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NAQT Psychologists

NameIdeasWorksLife Span
Sigmund Freud Founded Psychoanalysis, "Free Association", Psyche = Id (illogical passion), Ego (rational thought), Superego (moral and social conscience), many problems caused by mental states not biochemical dysfunction The Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life Austrian, 1856-1939
Carl Jung Split with Freud, founded "analytic psychology", "Collective unconscious", personality types, anima, animus, introversion, extroversion, archetypes, Myers-Briggs Indicator inspired by personality types theory The Development of Personality, Psychology of the Unconscious Austrian, 1875-1961
Alfred Adler Split with Freud, neuroses from inability to reach self-realization, "inferiority complexes", "individual psychology" Neurotic Constitution Austrian, 1870-1937
Ivan Pavlov Physiologist, not psychologist, "conditioned reflex", Nobel Prize 1904 for work on digestive secretions Conditioned Reflexes Russian, 1849-1936
John B. Watson first exponent of behaviorism, psychology could be completely grounded in objective measurements, conditioned 11 month old boy to be afraid of furry objects Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology American, 1878-1958
B. F. Skinner leading proponent of behaviorism, all human actions understood by physical stimuli and learned responses, no need to study mental states or motivations, trained pigeons to play table tennis Walden II, Beyond Freedom and Dignity American, 1904-1990
Jean Piaget greatest figure of 20th century developmental pysch., studies of the way children learn, 4 stages of development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational The Language and Thought of a Child, The Origins of Intelligence in Children Swiss, 1896-1980
Erik Erikson theories of how social institutions reflect universal features of psychosocial development, notable eight stage development process, "pyschohistories" of Luther, Gandhi, coined term "identity crisis" Childhood and Society, The Life Cycle Completed German-born American, 1902-1994
Abraham Maslow "hierarchy of needs', (food, shelter, love, esteem, etc.), "self-actualization", lowest unmet need tends to dominate conscious thoughts Motivation and Personality, Toward a Psychology of Being American, 1908-1970
Stanley Milgram Small World Phenomenon - "six degrees of separation", "lost-letter" technique, "obedience to authority", electric shock experiments The Small World Problem, The Perils of Obedience American, 1933-1984
Created by: rockley63
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