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3rd six wks

creditable adj. deserving commendation; praise-worthy
credulous adj. tending to believe
creed n. any statement or system of belief, principles, or opinions that guides a person's actions
discredit trans v. cast doubt on; destroy belief, faith, or trust in. 2. to damage in reputation; disgrace. 3. to refuse to believe in. noun. 1. doubt; lack of belief or trust. 2. loss or damage to ones reputation. 3. something that brings disgrace or distrust
incredible adj. 1.too extraordinary to be possible. 2. astonishing; amazing
miscreant n. a person who behaves badly or criminally; villain. adj. wicked; base.
haven n. a place of rest or refuge; sanctuary. 2. a sheltered harbor or port.
invincible adj too strong or great to be defeated; unconquerable.
mettle n. 1.spirit; daring; pluck 2. a strength of character or purpose equal to a test
resilient 1. recovring strength or spirits quickly. 2. springing back into position or shape.
stalwart adj. 1. physically strong; sturdy; robust. 2. resolute; firm n. 1. a sturdy, strong-willed person 2. a loyal supporter
stamina n. endurance; resistance to fatigue, illness, or hardship
assail 1. to attack; assault 2. to attack verbally
bulwark n. 1. a defesive wall; rampart. 2. any protection or defense
citadel 1. a fortress in or near a city. 2.any stronghold
fortitude n. strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or trouble with courage
impetuous adj. tending toward suddenness and boldness of action; impulsive; hasty
incite trans. verb. to provoke to action; rouse; stir up
indolent 1. reluctant to exert oneself; habitually lazy. 2. suggesting a calm idleness and ease
inert 1. having no power to move or act; lifeless 2. Exhibiting no chemical activity
pandemonium 1. wild uproar or noise; tumult 2. a place of wild disorder and confusion
serenity n. quality of being untroubled or unruffled; peacefullness
alacrity n. speed and willing ness ina acting or responding; cheerful readiness; eagerness
composure n. control over one's emotions; steadiness of manner; tranquility
ennui n. listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest; boredom
imperturbable adj. not easily disturbed or excited; unshakably calm and collected
flamboyant adj. 1. exaggerated or high-flown in style or manner; showy. 2. higlhly elaborate; ornate 3. richly colored; vivid
intrepid adj. courageous; fearless; bold
pacific adj. promoting peace; peaceful; tranquil; serene
reserved 1.quiet and restrained in manner 2. held for a particular person or persons
strident adj. having a shrill, harsh, and grating sound or effect
unabashed adj. not embarrassed or ashamed
credence n. 1. acceptance as true or valid; belief. 2. claim to acceptance; trustworthiness
credential n. something that entitles a person to confidence, credit, or authority. 2 a letter or other written evidence of a person's qualifications or status; a reference
credibility n. 1. the quality of deserving confidence; plausibility; reliability 2. readiness to believe:challenges the reader's credibility
dubious adj. 1. doubtful; uncertain 2. questionable as to quality or validity: a dubious scheme
indeterminate adj. 1. not capable of being determined or decided; not precisely known; indefinite 2. lacking clarity or precision; vague
inevitable adj. incapable of being avoided or prevented
precarious adj. dangerously lacking in security or stability; unsafe; risky
qualm n. 1. a sensation of doubt or misgiving; uneasiness 2. a pang of conscience 3. a sudden, brief feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea
unequivocal adj. leaving no doubt or misunderstanding; perfectly clear
vacillate intrans. verb to waver indecisively between one course of action or opinion an another; hesitate
apprehensive adj. anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy
categorical adj 1. without exception or qualification; positive; absolute 2. of or in a category
conclusive adj. serving to put an end to doubt question, or uncertainty; decisive; convincing
brazen adj. rudely bold; insolent. trans. verb to face or undergo with bold or brash self-assurance
complaisant adj. showing a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging; amiable
conspicuous adj. 1. easy to notice; obvious 2. attracting attention by being unusual or remarkable
docile adj. easily managed or taught; gentle
accredit trans. verb 1. to recognize as having met official standards. 2. to ascribe or attribute to; credit with. 3. to authorize
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