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Britain 1640 - 1642

The failure to compromise

What did parliament do in 1640? Abolish ship money and passed a Triennial Act
Triennial Act In 1641 Parliament passed this act declaring that parliament must be called at least every three years
Root and Branch Petition In December 1640 15,000 London puritans supported radical MP John Pym, calling for the removal of Bishops from the church.
What were Conservatives reaction to the Root and Branch petition? A threat to the established order
Bill of Attainder In May 1641 this bill was passed permitting the execution of principal minister, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Stafford.
Militia Bill In November 1641 this Bill proposed that parliament should control any army to crush the Irish Rebellion that began in October 1641
What was conservatives opinion on the Militia Bill? They regarded it is as a direct threat to the most important royal prerogative - command of the armed forces
Grand Remonstrance In November 1641 Pym made a document listing Charles faults since 1625 explaining why he's incapable of being responsible for armed forces
What was the reaction of the Grand Remonstrance? Moderates disliked the way it was addressed bringing up old grievances from the past. However the people appealed to the document.
Constitutional Royalism A number of moderates prepared to support Royalism as a source of order and stability
English Civil War August 1642 between Round-heads (Parliamentarians) and Cavaliers (Royalists)
What event was the final straw leading to the start of the Civil War? In January 1642 Charles attempted to arrest his five leading parliamentary opponents accusing them of seeking to subvert laws and encouraging the Scots to invade England. The "Five Members" had been forewarned and fled.
Nineteen Prepositions In June 1642 demands were made: Reform of the church, Militia under parliamentary control, parliaments supervise the upbringing and marriage of Charles children, laws against Jesuits and Recusants and Lords and Commons approve Privy Councillors
How did Charles react to the Nineteen Prepositions? He attempted to compromise but the severity of the demands implied that Parliament was not willing to negotiate with Charles.
Start of the Civil war in July, parliament voted to raise an army under the leadership of the Earl of Essex. In response, in August Charles raised his standard in Nottingham and declared war on parliament.
Recusants a person who refused to attend services of the Church of England.
Jesuits a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works.
Created by: Haribro
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