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Britian 1625-88

Social and intellectual change

Population in 1625, 1656 and 1688? 4.1 million, 5.3 million, 4.8 million.
Agriculture Enclosure of land and growth of areas under cultivation produced a stable supply of food for the growing population.
Encsloure the legal process in England of consolidating small landholdings into larger farms. Once enclosed, use of the land became restricted to the owner, and it ceased to be common land for communal use.
Migration Protestants migrated from Europe to escape religious persecution.
Civil Wars large number of deaths causing the decline in population
Great Plague In 1665 the plague caused up to 100,000 deaths in London alone.
Non-conformists Migrated to America to worship freely
Marriage People would marry in their late twenties leading less children being born.
Urban development and rural change 1625, 5.8% of the population lived in towns. At the end of the century this rose to 13.3% with 11.5% living in London.
Demand and Supply of Labour Due to the enclosure fewer people were needed to work on the land. Overpopulation and a limited job market in the countryside encourage migrants to live in London.
London By 1625, population was 200,000. By 1660 it had doubled and in 1688 London was home to 500,000 people. It was larger then the next 50 towns put together.
Why was London significant? -geographical position for trade -government -finance -industry -culture
Large towns in England 10,000 - 30,000 Norwich (important in cloth trade) Bristol (a thriving port) Newcastle (hub of growing coal industry) York Exeter
Created by: Haribro
Popular History sets




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