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D GRE Words

GRE Words

Arcane (adj.) understood by few; mysterious or secret. The reason Trump is president is _.
Attenuate (v.) To reduce in force or degree to weaken. Earplugs should _ Maria's snoring, but it doesn't.
Corroborate (v.) To provide supporting evidence. (confirm). The women did not _ for her sexual assault.
Decorum (n.) appropriateness of behavior. Kevin shows remarkable _ at our family event, which made him our role model.
Deference (n.) respect, courtesy. Clara treated Zach with _ by calling him Mr. Hern.
Desultory (adj.) lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. Disconnected, A _ search for something interesting on TV.
Deride (v.) to mock, treat with contempt. Alex was often _ by other students for being a special ed kid.
Diatribe (n.) a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. My mom's _ against politic problems between Taiwan and China is unhealthy.
Castigate (v.) to punish or criticized harshly. Ruxi was _ harshly by Paula b/c he used carbon NMR.
Diffident (adj.) shy due to lack of confidence. I showed _ behavior when Paula asked me a chemistry question during group meeting.
Dilate (v.) to make larger; to expand. The optometrist _ my eyes for eye check up.
Dilatory (adj.) slow to act, intended to delay. I don't like going to Olive Garden because they have _ service.
Dilettante (n.) someone with superficial interest or a branch of knowledge. I consider myself as a dance _.
Superficial (adj.) existing or occurring on the surface. The building only suffered _ damage.
Dirge (n.) A funeral hymn (song or poem) or mournful speech. Me and my cousins were required to give a _ for my grandpa's funeral.
Disabuse (v.) Persuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken. Joseph _ my knowledge on running a column and TLC.
Discern (v.) To perceive; to recognize. I can't _ the difference between the identical twins.
Disparate (adj.) fundamentally different; entirely unlike. Zach and Cody appear to be identical physically, but their personalities are _.
Dissemble (v.) to present a false appearance; disguise one's real intentions or feelings. Joseph _ his relationship with me towards his friends.
Dissonance (n.) a disagreeable combination; Lack of harmony among musical notes. When the news announced that vegetables are actually bad for health, it created a cognitive _ for everyone.
Dogma (n.) a firmly held opinion; often a religious belief. According to Christian _, lovers should not have sex until marriage.
Dupe (v.) to deceive, to trick; (n.) a person who is easily deceived. Some students tried to _ the professor by having a smarter student taking the exam for them.
Created by: shirleygre
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