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Patient Education

Effective patient education helps patients become healthier and more independent.
Goal of patient education assist individuals, families, or communities in achieving optimal levels of health.
JCAHO sets standards for patient and family education.
Maintenance and promotion of health and illness prevention (pg. 177 box 10-2) Society has more access to information; this makes people more likely to seek early diagnosis and treatment. e.g. immunizations, first aid, safety, avoiding smoking etc.
Restoration of Health (pg 177 box 10-2) Patients must be able to adapt to illness and be willing to learn to effectively educate a patient; including family sometimes helps. e.g. (factors r/t disease or condition)
Coping with impared functioning (pg 177 10-2) Patients who never fully recover from illnesses or injury may require new skills to continue ADL's. e.g. home care, rehab, PT, OT etc.
Teaching is an interactive process that promotes learning. It consists of a set of actions that helps individuals gain new knowledge or perform new skills.
Learning learning new knowledge or skills through practice and experience.
Teaching and learning begin when a person identifies a need for knowing or acquiring an ability to do something.
Teaching is most effective when it responds to a learner's immediate needs.
The teacher identifies these needs by asking questions and determining the learners interest.
Referent TEACHING ASPECT: perceived need to provide person with information.
Sender TEACHING ASPECT: Teacher that assists person in learning.
Intrapersonal variables (sender) TEACHING ASPECT: teachers philosophy of education (based on learning theory) teaching approach values, & emotions.
Message TEACHING ASPECT: content of information taught.
Channels TEACHING ASPECT: Methods used to present material(senses)
Receiver TEACHING ASPECT: learner
Intrapersonal variables (receiver) TEACHING ASPECT: Willingness and ability to learn. (physical and developmental health)
Feedback TEACHING ASPECT: determination of whether the learner achieved the learning objectives.
Nurses role in teaching and learning answering patients questions, and providing information and clarifying information.
Learning objective what the patient will be able to do after successful instruction.
Effective communication depends on the effectiveness of your communication skills.
Return Demonstration learner restates the received information or demonstrates learned skills.
Learning occurs in 3 domains cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Cognitive learning (understanding) what the patient knows and understands.
Affective learning (values) includes the patients feelings, attitudes, opinions and values.
Psychomotor learning (motor skills) patients require integration of knowledge and physical skills e.g. walking with a walker or giving an insulin injection.
Motivation internal impulse that causes a person to do something or take initiative to learn.
Attentional set mental state that allows the learner to focus on and understand the material. e.g. mental pictures to visualize ideas
Physical conditions (pain, hunger, or fatigue) impair a persons ability to concentrate.
Ability to learn is influenced by mental and physical capabilities.
Teaching infant consistency, smiling, speaking softly, & allowing infant to touch different textures.
Teaching Toddler Play, picture books, & use simple words
Teaching Preschooler role-playing, imitation & play; make it, short stories & encourage questions.
Teaching School aged child teach psychomotor skills, discuss & answer sessions.
Teaching Adolescent Teach about feelings & self expression, problem solving, & allow them to make positive health choices.
Teaching young or middle adult encourage independent learning, offer information, set mutual goals.
Teaching Older adult involve rested, alert patient in discussion of activity, focus on strengths, teach in short sessions, enhance sensory stimuli.
Ideal learning room good lighting and ventilation, appropriate furniture, and a comfortable temperature.
Time to teach when a patient enters the health facility, discharge, & home.
Selling approach uses 2 way communication; instruction is based on the patients response.
Participating you and the patient set objectives and participate in the learning process together.
Entrusting gives the patient the ability to manage self-care.
Reinforcement Feedback is a common reinforcement "Good job".
Preparatory instruction providing information about procedures.
Analogies add to verbal instruction by providing familiar images that make complex information more real and understandable.
Discovery useful for teaching problem solving, application, and independent thinking.
Created by: vyhlidal-m001
Popular Nursing sets




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