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abi, ağabey older brother
abla older sister
aile family
ailende kimler var? who is in your family?
amca father's brother
anne mom
anneanne mother's mother
baba father
babaanne father's mother
bebek baby
bu kim? who is this?
büyükbaba grand dad
çocuk child
çocuklar children
dayı mother's brother
dede grand dad
dolu-boş full-empty
enişte brother in low
erkek men
erkek kardeş brother
güçlü strong
güzel-çirkin beautiful-ugly
hala father's sister
kadın woman
karı wife
kayınbaba father in low
kaynana mother in low
kel bold
kız girl
kız kardeş sister
koca husband
kuru-ıslak dry-wet
kuzen cousin
mutlu-üzgün happy-sad
oğul son
uzun boylu tall
kısa boylu short
kısa saçlı short haired
uzun saçlı long haired
zayıf-şişman skinny-fat
sıcak-soğuk hot-cold
tatlı-ekşi sweet-sour
temiz-kirli clean-dirty
teyze mother's sister
torun grand son
utangaç shy
uzun-kısa long/tall-short
yakışıklı handsome
yaşlı-genç old-young
yeğen nephew, niece
yenge sister in low
yeni-eski new-old
zengin-fakir rich-poor
çalışkan-tembel hardworking-lazy
becerikli skillfull
o nasıl biri? what type of person is he?
o nasıl biri? what does he look like?
Created by: fatihersoy
Popular Turkish sets




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