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Haus ohne Hoffnung

Duetsch Vokabal - Dr. Gruber 201

absperren to close off
Abweisen to send away
am Apparat on the phone
aufwachsen to grow up
ausländerfeindlich xenophobic
betreuen to take care of
das Jugendzentrum youth center
das Mitglied member
das Wohnheim home for asylum seekers
der Anschlag attack
der Artikel article
der Briefkasten letter box
der Bürgermeister mayor
der Esel donkey
der Friedhof cemetery
der Kiesweg gravel path
der Mord murder
der Mordverdacht suspcion of murder
der Schnee the snow
die Asylsuchenden asylum seeker
die Beerdigung burial or funeral
die Bewohner inhabitants
der Buchstaben letters or the alphabet
die Dritte Welt 3rd world
die Filmschachtel cardboard film box
die Glatze bald or skinhead
die Kirchengemeinde congregation
die Leiche corpse
die Parolen slogans
die Platzwunde blunt trauma
die Provinz out in the sticks
die Schaulustigen rubber neckers
die Scheibe a piece or bread or pane of glass
die Scherben shards of glass
die Spur a clue
die Todesursache cause of death
die Wiese meadow
die Zeitung newspaper
eine Nummer wählen to dial a number
endlich finaly
erreichen to reach
fürchten to fear
garantieren to guarantee
leise softly or quietly
schuldig guilty
sich verstecken to hide
sowieso anyway
tot aufgefunden found dead
übrigens by the way
wütend furious
Created by: Boropiper4
Popular German sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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