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PowerPoint Vocab

Active Slide The slide currently selected or displayed.
advance Slide Timing A setting that controls the amount of time a slide displays on the screen.
Aspect Ratio The ratio of width to height in a screen or other output device.
Clip Art Generic, reusable drawings.
Crop Remove a portion of a picture that you don't want.
Destination The location in which you place an object that was originally in another location.
Footer An area at the bottom of a slide in which you can enter a date, slide number, or other information.
Format Painter A tool that lets you copy text formatting from one text selection and apply it to any other text in the presentation.
Grayscale A way of displaying the current slide so that you can see how it will appear when printed on a black and white printer.
Gridlines A regular grid of dotted lines displayed on a slide to help arrange objects.
Group To combine multiple shapes or other objects into a collective unit that can be controlled as a single object.
Guides Non-printing vertical and horizontal lines you can enter a date or other information that repeats for each page.
Handouts Printed copies of the presentation.
Header An area at the top of a slide in which you can enter a date or other information that repeats for each page.
Keyword A descriptive word attached to an image, used for searching and indexing the image library.
Landscape Orientation A slide or printout that is wider than it is tall.
Normal View PowerPoint’s default view that displays the Slide pane and the Thumbnail pane.
Photo Album A special type of presentation in which the main point is to display photos.
Picture Bullet A graphic specifically designed to be used as a bullet character.
Placeholders Designated areas (boxes) in PowerPoint layouts that can be used to easily insert text, graphics, or multimedia objects.
Portrait Orientation A slide or printout that is taller than it is wide.
Presentation Properties Categories of information about a presentation.
Resolution The number of dots or pixels per linear unit of output. For example, a computer monitor’s resolution is usually 72 pixels per inch.
Rotate Turn an object on a central axis to a new orientation
Sample Pick up a color from an object or slide background.
Scale Specify a percentage of original size to enlarge or reduce the size of an object.
Shape Effects Special effects such as glow, shadow, 3D rotation, and soft edges applied to drawn shapes.
Shape styles Preset combinations of shape effects that can be applied as a single formatting action
Slide Layouts Prearranged sets of placeholders for various types of slide content
Slide Sorter View A view that shows thumbnails of each slide
SmartArt Professionally designed graphics such as lists, processes, or hierarchical displays
SmartArt Style The shading and texture effects on the shapes used in the diagram
Snap To change position to align precisely with a grid-line.
Source The original location of an object.
Stack To overlap objects, and control the order in which overlapping objects appear
Storyboard A series of drawings used to illustrate the sequence of action or outline of a presentation.
Symbol A typographical character that is neither a letter nor a number. Some symbols can be typed on a keyboard, and others must be inserted.
Text Box A non-placeholder container for text that you can position anywhere on a slide.
Theme Formatting feature that applies a background, colors, fonts, and effects to all slides in a presentation.
Thumbnail A small version of the slide
Transitions The visual effects used when one slide moves off of the screen and another moves onto the screen.
WordArt Text that is formatted with graphical effects.
Created by: Karamclaug3
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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