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P2 PHAR 7212

Pharmacy Practice III - Medications 001-050

Coumadin: class & indications? Vitamin K antagonist, venous thromboembolism prophylaxis treatment, atrial fibrillations, heart valves
Urecholine: indications? Urinary retention
Bethanechol: class & dosage? Cholinergic, tablets
Urecholine (Bethanechol): comments? Bladder smooth muscle, useful post-op/post-partum, 30-60 mins ac -> systemic absorp -> dec. N/V
Isopto Carpine: indications? Open angle glaucoma
Pilocarpine: class & dosage? Cholinergic, eye drops
Isopto Carpine (pilocarpine): comments? Miotic, decrease intraocular pressure
Aricept: indication? Mild/moderate Alheimer's
Donepezil: class & dosage? Cholinergic, 5mg q hs
Aricept (donepezil): comments? Reversible AChE inhibitor, AE: N/A/D, wt loss, Take at night to (x) AE
Warfarin sodium: dosage? 2-10mg daily
Coumadin (warfarin sodium): comments? Narrow therapeutic index, dosage regimens vary widely, dosage tab strengths (1,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,7.5,10), increases drug interaction, adverse effects of bleeding/bruising, pt education, use as directed, avoid alcohol & aspirin, inr target 2-3
Reserpine: class & indication? B antagonist, hypertension
Reserpine: dosage? Tablet
Reserpine (reserpine): comments? CV agent: depletes stores of catecholamines & 5-HT, increased AE of depression
Isopto Atropine: indication? To cause mydrisas/cycloplegia
Atropine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, eye drops
Isopto Atropine (atropine): comments? Relax sphincter MM in iris/ciliary body, Photophobia, Tx: cardiac arrest (inc. HR)
Transderm-Scop: indication? Nausea/vomiting, motion sickness
Scopolamine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, topical patch
Transderm-Scop (scopolamine): comments? AE: drowsiness, Apply behind ear 4h prior, Replace q 72h
Cogentin: indication? Parkinson's
Benztropine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, 0.5 - 2mg daily
Cogentin (benztropine): comments? Caution hot weather, decreases cholngrc tone due to dopamine deficiency
Bentyl: indication? IBS
Dicyclomine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, 20-40mg tid-qid
Bentyl (dicyclomine): comments? Relax GI smMM, Take 30 min ac for sys. absorp Inc. [] when Sx begin
Levsin: indication? IBS
Hyoscyamine 0.125mg: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, 0.125-0.25mg q 4h prn
Levsin (hyoscyamine): comments? Relax GI smMM, Oral: 30 min ac, SL: faster peak
Levsinex/Levbid: indication? IBS
Hyoscyamine 0.375mg: dosage? 1-2 q 12h
Levsinex/Levbid (hyoscyamine): comments? Relax GI smMM, take on schedule, NOT prn dosing
Ditropan/XL: indication? Overactive bladder
Oxybutynin: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, 5mg tid, 5mg XL qd
Ditropan/XL (oxybutynin): comments? Relax bladder smMM, AE: xerostomia, drowsiness, constipation
Detrol/LA: indication? Overactive bladder
Tolterodine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic, 2mg tab bid, 4mg LA cap qd
Coreg: class & indication? B Antagonist, CHF & HTN
Carvedilol: dosage? Starting dose of 3.125 mg bid, under 85kg 25mg bid, over 85kg 50mg bid for CHF, HTN 25mg bid
Coreg (carvedilol): comments? Also a nonselective a1 antagonist, take w/ food to decrease cmax to decrease a1 activities to decrease dizziness, counsel that it will feel worse before better
Normodyne, Trandate: class & indication? B Antagonist nonselective, HTN
Labetalol: dosage? 200mg bid
Normodyne, Trandate (labetalol): comments? Also a1 antagonist, increase dizziness
Cosopt: class & indication? B antagonist, open-angle glaucoma
Dorzolamide, timolol: dosage? 1 gtt in affected eye(s) bid
Cosopt (dorzolamide, timolol): comments? Carbonic anhydrase inhibition or decrease formation of aqueous humor, PDR: drug-disease interaction, asthma
Timoptic: class & indication? B antagonist non-selective, open-angle glaucoma
Timolol: dosage? 1 gtt in affected eye(s) bid
Timoptic (timolol): comments? PDR: drug-disease interaction, asthma
Tenormin: class & indication? B1 antagonist, angina pectoris (long term), HTN
Atenolol: dosage? 50-200 mg qd angina pectoris, 50-100mg qd htn
Tenormin (atenolol): comments? Adherence important: upregulation can cause rebound HTN
Zebeta: class & indication? B1 antagonist, HTN
Bisoprolol: dosage? 2.5-10mg qd
Zebeta (bisoprolol): comments? adherence important: upregulation can cause rebound HTN
Beoptic: class & indication? B1 antagonist, open-angle glaucoma
Betaxolol: dosage? 1-2 gtts in affected eye(s) bid
Beoptic (betaxolol): comments? decrease formation of aqueous humor
Inderal LA: class & indication? B1 & B2 antagonist, HTN, angina prophylaxis
Propranolol: dosage? 30-160mg qd angina prophylaxis, 120-160mg qd HTN
Inderal LA (propranolol): comments? PDR: drug-disease interaction, asthma, adherence important: upregulation can cause rebound HTN
Toprol XL: class & indication? B1 antagonist, HTN, CHF, angina pectoris (long term)
Metoprolol succinate: dosage? 12.5-25mg qd CHF, 25-100mg qd HTN, 100mg qd angina pectoris (long term)
Toprol XL (metoprolol succinate): comments? up to 400mg qd, for angina pectoris & HTN, up to 200mg qd for CHF, do not give if acutely symptomatic; stable give low dose to inhibit reflex overdrive then titrate overtime to live longer (CHF?)
Atrovent: indication? Asthma maintenance
Iprotropium: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic 2 puffs (or 1 vial neb) tid-qid
Atrovent(iprotropium): comments? NOT rapid acting, use on schedule DoA: 4-6h
Combivent: indication? Asthma maintenance
Iprotropium/albuterol(not Duoneb): class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic 2 puffs qid
Combivent(ipratropium/albuterol): comments? Use on schedule PDR: days supply, over/underutilization
Duoneb: indication? Asthma maintenance
Ipratropium/albuterol(not Combivent): class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic Nebulizer 1 vial qid
Duoneb(iprotropium/albuterol): comments? Use on schedule PDR: days supply, over/underutilization
Lopressor: class & indication? B1 antagonist, HTN, acute MI
Metoprolol tartrate: dosage? 100 mg qd or 50mg bid
Lopressor (metoprolol tartrate): comments? take w/ food to increase absorption, adherence important: upregulation can cause rebound HTN
Flomax: class & indication? selective a1 antagonist, BPH
Tamsulosin: dosage? 0.4 to 0.8mg qd
Flomax (tamsulosin): comments? Administer 30 min. before meal to decrease Cmax, delay Tmax, decrease AUC to decrease hypotensive effects, adherence important: sensitization can cause exaggerated hypotensive affect upon readministration
Proventil aerosol MDI: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Albuterol MDI: dosage? 1-2 puffs q4-6 prn
Proventil (albuterol) MDI & inhalation solution: comments? relax bronchial/uterine/vascular smooth muscle, can use 15 minutes prior to activity to prevent exercise induced bronchial spasms, AE: insomnia, nervousness, PDR: overutilization
Proventil inhalation solution: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Albuterol inhalation solution: dosage? 2.5mg tid-qid prn
Serevent Diskus: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma maintenance, bronchodilator
Spiriva: indication? Asthma maintenance
Tiotropium: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic one 18mcg cap qd
Spiriva(tiotropium): comments? t1/2: 5-6d Admin errors: repeat inhalation No systemic absorp if swallowed (+ charge+
Dopamine: indication? Hemodynamic imbalances
Dopamine (generic): class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic Injection
Dopamine(dopamine): comments? Inc. renal BF/SBP/HR Short t1/2 -> IV Dose/kg/min -> rate/h
Sinemet: indication? Parkinson's
Carbidopa/levodopa: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic Individualized Start 25/100mg tid
Sinemet(carbidopa/levodopa): comments? 10/100mg, 25/100mg, 25/250mg tabs L-dopa can X BBB -> dapamine in CNS Inc. dopamine in periphery -> nausea
Sinemet CR: indication? Parkinson's
Carbidopa/levodopa(extended release): class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic Individualized Start 50/200mg bid
Sinemet CR(carbidope/levodopa): comments? 25/100mg, 50/200mg tabs Scored, but do NOT crush/chew F: 70-75% vs. Sinemet
Dobutrex: indication? Cardiac decompensation CHF
Dobutamine: class & dosage? Anti-cholinergic Injection
Dobutrex(dobutamine): comments? + inotrope Short t1/2 -> IV
Naphcon (eye)Privine (nasal): indication? Ocular redness Nasal congestion
Naphazoline: class & dosage? A-agonist Eyedrops Nasal spray
Naphcon/Privine(naphazoline): comments? Imidazole Use < 3 days (rebound congestion)
OcuClear (eye)Afrin (nasal): indication? Ocular redness Nasal congestion
Oxymetazoline: class & dosage? A-agonist Eyedrops Nasal spray
OcuClear/Afrin(oxymetazoline): comments? Imidazole Use < 3 days (rebound congestion)
Sudafed: indication? Nasal congestion
Pseudoephedrine: class & dosage? A-agonist 60mg q 4-6h prn (adults)
Sudafed(pseudoephedrine): comments? Max dose: 240mg/day Inc. NE release -> indirect A-agonist Purchase limits: 3.6g/day; 9g/month
Salmeterol: dosage? 1 inhalation q12h
Serevent Diskus (salmeterol): comments? long acting duration of action 12 hours, administer diskus technique, powder
Foradil Aerolizer: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma maintenance, bronchodilator
Formoterol: dosage? one 12 mcg capsule inhaled q12h
Foradil Aerolizer (formoterol): comments? can use 15 minutes prior to activity to prevent exercise induced bronchial spasms, long acting duration of action 12 hours, adminster inhalation device technique, capsule, keep upright
Maxair Autohaler: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Pirbuterol: dosage? 1-2 inhalations q4-6h prn
Maxair Autohaler (pirbuterol): comments? can use 15 minutes prior to activity to prevent exercise induced bronchial spasms, administer autohaler technique, breath-activated, prime, shake, good for people w/ coordination difficulties
Xopenex inhalation solution: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Levalbuterol: dosage? 1 vial nebulized tid (dosage based on age)
Xopenex inhalation solution (levalbuterol): comments? 3 strengths solution (0.31, 0.63, 1.25mg/3mL), concentrate (1.25mg/0.5mL), must dilute concentrate, single isomer formulation of (R)-albuterol, if open must use in 2 weeks, if in light must use in 1 week, can use 15 min prior to activity to prevent EIBS
Brethine: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Terbutaline: dosage? 5mg tab tid, subq/oral
Brethine (terbutaline): comments? off label "Tocolytic" agent to relax uterine smooth muscles associated w/ preterm labor
Sudafed PE (oral)Neo-Synephrine (nasal): indication? Nasal congestion
Phenylephrine: class & dosage? A-agonist Tab Nasal spray
Sudafed PE/Neo-Synephrine(phenylephrine): comments? Topical use < 3 days (rebound congestion) Inc. est incident
Epinephrine: indication? Respiratory distress Anaphylaxis
Epinephrine: class & dosage? A-agonist Injection
Epinephrine(epinephrine): comments? A & B agonist Type 1 hypers. Rxns: vasocons, bronchodil. Epipen & Epipen JR
Catapres: indication? HTN
Clonidine: class & dosage? A2-agonist 0.1-0.4mg bid
Catapres(clonidine): comments? Start with 0.1mg bid Compliance essential -> rebound HTN A2-agonists: (x) CNS symp. outflow
Catapres-TTS: indication? HTN
Clonidine (patches): class & dosage? A2-agonist 0.1mg patch q 7d
Catapres-TTS(clonidine): comments? Rotate site once/week Compliance essential -> rebound HTN A2-agonist: (x) CNS symp. outflow
Alphagan P: indication? Open angle glaucoma
Brimonidine: class & dosage? A2-agonist 1 gtt q8h
Alpahgan P(brimonidine): comments? Dec. aq. humor production, inc. outflow Wait 5 mins before other eyedrops
Alupent: class & indication? B2 agonist, asthma rescue, bronchodilator
Metaproterenol: dosage? oral inhalation
Alupent (metaproterenol): comments? not used much, no advantage over Xopenex
Amitriptyline: class & indication? Tricyclic, depression
Amitriptyline: dosage? 40-150mg in divided doses or qhs
Amitriptyline (amtriptyline): comments? NT reuptake inhibitation which potentials NE & 5-HT, off label for neuropathic pain
Tofranil: class & indication? Tricyclic, childhood enuresis (>6 y/o)
Imipramine: dosage? 50-75mg qhs childhood enuresis, 50-150mg qd depression, 2.5mg/kg/day NMT or determine pediatric weight bc EKG/arrhythmia abnormalities can cause cardiotoxicity
Tofranil (imipramine): comments? NT reuptake inhibitor
Tofranil, Tofranil PM caps: class & indication? Tricyclic, depression
Minipress: indication? HTN
Prazosin: class & dosage? A1-antagonist 2-5mg tid
Minipress(prazosin): comments? 1st dose HTN: take at hs Adherence important: sensitization, exaggerated hypotensive affect upon readmin.
Cardura: indication? HTN BPH
Doxazosin: class & dosage? A1-antagonist 1-16mg qd
Cardura(doxazosin): comments? 1st dose HTN: take at hs Adherence important: sensitization, exaggerated hypotensive affect upon readmin.
Cardura XL: indication? BPH
Doxazosin(extended release): class & dosage? A1-antagonist 4mg qd
Cardura XL(doxazosin): comments? Can be admin. AM. 1st dose HTN
Hytrin: indication? HTN BPH
Terazosin: class & dosage? A1-antagonist 1-5mg qd
Hytrin(terazosin): comments? 1st dose HTN Niche: add-line agen Sensitization upon readmin.
Pamelor: class & indication? Tricyclic, depression
Nortriptyline: dosage? 75-150mg qd
Pamelor (nortriptyline): comments? less drowsiness than other tricyclic, NT reuptake inhibitor
Nardil: class & indication? nonselective MAO, depression
Phenelzine: dosage? tab
Nardil (phenelzine): comments? Food interaction w/ tyramine (cheese, meat, alcohol), increases drug interactions
Created by: oupharm2012
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