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Common Roots

Root Words for the ACT/SAT

ag,act do action, activity, agent
ambul walk, move ambulance, ambulatory, amble
ami, amo love amiable, amorous
anim mind, soul, spirit animal, animate, unanimous
anthro human anthropology, philanthropy
aud, audit hear audible, auditorium, audience
auto self automobile, autobiography, autograph
beli war belligerent, rebellious, bellicose
ben good benefactor, beneficial, benevolence
biblio book bibliography, Bible
bio life biography, biology
carn flesh, meat carnivore, carnal, incarnate
chron time chronic, chronology, synchronize
cid, cis cut, kill incision, homicide, insecticide
civi citizen civilization, civilian, civil
corp body corporation, corporeal, corpse
dem people democracy, demographic
dic, dict speak dictate, contradict, prediction, verdict
domin master dominant, domain, domineering
err wander error, erratic, errand
eu good, beautiful eulogize, euphoria, euphemism
fall, fals deceive fallacious, infallible, falsify
fid faith fidelity, confide, confidence
graph, gram writing grammar, telegraph, graphite
loqu, locut talk soliloquy, loquacious, elocution
luc light elucidate, lucid, translucent
magn great magnify, magnate, magnanimous
mal bad malevolent, malediction, malicious
mori, mort die mortuary, immortal, moribund
morph shape, form amorphous, metamorphosis
nat born innate, natal, nativity
nom name misnomer, nominal
omni all omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous
pac, pas, pax peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, passive
path, pass disease, feeling pathology, sympathetic, apathy, antipathy
phil love philanthropist, philosophy, philanderer
port carry portable, porter, transport, export
poten able, powerful potential, omnipotent, potentate, impotent
psych mind psyche, psychology, psychosis, psychopath
reg, rect rule regicide, regime, regent, insurrection
sacr, secr holy sacred, sacrilegious, sacrament, consecrate
scribe, script write scribe, describe, script
somn sleep insomnia, somnolent, somnambulist
spec, spic see, look spectators, spectacles, retrospect, conspicuous
tang, tact, ting touch tactile, tangent, contact, contingent
terr land terrain, terrestrial, subterranean
urb city urban, urbane, suburban
vac empty vacation, vacuous, evacuate, vacant
ver truth veracity, verify, veracious
verb word verbose, verbatim, proverb
viv, vit alive revival, vivacious, vitality
Created by: AmplifiedLLC
Popular SAT sets




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