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EKG Quiz 1- heart

anatomy of heart, conduction system, properties of myocardial cells

Where is the heart located? media stinum
2/3 of the heart on the ________ side; 1/3 of the heart on the __________ side. Left, Right
The base of heart is made up of ___________ called ______ and ____________. Vessels; aorta and apex
Four chambers of the heart R/L atrium; R/L ventricle
Apex is made up of L ventricle
APical pulse 5th intercostal rib
Atria Receive blood from lungs and body
Ventricles Pump blood to lungs and body
Which artery is only one w/ deoxygenated blood? Pulmonary Artery
Valves purpose is to Prevent back flow
The common wall between right and left side of the heart Septum
What type of blood is found on right side of the heart? Deoxygenated
What type of blood is in left side of the heart? Oxygenated
What is the function is the coronary arteries? Supply blood to the heart muscle
Condition where lack of blood supply, partially blocked and considered and injury is Ischema
Complete lack of blood supply to the heart Myocardial Infarction
What causes heart sounds? The opening and closing of the valves
Myocardium Middle muscular of the heart, most important
Endocardium Innermost layer of the sac lining the heart surface w thin tight covering (visceral pericardium)
Pericardium Double walled membranous sac; parietal peri. Fluid between layers protects
Layer responsible for contraction and relaxation action of the heart Myocardium
Layer that lines the vessels, valves and ventricles Endocardium
Tricuspid valve is located Between R atrium and R ventricle
Bicuspid Vale aka Mitral is located Between L atrium and L ventricle
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve is located Between R ventricle and pulmonary artery
Aortic Semilunar Valve is located Between aorta and L Ventricle
The system of the heart is called Conduction system
Primary pacemaker of the heart that sets speed and rhythm, located upper side of R atrium SA Node
HR below 60 Bradycardia
HR above 100 Tachycardia
Starts working when SA node stops; aka gatekeeper AV Node
Small fibers located in ventricular walls Purkinjie Fibers
NOrmal inherent rate of SA Node 60-100 BPM
Inherent rate of AV Node 40-60 BPM
Inherent rate of Purkinjie fibers 20-40 BPM
How the impulses travel through the heart is called the Conduction pathway
How long is the delay when impulse reaches AV node 1/10 of a second
Responsible for conduction system Electrical cells
Responsible for contraction and relaxation Mechanical cells
Ability of myo.card cells to generate and maintain heart rhythm w/o external stimuli Automaticity
Ability of myo.card. Cells to respond to an impulse Excitability
Ability of myo.card. Cells to respond to an impulse by pumping action Contract ability
Ability of myo.card. Cells to relay an impulse to neighboring cells Conductivity
The junction all escape rhythm AV node
Idioventrial rhythm Purkinjie fibers
Difference of the charge across the cell membrane results in depolarization and depolarization Action potential
Polarization Resting state of myocardial cells
Depolarization The electrical current state ions move across cell membrane more positive inside. Results in contraction of cell
Repolarization Ions return back to their original charge, results in relaxation of the cell
SA node is working it is called NOrmal Sinus rhythm (NSR)
SA fails and AV or PF take over it is called Escape Rhythm
fluid within sac of pericardium pericadial fluid
heart contracts in which phase? systole
heart rests in which phase? diastole
SA node is located upper side of R atrium
largest veins in body are Superior Venacava
two upper chambers are __________________ and function as ______________ chambers R & L atrium; receiving
two lower chambers are called _______________ and function as _________________ chambers ventricles; pumping
outer layer of heart epicardium
heart has how many layers? 3
Created by: Gmtassa23
Popular Medical sets




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