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Part 1 portfolio

This is for my end of the semester portfolio

Reasons why American Colonists settled where they did Religious freedom, Slavery, Debtors Prison, Economic Gain
Foundations of American Democracy Ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece
Why did the Anti-Federalists oppose the ratification of the Constitution in 1787? They dreaded that the present national government would be overcome with power and threaten peoples liberties, given the none existence of a bill of rights.
Thomas Paine and Common Sense On January 9, 1776 Thomas writes and publishes his pamphlet "Common Sense"
Declaration of Independence Is a piece of paper stating the rights of the American people as a whole.
Shay’s Rebellion A series of savage attacks on courthouses and other government property.
Louisiana Purchase A land deal between France and the U.S.
Missouri Compromise of 1820 North and the South were at odds when Missouri wanted to become a free state and to keep the free and slave state equal they made North Maine will be a free state.
Compromise of 1850 5 bills were passed, First: California was a free state. Second: Organization of the South West territories. Third: Was the adjustment of the border. Fourth: Slave trade in district of Colombia. Fifth: Fugitive Slave Law
Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny, a phrase originated in 1845, showed the philosophy of territorial expansion of the 19th-century U.S
Economic differences of the North and South prior to the Civil War North was based on manufacturing and was populated by Irish, German, and other Europeans while the South was Population of the South made England and Scotland) and enslaved Africans, most cities also lived near farms
Lincoln’s goal in the Civil War His actual goal was preserving the Union and not freeing slaves like we thought at first.
Seneca Falls Convention First ever woman's right convention
Reconstruction Period After the Civil War the slaves were free and it was a challenge for the south during the reconstruction for the African Americans.
President Andrew Johnson and the Reconstruction Period Under President Johnson, new legislature were passed to control the labor and behavior of former slaves and other African Americans known as the " black codes"
Result of the Civil War Union Victory
Black Codes Black codes were confining laws produced to limit African Americans freedom and ensure their accessibility as a cheap work force after slavery ended during the Civil War.
Native Americans The original indigenous people of the United States
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 The statute of 1882 ceased Chinese immigration for a decade and announced the Chinese as unqualified for naturalization.
Indian Wars between 1860-1890 The result of hostility, cultural differences and both sides feeling superior have happened various tribes and non-Indians. White-Indian wars were often very brutal and almost wiped out the indigenous people.
Homestead Act of 1862 On May 1862 , the Homestead Act opened settlement into West United States, allowing Americans, freed slaves included, to put a claim up to 160 acres of free federal land.
Transcontinental Railroad First railroad that connected the East Coast and the West Coast.
Development of the Great Plains The region included Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming
Three-fifths Compromise A compromise between state delegates reached at the U.S. constitutional Convention of 1787
Reconstruction goals after the Civil War To recreate political and social organizations of the South so that the industrialism of the North can be certain of national hegemony
Economic impact of the Civil War In 1865 the nation was in debt of 2.7 billion dollars which the interest is double the amount of the national budget of 1860
Tenements A home divided into separate living quarters for multiple families
Women's’ Suffrage Movement The Women's Suffrage Movement is the group that fought for women's rights
Battleship Maine Submarine sinks ship killing 260 men
Why was the North worried about Great Britain during the Civil War? They were afraid that Great Britain would join the South and strengthen the Confederacy
Impressments Impressment is the practice of forcing men to join the military service
Trail of Tears The forced movement of Native Americans from their homelands of Missouri to Oklahoma
Why did the South secede from the Union? Because they didn't agree with the Union and formed The Confederacy
Emancipation Proclamation All the African Americans that were slaves were to be let set free
Why could Lincoln not carry out his plan of Reconstruction? He was assassinated before he could carry it out
Mukrackers Brave group of reporters who uncover injustices so dark they made the normal American man/woman blood run cold.
Who had great job opportunities during WWI when they did not before the war? Women
Treaty of Versailles Most important Peace Treaty that brought WW1 to an end
Why did US enter WWI? The main reason why America joined WW1 was unrestricted submarine warfare
League of Nations international organization
Americans reaction to WWI Shock and horror
Lusitania sinking A U-boat German torpedoed a British-owned extravagant steamship Lusitania killing around 1,128 people
Zimmermann Telegram German Foreign Office had a secret communicating diplomat known as the Zimmerman Telegram
Created by: Samantha1130
Popular History sets




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