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BJU Space/Earth 8

BJU - Space and Earth Science - Chapter 8 (4th edition)

volcano A depositional mountain built from solidified molten rock coming from deep win the earth
igneous A rock formed from solidified magma or lava
vent An opening in the earth’s crust from which lava and gases can escape
lava Liquid magma that has escaped from the earth’s interior
crater In general, any distinct, roughly circular, walled depression in the earth’s surface; a depression at the top of a volcano containing the volcano’s main vent or caldera
pyroclastic material Sharp, fragmented, solidified lava, including ash, cinders, tephra, and bombs
tephra Deposits of loose pyroclastic materials and ash covering the ground
flood basalt A thick layer of igneous rock that covers a large area of the earth’s surface; also called a basalt trap
shield volcano A broad, flattened, dome-shaped volcano built up by successive quiet eruptions of runny lava
cinder cone A small, steep-sided volcano made mainly of cinder-like pyroclastic materials
stratovolcano Also called a composite volcano; a medium-sized volcano built up of deposits of lava from quiet eruptions alternating with layers of pyroclastic materials from explosive ones
active volcano A volcano that is currently erupting or has been observed to erupt in historical times
dormant volcano A complete volcano that has not been observed to erupt within historical times. Seismic activity beneath it may indicate it could erupt in the future.
extinct volcano A volcano that has never erupted within historical times, shows no seismic activity, and is often heavily eroded
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) An intensity scale that rates a volcano’s destructiveness and explosive power on the amount of matterit ejects during an irruption
intrusive volcanism Any process or feature that involved the forcible entry of magma into a pre-existing rock formation
pluton An intrusive igneous feature that formed when a large volume of magma collected within a chamber in the earth’s crust, and then cooled and hardened
geothermal gradient The rate that temperature rises with increasing depth into the earth’s interior
geyser A hot spring that forcefully ejects hot water and steam from the ground at regular intervals
geothermal energy Steam from groundwater heated by magma intrusions that can be harnessed to generate electrical power and heat
Created by: marchscience
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