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Space Definitions

all the definitions for grade 9 space

calendar a way of showing days, organized into a schedule of larger units of time such as weeks, months, seasons or years; usually a table or a chart
constellation a group of stars that seem to form a distinctive pattern
nebula a vast cloud of gas and dust, which may be the birthplace of stars and planets
asteroids an object in space that ranges in size from a tiny speck, like a grain of sand, to 500km wide; most asteroids originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
orbital radius the average distance between the sen and an object that is orbiting the sun
celestial objects any object that exists in space, such as a planet, a star or the moon
light-year the distance that light travels in one year, about 9.5 x 10(12)km
big bang theory the event that may have triggered the expansion of the universe 14 billion years ago.
meteors a meteoroid that hits earths surface and burns up
revolution the time it takes for an object to orbit another object; Earth's revolution around the sun is 365.24 days
apparent magnitude the brightness of a star as seen from earth
retrograde motion the movement of an object in the sky, usually a planet, from east to west, rather than its normal motion from west to east; this effect is generally produced when Earth is passing the planet in its orbit.
meteorites a meteoroid that is large enough to pass through earth's atmosphere and reach the ground without being totally burned up.
rotation the turning of an object around its imaginary axis running through it; Earth's rotation around its axis is 24 hours
astronomical units the average distance between earth and the sun, about 150 x 10(6)
comet an object composed of rocky material, ice and gas; comes from the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud
Created by: caitlynkummer
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