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CPT and ICD Coding

Business Practice Coding Exams

A spider ran past me ewww stands for anesthesia, surgery, radiology, path/lab, medication, eval and management
ICD Code Breakdown first 3=category, 4=etiology, 5=severity, 6=anatomical position, 7=duration
what factors determine the level of service for lacerations anatomical location, type of laceration (cm), severity of repair
what factors determine the level of service for burns degree of burn, body surface area, agent
what factors determine the level of service for fractures is it closed or open, manipulation
what do you need in order to determine the level of service for doctors visits POS, TOS, PATIENT STATUS
ICD ( International Classification of Diseases) is the same as American nomenclature of disease
The CPT manual is broken into 2 volumes
volume 1 of the CPT book is tabular list (description)
volume 2 of the CPT book is instruction manual (index)
updates or changes to the CPT manual take place every January
an automated system that uses language processing software and can assign codes to clinical procedures and services is called computer assisted coding (CAC)
for coding purposes, the definition of new patient is one who has not received any professional services from physician, or another physician of same specialty who belongs to the same group practice in the past 3 years
explain the difference between a consult and a patient referral consult: gives (2nd opinion) regarding a condition or need for surgery and may initiate diagnostic or therapeutic services Referral; the transfer of the total or specific care of a patient from one physician to another
CPT Symbols= plus sign, dark dot, dark triangle add-on code, new code, revised code
in what section of CPT are office visits and hospital visits found? E/M Section
To code from the evaluation and management (E/M) section of CPT, what three things must be determined POS, TOS, Patient Status
when coding lesion removals on male or female genitalia, always select codes from the integumentary subsection of the surgery section in CPT False
the documentation required in a patient medical record when an injection is given includes the following record name of the med, amount of substance to be injected (cubic cm, grams, units), the lot number from the bottle, route and site
A two-digit code used in addition to the procedure code to indicate circumstances in which the procedure differs in some way from that described is called a modifier
A five digit code that can't stand alone but is designed to be used with primary procedure codes, known as "parent codes" are add-on codes
the first classification of causes of death was introduced by the French physician Jacques Bertillon in the year 1893
what was the compliance implementation date for using ICD-10-CM codes 2013
what does computerized assisted coding use to read and analyze the medical record natural language intelligence, and clinical language intelligence
what guidelines does the medical assistant need to become familiar with to assign correct diagnostic codes ICD-10
each service performed needs to be linked to a reason why it was done. (connects procedure codes to diagnostic codes) Code Linkage
what is the abbreviation for the coding edits that were implemented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to promote correct coding and control inappropriate reimbursement NCCI (National Correct Coding Initiative)
NCCI (National Correct Coding Initiative) inappropriate reimbursement
A single code used to describe two diagnoses is called a
qualified diagnosis a code that is set and qualified for use based on codes like signs, symptoms, abnormal test results, or other reasons for the encounter. You would not code instead rule out, suspects, suspicion, likely probable as a diagnosis
NEC not-elsewhere classifiable, can't find the right description to code diagnosis
NOS not-otherwise specified, not enough clinical evidence to code diagnosis
when coding an underlying cause of a disease, along with the disease that resulted you would follow what rule? etiology and manifestation rule
what is coded first according to the etiology and manifestation rule underlying condition (etiology)=cause
what is coded second according to the etiology and manifestation rule manifestations (disease that resulted) =effect
to caode diagnoses, you must start where an go where to verify start in volume 2 and then go to volume 1 to verify
Diagnotic codes using ICD-10-CM can vary from what to what digits 3 to 7 digits
"x" used in the fourth, fifth, or sixth digit with certain character codes to allow for future expansion is call ed a place holder
primary malignant original site of tumor
secondary malignant additional tumor that appears at site of metastasize
carcinoma in citu a tumor that is localized or confined to site of origin
neoplasm uncertain behaviour properties of tumor is not recognized as benign or malignant , status of tumor not documented by MD or pathologist
unspecified neoplasm monitor a skin tag or area to see if it is benign, malignant, etc
routine postoperative pain should not be coded true
a coding compliance program is voluntary
CPT codes are revised each January
care of an unstable, acutely ill, or injured patient requiring constant bedside attention by a physician is referred to as critical care
The "three R's" to remember when coding consultation services are request, record, and report
consultation codes are no longer used by medicare
how many sections are there in CPT 6
when coding evaluation and management services, first determine place of service, type of service, patient status
three key components needed to code evaluation and management services are history, physical examination, medical decision making
when coding from the surgery section of CPT, the first thing you should do is go to the index
according to CPT, a surgical package includes the operation, certain types of anesthesia, and normal uncomplicated postoperative care within designated follow-up days
the sums of multiple laceration repairs can be added together if they are in the same body area, as defined in CPT and the are the same "type" of wound
in CPT, descriptions for "indented codes" always relate back to the parent code
starting at the beginning of the following subsections in the surgery section, codes are arranged by anatomic site
ICD-10-CM has replaced ICD-9-CM on October 1st, 2013 or 2015
coexisting medical conditions are referred to as comorbidity
when coding diagnoses, start by looking in volume 2
in an inpatient setting, the condition established after study that prompted the hospitalization is called the primary diagnosis , first-listed diagnosis
checking a diagnostic code against a procedure code to ensure medical necessity is referred to as code linkage
when a single code exists that can classify two diagnoses, a diagnosis with a secondary process, or a diagnosis with an associated complication, it is referred to as a double code
a qualified diagnosis is a condition coded as if it existed but has not been proven
all categories in ICD-10-CM have 3 alphanumeric digits
tables listed in ICD-10-CM are neoplasm table and table of drugs and chemicals
when a patient presents with influenza, the type of flu documented in the medical record does not have to be verified by positive laboratory serology
if documentation in a patients medical record does not state "open fracture" code it as closed
burns are classified by depth, extent, agent
a disease or condition that has a rapid onset and a short severe course is said to be acute
a disease or condition that progresses slowly and has a long duration is said to be chronic
a disease or condition that develops more slowly than acute but more rapidly then chronic condition sub-acute
a correlating procedure found in the same section would be called a code bundle
consultation codes not used by medicare , medicare uses time intervals for appointments
v,w,x,y,z external morbidities
wellness diagnostic code z
Created by: shosho1994
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