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Early Republic

George Washington first president of the U.S.; president during the Whiskey Rebellion
John Adams second president of the U.S.; president during Alien and Sedition Acts
Thomas Jefferson third president of the U.S.; president during LA Purchase
James Madison fourth president; president during the War of 1812
Alien and Sedition Acts laws about immigration and rebelling against the govt
Marbury v. Madison SC case that established judicial review; made federal govt stronger
McCulloch v. Maryland SC ruled that a state cannot interfere with a federal agency; made federal govt stronger
Gibbons v. Ogden SC ruled that only the federal govt can regulate interstate trade; made federal govt stronger
WA Farewell Address Warned against political parties and permanent alliances
Whiskey Rebellion Farmers revolted because of a tax on whiskey. WA led troops to stop it. Strengthened the power of the federal
Alexander Hamilton Led the Federalist Party. Wanted a strong central govt and national bank. Supported manufacturing
Democratic-Republicans Political party led by Jefferson. Wanted the states to have more power than the federal govt.
Federalists Political party led by Hamilton. Wanted a strong central govt
foreign policy a plan for dealing with other countries
Louisiana Purchase Jefferson bought the LA territory from Napolean for $15 million. Doubled the size of the U.S.
embargo a ban on trade
free enterprise businesses operate with very little regulation by the government
judicial review the power of the SC to declare a law unconstitutional (to decide the constitutionality of a law)
tariff a tax on imported goods; designed to help American manufacturing
precedent an example for future use
War Hawks people who wanted to go to war
War of 1812 second war between England and the U.S.; impressment was a cause
XYZ affair the French govt demanded a bribe; "millions for defense but not one cent for tribute"
national bank the bank would be in charge of govt money and pay the govt's debts
Louisiana Purchase The U.S. bought the LA territory from France for $15 million. Doubled the size.
Lewis and Clark Led the Corps of Discovery to explore the Louisiana Territory
Era of Good Feelings Time when Monroe was president; a sense of national purpose and unity
James Monroe fifth president; Era of Good Feelings; issued Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine policy stating the U.S. wanted Europe to stay out of U.S. affairs
Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner;" our national anthem
John Marshall Chief Justice of SC; helped make SC stronger
Worcester v. Georgia SC case that sided with the Cherokees; Jackson ignored it
spoils system practice of rewarding supporters with govt jobs
expanded suffrage property ownership was no longer required to vote
isolationism avoiding involvement with other countries
impressment forcing people to serve in the military
domestic in the United States
tribute a bribe
neutral to not choose a side
cabinet the group of advisors to the president
excise tax a tax imposed by the govt on a particular item
Trail of Tears 15,000 Cherokees were forced to move from GA to OK
Indian Removal Act law stating that the Cherokees had to move west of the MS River
11111 beamer
Created by: cwright2404
Popular American Government sets




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