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Patho -Digestive

Digestive System Disorders

Peptic Ulcers occur in the duodenum and ________. Stomach
Complications of Peptic Ulcers Hemorrhage, Perforation, and Obstruction
What is Heliofactor pylori? A bacteria that can cause an infection which increases the risk of developing peptic ulcers.
What is one difference between an ulcer and a carcinoma in the stomach lining? Ulcers have a regular border, where carcinomas have an irregular border.
Heliofactor pylori infection, impaired mucosal blood flow due to stress and smoking, NSAID use are all predisposing factors for what digestive disorder? Peptic ulcers
Gastric cancer in early stages may be _________. Asymptomatic
Typically what is the prognosis of late stage gastric cancer? Poor
Risk factors for Gastric cancer Dietary intake of nitrites, nitrates, and smoked foods, Family history, Heliofactor pylori infection, Chronic gastritis or polyps
What are gallstones? Hard deposits that form in the gallbladder or bile duct
What are the components of bile? Cholesterol and Bilirubin
Which type of gallstones can obstruct the flow of bile and/or cause cholecystitis? Large
Predisposing factors for gallstones Gender, high cholesterol intake, obesity, and oral contraceptives
Jaundice results from ________________. Hyperbilirubinemia
What would yellowing of the skin and/or eyes be an indicator of? Jaundice
Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver
Introhepatic Jaundice Form of jaundice that can be caused by Hepatitis and is associated with increased levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the blood.
Hepatitis may cause __________ and ____________. Liver damage and cirrhosis
Hepatotoxins Drugs that cause damage to the liver
Carrier Someone who has a disease, but shows no symptoms
What are characteristics of cirrhosis of the liver? Progressive fibrosis and destruction of liver tissue
What are the 4 general categories of cirrhosis of the liver? Alcoholic liver disease, Bilary cirrhosis, Postnecrotic cirrhosis, and Metabolic cirrhosis
What is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis? Alcoholic liver disease
What is the cause of Alcoholic liver disease? Chronic alcohol consumption
What can cause Bilary cirrhosis? Immune disorders and bile duct obstructions
Chronic hepatitis or exposure to hepatotoxins can cause __________ ___________. Postnecrotic cirrhosis
What can cause Metabolic cirrhosis? Storage disorders
Hemochromatosis Iron storage disorder that causes a build up of iron in the liver and other organs
Ascites Buildup of fluid in peritoneal cavity
Portal System Two capillary beds connected in sequence
Portal hypertension Increased blood pressure in hepatic portal veins
Varices Distended, swollen veins
Amenorhea Lack of menstrual period
Gynecomastia Abnormal breast development in men
Peritonitis Inflammation of the peritoneal cavity
Two primary causes of acute pancreatitis Alcohol consumption and biliary tract obstruction (gallstones)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Widespread blood clotting
Trypsin Enzyme that breaks down proteins
What is the involvement of the pancreas in the endocrine and exocrine systems? The pancreas secretes insulin in the endocrine system and excretes digestive enzymes in the exocrine system.
Celiac Disease An autoimmune disease of the intestine
Gluten Enteropathy Disease of the intestine
What is gluten? A protein found in wheat, rye, and barley
What is broken down by tissue enzyymes to form gliaden? Gluten
Malabsorption and malnutrition are problems associated with what disease of the gastrointestinal tract? Celiac Disease
How might Celiac disease be treated? Eating a gluten free diet
How might Celiac disease be treated? Eating a gluten free diet
What types of disease are Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis? Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis Inflammation of the colon
Which IBD is associated with chronic inflammation in the colon? Ulcerative colitis
Which IBD is associated with chronic inflammation throughout the GI tract? Crohn's disease
Fibrosis and stricture are common in which IBD? Crohn's disease
Manifestations of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Malabsorption, diarrhea with cramping pain and blood, and weight loss
What is acute inflammation and infection of the appendix? Appendicitis
A patient with appendicitis may experience peritonitis if what occurs? Ruptured appendix
Why might a ruptured appendix cause peritonitis? Bacteria and fluid spread through the peritoneal cavity causing inflammation.
Diverticula Outpouching of mucosa through the muscle layer of the bowel wall
Diverticulitis Inflammation of the diverticula
What is an asymptomatic diverticular disease? Diverticulosis
What is an abcess? A puss filled pocket
What are complications of diverticular disease? Perforation, obstruction, and abcess formation in the intestinal wall
Risk factors of Colorectal cancer Age (over 55), Western diet, family history, and chronic colitis
Polyp Solid mass of cells
What does the term adenomatous mean? From a gland
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis High number of polyps form in the colon
What type of test might be used to screen for colorectal cancer? Fecal Occult Blood Test
Adenocarcinoma Carcinoma from a gland
What is a common sign of colorectal cancer? Blood in the stool
Intestinal obstruction The lack of movement of contents through the intestine
Examples of Mechanical obstructions Tumors, adhesions, hernias
Examples of Functional obstructions Paralytic ileus
Paralytic ileus Nerve damage that causes the brain to not be able to tell the muscles to move causing obstruction
Volvulus Twisting of the intestines
Intussusception Part of the intestine slides back into an adjacent part
Peritonitis Inflammation of the peritoneal membranes
Causes of perintonitis Chemical irritation (ex: Bile from a perforated gallbladder, Pancreatic enzymes realsed in pancreatitis, Chyme spilling from a perforated ulcer)
Manifestations of Peritonitis Parietal peritoneum, hypovolemic shock, impaired nerve transmission, decreased peristalsis, paralytic ileus, decreased or absent bowel sounds, fibrous scar tissue, adhesions, obstructions
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