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CA Italian 5

Italian lesson 5

Birra Beer
Formaggi Cheese
Cappuccino Cappuccino
Acqua Water
Spaghetti Spaghetti
Pomodori Tomato
Gelato Gelato
Pizza Pizza
Cornetto Croissant
fragole Strawberries
Patatine fritte Potato fries
Torte Cake
Desiderano What would you like?
Vorrei I would like
Un’arranciata Orange juice
Che cos’è questo? What is this?
Io prendo I’ll have
Caffè macchiato Coffee with a drop of milk
Anch’io vorrei I would like to have… too
Tè al limone Lemon tea
Crema Cream, custard
Marmellata Jam
Lei che cosa prende? What will you have? (formal)
Latte Milk
Che cosa predi What will you have? (informal)
Tramezzino Club sandwich
Questo This (m)
Quello That (m)
Panino Sandwich
Prosciutto Ham
Pasta Pastry
Cioccolato Cholcolate
Ristorante Restaurant
Prezzo fisso Fixed price
Antipasti Starter, appetizer
Affettati Cold cuts
Vendura Vegetables, greens
Melone Melon
Primi piatti First course
Brodo Broth, stock
Fungo Mushroom
Frutti di mare Seafood
Secondi piatti Second course
Carne Meat
Bistecca Steak
Manzo Beef
Pollo Chicken
Arrosto Roast
Vitello Veal
Pesce Fish
Trota Trout
Sogliola Sole
Calamari fritte Fried squid
Contorno Side dish
Insalata Salad
Purè di patate Mashed potatoes
Spinaci Spinach
Burro Butter
Peperoni Peppers, capsicum
Alla griglia Grilled
Frutta Fruit
Macedonia Fruit salad
Arancia Orange
Minestra Soup
Vino Wine
Acqua minerale Mineral water
Preferisci..? Do you prefer…?
Preferire To prefer
O Or
Vino bianco White wine
Vino rosso Red wine
Da bere vorrei I’ll drink
Messaggio Message
Bentornato/a! Welcome back!
Concerto Concert
Amica/o Friend
Torno tardi I’ll come home later
Tornare To go/ come back
Vuoi You want
Fare uno spuntino To eat a snack
Cosa Thing
Frigorifero Refrigerator
Molto buono Very good
Mi dispiace I am sorry
Non è molto It’s not a lot
Sufficiente Enough
C’è There is
Pane Bread
Supplì Fried rice ball
Crocchetta Croquette
Magfiare To eat
Rilassante Relaxing
Il conto, per favour The bill please
Scusi Excuse me (formal)
Scusa Excuse me (informal)
Mi porta Can you bring?
Per cortseia Please
Certo Of course
Desidera ancora qualcos’altro? Would you like anything else?
No, grazie, ba vene cosi No thank you I’ll be just fine
Un momento Just a moment
Magari Maybe
Caffè correto Coffee with a drop of liquor
D’accordo Fine, Ok
Aranciata Orange juice
Bottiglia Bottle
Cameriere Waiter
Quanto costa How much is…
Latte macchiato Glass of milk with a few drops of coffee
Spremuta d’arancia Freshly squeezed orange juice
Vino frizzante Sparkling wine
Dammi una mano Give me a hand
Puoi darmi una mano, per favour? Can you give me a hand please?
Cosa prendete What are you having?
Cosa portavi What can I bring you?
Senza glutine Gluten free
Con ghiaccio With ice
Seza ghiaccio Without ice
Quello è That is a
Panna montata Whipped crème
Ceh lavoro fai? What job do you do?
Complimenti Congratulations
Congratulazioni Congratulations
No fumo I don’t smoke
Nearich’io Me neither
È vero Is it true?
Ho un dubbio I have a doubt
Perchè non fai uno sfozo Why don’t you make an effort?
No è una buon’idea Its not a good idea
Created by: c.deAndrade
Popular Italian sets




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