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HRM Chapter 8


Absolute measures Performance ratings that assess an employee's contribution in comparison to a fixed standard or benchmark.
Central tendency error A rating error that occurs when raters give almost all employees scores in the middle of the scale.
Citizenship performance Employee behavior that helps others and creates a positive work environment.
Contamination A problem with performance appraisal that occurs when things that should not be included in the measurement are included.
Contrast error A rating error that occurs when raters unknowingly allow comparisons among employees to influence ratings.
Counterproductive performance Employee behavior that is harmful to the organization.
Declarative knowledge An employee's understanding of the tasks that need to be done to perform job duties.
Deficiency A problem with performance appraisal that occurs when things that should be included in the measurement are not included.
Feedback Information given to employees to communicate how well they are performing.
Feedback specificity The level of detail in communication, which can range from broad information about overall performance to specific information about certain actions.
Forced distribution Performance ratings that spread out ratings by requiring raters to place a certain percentage of employees in each category.
Forced ranking A rating format that asks raters to directly compare the contribution of an employee with the contribution of other employees.
Frame of reference training Training that focuses on building consistency in the way different raters observe and evaluate employee behaviors and outcomes.
Free distribution Performance ratings that allow raters to place as many employees as they wish into each rating category.
General performance factor A broad factor of performance that represents an employee's overall contribution to the organization.
Graphic ratings A rating format that asks raters to provide a numerical score for an employee on each of several dimensions of performance.
Halo error A rating error that occurs when raters allow a general impression to influence ratings on specific dimensions of performance.
Interpersonal citizenship behavior Positive employee actions aimed at helping specific coworkers succeed.
Job performance The contribution that individuals make to the organization that employs them.
Merit based system A performance management system that specifically seeks to identify and recognize the contributions of high performers.
Multisource performance ratings Performance ratings obtained from a variety of raters such as customers, coworkers, supervisors, and self.
Narrative ratings A rating format that asks raters to provide a written description of an employee's performance.
Negative feedback Information that communicates things an employee needs to change in order to improve.
Objective performance measures Performance measures that are numerical and based on counts of behaviors or outcomes.
Organizational citizenship behavior Positive employee actions aimed at helping the organization as a whole to succeed.
Parity based system A performance management system that seeks to recognize contributions from all employees without elevating some above others.
Performance appraisal The process of measuring what employees contribute to the organization.
Performance management The process of measuring and providing feedback about employee contributions to the organization.
Personal aggression Harmful employee actions that seek to personally harm coworkers.
Political deviance Harmful employee actions designed to harm the performance and careers of other employees.
Positive feedback Information that communicates things that an employee is doing well.
Primacy error A rating error that occurs when raters place too much emphasis on performance observed at the beginning of the measurement period.
Procedural knowledge and skill Information and expertise that an employee needs to have in order to carry out specific actions.
Production deviance Harmful employee actions aimed at reducing the speed and accuracy of production processes.
Property deviance Harmful employee actions aimed at destroying assets of the organization.
Pygmalion effect A process whereby performance increases when leaders have high expectations about the skills and capabilities of followers.
Rater bias Bias that occurs when a rater unfairly provides lower ratings to certain groups of people, such as women and minorities.
Recency error A rating error that occurs when raters place too much emphasis on performance observed right before the measure is taken.
Relative measures Performance ratings that assess an employee's contributions through comparison with the contributions of other employees.
Situational influences Factors that affect performance but that are outside the control of the employee being rated.
Subjective performance measures Performance measures that represent judgments made by raters.
Task performance Employee behavior that directly contributes to producing goods or services.
Created by: LJones8376
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