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Early American Repub

Americans confronted 3 major challenges during the period 1790-1815 1) a fierce domestic debate over who could be a citizen 2)ensuring the survival of the weak 3) asserting and justifying the expansion of the republic across the North American continent
The federal Constitution of 1787 created the new ___ government of the United States of America. republican
Why was the American Republic dangerous? few modern republics had survived for very long
Which countries were republics? Venice, Florence, Holland, and England
Why was republic the best form of government? republics allowed people to succeed by merit rather than inherited status.
Americans were encouraged by the successes of the 2 republican revolutions that followed directly from the American Revolution French Revolution of 1789 and the Haitian Revolution of 1791
Crèvecoeur interests how the particular conditions of America shaped the society, politics, and people who lived there
Marbury vs. Madison (1803) The separation of powers mandated by the Constitution led to the development of the idea of judicial review of legislative and executive actions
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 doubled the size of the United States overnight, extending US land claims beyond the Appalachian Mountains that had long formed an informal western boundary of British-American settlement
Why were Native Americans not part of the population growth? 1) were not counted in the federal census at that time. They appear in Article I of the US Constitution as "Indians not taxed" and therefore not counted for purposes of representation.
Cotton Kingdom Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana
Alexander Hamilton the first secretary of the US treasury
Report on Manufactures (1791) Hamilton championed a strong, centralized state, with industry supported by subsidies and tariffs
federalists the name given to those who supported the ratification of the US Constitution
"empire for liberty" an ever-growing republic held together not by tyranny or force of arms but by ties of common interest and affection
National vs. State Governments (Federalists) favored a strong central government with the power to control commerce, tax, declare war, and make treaties
National vs. State Governments (Democratic-Republicans) Sought to limit the role of the national government, favoring local control
French Revolution (Federalists) Opposed the Revolution and opposed American Support for the anti monarchy group
French Revolution (Democratic-Republicans) Supported the popular forces in the French Revolution and favored American assistance
Alien & Sedition Acts (Federalists) Supported as necessary to prevent growth of Democratic-Republicans and to limit criticism of Federalists
Alien & Sedition Acts (Democratic-Republicans) Opposed, along with the enlarged army, as a threat to citizens' individual liberties.
Hamilton's Economic Plans (Federalists) Supported enthusiastically
Hamilton's Economic Plans (Democratic-Republicans) Opposed, Hamilton's plans were seen as aiding his cronies in northern states, who had not yet paid off their debts, and as generally weakening the power of the states.
In essay 10 of The Federalist (1787-88) Madison had influentially proposed the new idea that a republic should be large, so as to prevent the formation of majority factions.
Hartford Convention of 1814 New England Federalists threatened to secede from the Union, believing that their vision of the United States was threatened by Democratic-Republicans and the growing power of the western and southern slave-holding regions.
two nations loomed especially large in American foreign policy France and Britain
The three major international conflicts of the early national period the Quasi-War with France (1798-1800), the First and Second Barbary Wars (1801-04; 1815), and the War of 1812 (1812-14)
The Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 arranged for the demilitarization of the Great Lakes region between the US and Canada, which had been one of the major fronts of the War of 1812
War of 1812 1)British attempted to blockade in order to prevent Americans from trading with Britainʼs arch-rival, France 2)British invasion of the port of Baltimore in 1814
Created by: savepeople
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