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Normal Neonate#2

Assessment of NB

Acrocyanosis bluish discoloration of the hands & feet d/t reduced peripheral circulation
Cafe-au-lait spots light brown birthmarks
Caput succedaneum area of edema over the presenting part of the fetus/NB resulting from pressure against the cervic; aka caput
Cephalhematoma bleeding between periosteum and skull from pressure during birth; does not cross suture line
Choanal atresia abnormality of nasal septum that obstructs one or both passages
Craniosynostosis premature closure of the sutures of the infant's head
Cryptorchidism failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum
Epispadias abnormal placement of the urinary meatus to the dorsal aspect of the penis
Erythema toxicum benign rash of unknown origin in NB's, with blotchy red area that may have white or yellow papules or vesicles in the center
Hypospadias abnormal placement of urinary meatus on the ventral side of the penis
Lanugo fine soft hair that covers the fetus
Milia white cysts, 1-2 mm in size, resulting from distended sebaceous glands
Molding shaping of the fetal head during movement thru the birth canal
Mongolian spots bruiselike marks that occur mostly in NB's with dark skin tones
Nevus flammeus permanent purple birthmark; aka PORT-WINE STAIN
Nevus simplex flat pink area on the nape of neck, mid-forehead, or over the eyelids resulting from dilation of capillaries; aka stork bites, salmon patches, TELANGIECTATIC NEVI
Nevus vasculosis rough, red collection of capillaries with raised surface that disappears over time; aka strawberry hemangioma
Periodic breathing cessation of breathing lasting 5-10 seconds without changes in color or heart rate
Point of maximum impulse area of the chest in which heart sounds are loudest when auscultated
Polydactyly more than 10 digits on the hands or feet
Pseudomenstration vaginal bleeding in the NB, resulting from w/d of placental hormones
Strabismus turning inward ("crossing") or outward of the eyes d/t poor tone in muscles that control the eyes; can be in one or both eyes; normal in NB's
Syndactyly webbing between fingers or toes
Tachypnea RR above 60 bpm after the first hour of life
Vernix caseosa thick, white substance that protects skin of fetus
Created by: bmwidener
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