG - SP JG is used for internal damp retention due to SP Qi
Which meridian creating problems due to excess greed manifesting as symptoms of: • nervousness, anxiety, restlessness • shortness of breath, chest stuffiness and discomfort, palpitations? • always in a hurry because of wanting to make more money a pathological excess of the LU meridian , can be treated with ST JG
Which meridian is used for insomnia or dream-disturbed sleep due to excess thinking about making more money ST JG
Which points adds a sense of noble poverty and an absence of greed to counterbalance the excess obsession to obtain more money? ST JG
Reverse ST JG ST 43+, GB 41+, ST 41-, SI 5-
Reverse ST JG is used when? The ST meridian begins at the side of the nose (LI 20). This makes the 'reverse ST JG' very effective for chronic sinusitis with yellow discharge.
Which points inhibits the body from generating dryness and warmth making it especially indicated for thin body types with heat? ST SG
If patient doesn't respond to the LU JG, try XX XX? ST SG
Created by: AcuMama
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