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Chapter 5 cardio

angi/oq vessel
aort/o aorta
ateri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance
arti/o atrium
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
hemangi/o blood vessel
phleb/o vein
sphygm/o pulse
steth/o chest
thromb/o clot
valv/o valve
valvul/o valve
vascul/o blood vessel
vas/o vessel, duct
ven/o vein
ventriculo/o ventricle
-manometer instrument to measure pressure
-ole small
-tension pressure
-ule small
-gram record, picture
-itis inflammation
-plasty surgical repair
-spasm involuntary muscle contraction
-stenosis narrowing
-ic pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ole small
-rrhexis rupture
-ectomy surgical removal
-oma tumor, mass
-al pertaining to
inter- amoung, between
brady- slow
tachy- rapid, fast
-megaly enlargement
-logist one who studies
-ary pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
Auscultation the process of listening to the sounds within the body by using a stethoscope
Catheter a flexible tube inserted into the body for the purpose of moving fluids into or out of the body
Infarct an area of tissue within an organ or part that undergoes necrosis following the loss of its blood supply
Ischemia the localized and temporary deficiency of blood supply due to an obstruction to the circulation
Murmur abnormal heart sound such as a soft blowing sound or harsh click.
Orthostatic hypotension the sudden drop in blood pressure a person experiences when standing up suddenly
Palpitations pounding, racing heartbeats
Plaque a yellow, fatty deposit of lipids in an artery that are the hallmark if atherosclrosis
Regurgitation to flow backwards
Stent a stainless steel tube placed within a blood vessel or a duct to widen the lumen
Stethoscope Instrument for listening to body sounds, such as the chest, heart, or intestines
Arrhythmia Irregularity in the heartbeat or action
Congenital septal defect a hole, present at birth, in the septum between two heart chambers; results in a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
Congestive heart failure Pathological condition of the heart in which there is a reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart because the left ventricle myocardium has become too weak to efficiently pump blood
Coronary artery disease Insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle due to an obstruction of one or more coronary arteries
Fibrillation an extreme serious arrhythmia characterized by an abnormal quivering or contraction of heart fibers
Flutter an arrhythmia in which the atria beat too rapidly, but in a regular pattern
Heart valve prolapse Condition in which the cusps or flaps of the heart valve are too loose and fail to shut tightly, allowing blow to flow backward through the valve when the heart chamber contracts
Tetralogy of Fallot Combo of 4 congenital anomalies: pulmonary stenosis, an interventricular septal defect, improper placement of the aorta, and hypertrophy if the right ventricle
Aneurysm Weakness in the wall of an artery resulting in localized widening of the artery
Arteriosclerosis thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries
Atherosclerosis the most common form of Arteriosclerosis. Caused by the formation of yellowish plaques of cholesterol on the inner walls of arteries
Coarctation of the aorta severe congenital narrowing of the aorta
Embolus the obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot that has broken off from a thrombus somewhere else in the body and traveled to the point of obstruction
Hemmorrhoid varicose veins in the anal region
Patent ductus arteriosus congenital heary anomaly in which the fetal connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta fails to close at birth
Peripheral vascular disease any abnormal condition affecting blood vessels outside the heart
Taynaud's phenomenon Periodic ischemic attacks affecting the extremeties if the body, especially the fingers, toes, ears, and nose
Varicose veins swollen and distended veins, usually in the legs
AF atrial fibrillation
AMI acute myocardial infarction
AS arteriosclerosis
ASD artrial septal defect
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
AV atrioventricular
BBB bundle branch block
BP blood pressure
bpm beats per minute
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
cath catheterization
CC cardiac catheterization
CCU coronary care unit
CHF congestive heart failure
CoA coarctation of the aorta
CP chest pain
CPK creatine phosphokinase
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscition
CSD congenital septal defect
CV cardiovascular
DVT deep vein thrombosis
ECC extracorporeal circulation
ECK,EKG electrocardiogram
ECHO echocardiogram
GOT glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
HTN hypertension
ICU intensive care unit
IV Intravenous
LDH lactate dehydrogenase
LVAD left ventriculas assist device
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
MI mycardial infarction
MR mitral regurgitation
MS mitral stenosis
MVP mitral valve prolapse
P pulse
PAC premature atrial contraction
PDA patent ductus arteriosus
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PVC premature ventricular contraction
S1 first heart sound
S2 second heart sound
SA, S-A sinoartrial
SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetuc transaminase
SK streptokinase
tPA tissure-type plasminogen activator
Vfib ventricular fibrillation
VSD ventricular septal defect
VT ventricular tachycardia
Created by: mcope
Popular Medical sets




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