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AR JBQ Odd Y Ten p

Arkansas JBQ Odd Year Ten Point Questions

Question 1 for 10 points: What is the Bible? The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is His revelation to all people of himself and His plan of salvation.
Question 2 for 10 points: How many books are there in the Bible? 66
Question 3 for 10 points: What are the two divisions of the Bible? Old Testament and New Testament
"Question 4 for 10 points: What does testament mean? Covenant [contract or agreement]
Question 5 for 10 points: How many books are in the Old Testament? 39
Question 6 for 10 points: In what language was most of the Old Testament written? Hebrew
Question 7 for 10 points: How many books are in the New Testament? 27
Question 8 for 10 points: In what language was most of the New Testament written? Greek
Question 9 for 10 points: About how many people did God inspire to write the Bible? [About] 40
Question 10 for 10 points: Approximately how many years did it take to write the Bible? [Approximately] 1600 years
Question 11 for 10 points: Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the world? Genesis
Question 12 for 10 points: What are the four Gospels? "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John "
"Question 13 for 10 points: What does the word "gos pel" mean? " Good news
Question 14 for 10 points: What is the theme of the four Gospels? The life and teaching of Jesus
Question 15 for 10 points: Who wrote more books of the Bible than any other person? Paul
Question 16 for 10 points: Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the Church? Acts
Question 17 for 10 points: Which New Testament book is composed almost entirely of prophecies of the future? Revelation
Question 18 for 10 points: Which of the Old Testament books is a collection of hymns and songs? Psalms
Question 19 for 10 points: Who wrote many of the Psalms? King David
Question 20 for 10 points: What is an epistle? A letter sent by an apostle
Question 21 for 10 points: What is the longest book of the Bible? Psalms
Question 22 for 10 points: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? Psalm 117
Question 23 for 10 points: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? Psalm 119
Question 24 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Where did the universe come from? (NIV) Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Question 25 for 10 points: Who were the first man and first woman? Adam and Eve
Question 26 for 10 points: How are people different from animals? God created people in His own image.
Question 27 for 10 points: Who were the first two brothers? Cain and Abel
Question 28 for 10 points: Who was the first murderer? Cain
Question 29 for 10 points: How did sin enter the world? Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve
Question 30 for 10 points: The account of man's first sin mentioned what two trees? The tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the tree of life
Question 31 for 10 points: What man walked with God until God took him to heaven without dying? Enoch
"Question 32 for 10 points: Who lived longer than any other person, and how long did he live? " Methuselah--969 years
Question 33 for 10 points: Why did God send a flood upon the earth? Because people were so wicked that they thought about evil all the time
Question 34 for 10 points: Whom did God spare from the Great Flood? Noah and his family
Question 35 for 10 points: Who were the three sons of Noah? "Shem, Ham, Japheth "
"Question 36 for 10 points: When the Flood came, how long did it rain? " 40 days and nights
Question 37 for 10 points: What was the meaning of the first rainbow? It was God's promise that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood.
"Question 38 for 10 points: After the Flood, how did the people rebel against God? " By building a tower to reach heaven
Question 39 for 10 points: How did God judge the people who built the tower of Babel? By confusing their languages so they couldn't understand one another
Question 40 for 10 points: How did God test Abraham's faith when He asked him to leave Ur of the Chaldees? By asking Abraham to follow Him without telling him where He would lead him
Question 41 for 10 points: Who was Abraham's nephew? Lot
Question 42 for 10 points: What was the original name of the country God promised to Abraham? Canaan
Question 43 for 10 points: Who was Abraham's wife? Sarah
Question 44 for 10 points: To what country did Abraham go in time of famine? Egypt
Question 45 for 10 points: Why was it wrong for Lot to live in Sodom? Because the men of Sodom were very wicked sinners
Question 46 for 10 points: Who was Melchizedek? Priest of God and King of Salem
Question 47 for 10 points: What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Hagar? Ishmael
Question 48 for 10 points: What two cities did God destroy with fire because of their great wickedness? Sodom and Gomorrah
Question 49 for 10 points: What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Sarah? Isaac
Question 50 for 10 points: How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born? Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 years old.
Question 51 for 10 points: Who was Isaac's wife? Rebekah
Question 52 for 10 points: Who were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah? Esau and Jacob
Question 53 for 10 points: What did Esau sell to Jacob? His birthright [the right to inherit God's promise to Abraham]
Question 54 for 10 points: How did Jacob obtain the blessing of the firstborn son instead of Esau? "By making his father, Isaac, think he was Esau "
Question 55 for 10 points: Where did Jacob have a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven? Bethel
Question 56 for 10 points: Who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin? Rachel
Question 57 for 10 points: What new name did God give to Jacob and what did it mean? "Israel, which means, ""he struggles with God"" [Prince of God] "
Question 58 for 10 points: What special meaning did Joseph's dreams have? "He would be a great ruler someday, and his family would bow down to him. "
Question 59 for 10 points: How did Jacob show his special love for Joseph? By giving him a coat of many colors
Question 60 for 10 points: Into what country was Joseph sold as a slave? Egypt
Question 61 for 10 points: Who was Joseph's first master in Egypt? Potiphar
Question 62 for 10 points: What happened to Joseph when he refused to commit sin with his master's wife? He was put into prison.
Question 63 for 10 points: Whose dreams did Joseph interpret while in prison? Pharaoh's baker and butler [cupbearer]
Question 64 for 10 points: What did Joseph say was the meaning of the king's dream? Seven good years would be followed by seven years of famine.
Question 65 for 10 points: Whom did Pharaoh appoint to prepare for the famine? Joseph
Question 66 for 10 points: What are the names of the two sons of Joseph? Ephraim and Manasseh
Question 67 for 10 points: Why did Joseph's brothers come to Egypt? To buy food
Question 68 for 10 points: Where did Jacob and his family settle in Egypt? Goshen
Question 69 for 10 points: Who was the baby that Pharaoh's daughter found floating in the river? Moses
Question 70 for 10 points: Why did Moses flee from Egypt? Because it was known that he had killed an Egyptian who mistreated an Israelite
Question 71 for 10 points: Who was Moses' father-in-law and what was his position? Jethro; priest of Midian
Question 72 for 10 points: Where did God appear to Moses out of the burning bush? In the desert near Mt. Horeb [Mt. Sinai] (end of day 1)
Question 73 for 10 points: What prom ise did God make to Moses at the burning bush? That God would deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt
Question 74 for 10 points: How did God per suade Pharaoh to let the Israelites go? By sending ten plagues upon the land of Egypt
Question 75 for 10 points: Whom did God g ive Moses to help him in bringing the people of Israel out of Egypt? Moses' brother Aaron
Question 76 for 10 points: What was the t enth and last plague that fell upon Egypt? The death of the firstborn
Question 77 for 10 points: What f east did God institute to commemorate the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt? Passover
Question 78 for 10 points: By what miracle did I srael leave the land of Egypt? The parting of the sea [Red Sea]
Question 79 for 10 points: What happened to the E gyptians who tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea? They all drowned.
Question 80 for 10 points: Who was the si ster of Moses? Miriam
Question 81 for 10 points: How did God ch ange the bitter water of Marah into good water? By telling Moses to cut down a tree and throw it into the water
Question 82 for 10 points: How did God provide b read for the Israelites in the wilderness? By sending manna
Question 83 for 10 points: What miracle d id God perform for Moses at Rephidim? God brought water from a rock.
Question 84 for 10 points: How did A aron and Hur help Moses gain the victory over the Amalekites? By holding up Moses' hands
Question 85 for 10 points: On w hat mountain did God give Moses the Ten Commandments? Mt. Sinai
Question 86 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Which i s the first of the Ten Commandments? (NIV) Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me.
Question 87 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits th e worshiping of idols? (NIV) Exodus 20:4 You shall not make for yourself an idol.
Question 88 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits c ursing and swearing? (NIV) Exodus 20:7 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Question 89 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments s ets aside one day each week as special unto God? (NIV) Exodus 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
"Question 90 for 10 points: What did P aul call ""the first commandment with promise""? " (NIV) Honor your father and your mother.
Question 91 for 10 points: Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of h uman life? (NIV) You shall not murder.
Question 92 for 10 points: Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of m arriage? (NIV) You shall not commit adultery.
Question 93 for 10 points: Which of the Ten Commandments protects o ur right to own possessions? (NIV) You shall not steal.
Question 94 for 10 points: Which of the Ten Commandments proh ibits lying? (NIV) You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Question 95 for 10 points: Which of the Ten Commandments f orbids wrong desires? (NIV) You shall not covet...anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Question 96 for 10 points: In whi ch book and chapter of the Bible do we find the first record of the Ten Commandments? Exodus [chapter] 20
Question 97 for 10 points: What did the I sraelites build in which to worship God while they were in the wilderness? The Tabernacle
Question 98 for 10 points: What si n did Aaron and the people of Israel commit at Mt. Sinai? Making and worshiping the idol of the golden calf
Question 99 for 10 points: From whi ch of the tribes of Israel were the priests chosen? Levi
Question 100 for 10 points: What was the ma in purpose of the sacrifices and offerings made by the Israelites? To make atonement for their sins
Question 101 for 10 points: What did G od use to lead the Israelites in the wilderness? A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
Question 102 for 10 points: Why were th e twelve spies sent by Moses into Canaan? To see what kind of land it was and what kind of people lived there
Question 103 for 10 points: What e vidence did the spies bring back to show that Canaan was a good land? They brought fruit from the land.
Question 104 for 10 points: Which t wo of the twelve spies said the Israelites could capture the land of Canaan? Joshua and Caleb
Question 105 for 10 points: How many y ears did the Israelites wander in the wilderness? 40 years
Question 106 for 10 points: How did God prove to the children of Israel that Moses and Aaron were His chosen leaders? He caused Aaron's rod to blossom.
Question 107 for 10 points: How did M oses disobey God when the water came from the rock at Meribah? He struck the rock instead of speaking to it.
Question 108 for 10 points: How did God provide h ealing for the Israelites when they were bitten by the snakes? He told Moses to make a bronze [brazen] snake that the people could look at and be healed.
Question 109 for 10 points: Whom did God a ppoint to be the leader of Israel after Moses? Joshua
Question 110 for 10 points: Why was M oses not allowed to go into the land of Canaan? Because he disobeyed God at Meribah
Question 111 for 10 points: From wha t mountain did Moses see the Promised Land? Nebo
Question 112 for 10 points: How old wa s Moses when he died? 120 years
Question 113 for 10 points: Who were the o nly two men who left Egypt and entered Canaan? Joshua and Caleb
Question 114 for 10 points: Who p rotected the spies Joshua sent to Jericho? Rahab
Question 115 for 10 points: How did R ahab mark her house so she would be protected when Jericho was captured? By placing a scarlet cord [thread] in the window of her house
Question 116 for 10 points: By what miracle did th e children of Israel enter the Promised Land? God stopped the flow of the Jordan River during its flood stage.
Question 117 for 10 points: How many t imes did the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho? Thirteen--once each day for six days and seven times on the seventh day
Question 118 for 10 points: What happened a t Jericho when the children of Israel shouted at Joshua's command? The walls of Jericho fell down.
Question 119 for 10 points: Whose s in caused the defeat at Ai? Achan's
Question 120 for 10 points: What miracle o ccurred when Joshua fought at Gibeon? The sun and the moon stood still.
Question 121 for 10 points: Who de feated the Midianites with only 300 men? Gideon
Question 122 for 10 points: Which of the j udges was very strong? Samson
Question 123 for 10 points: What wo man tricked Samson into telling her the secret of his strength? Delilah
"Question 124 for 10 points: What Ge ntile girl decided to serve God because she loved her mother-in-law, Naomi? " Ruth
Question 125 for 10 points: What de scendant of Ruth became king of Israel? David
Question 126 for 10 points: What ch ild heard the voice of God speak to him during the night? Samuel
Question 127 for 10 points: U pon what judge did God ask Samuel to pronounce judgment? Eli
"Question 128 for 10 points: As described in Hebrews, what was the ark of the covenant? " "The sacred box which contained the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments [covenant], the gold jar of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded "
Question 129 for 10 points: Why did the I sraelites want a king instead of a judge? Because they wanted to be like other nations
Question 130 for 10 points: Who was the first k ing of Israel? Saul
Question 131 for 10 points: Why did God r emove Saul from the throne of Israel? He refused to obey God's command.
Question 132 for 10 points: Whom did God ch oose to replace Saul as king of Israel? David
Question 133 for 10 points: What gi ant did David kill? Goliath
Question 134 for 10 points: Who was the c aptain of David's army? Joab
Question 135 for 10 points: Why did David r efuse to kill King Saul? Because God had chosen Saul to be king
Question 136 for 10 points: How l ong did David rule as king? 40 years
Question 137 for 10 points: Which s on of Saul was David's best friend? Jonathan
Question 138 for 10 points: Why did David sh ow kindness to Mephibosheth? Because Mephibosheth was Jonathan's son
Question 139 for 10 points: Which of D avid's sons tried to take the kingdom from him? Absalom
Question 140 for 10 points: When d id David say life begins? In the womb
Question 141 for 10 points: Whom did God te ll David to choose to be king after his death? Solomon
Question 142 for 10 points: What did S olomon ask God to give him when he became king? Wisdom
Question 143 for 10 points: What b uilding did Solomon erect for God? The temple [house] of the Lord
Question 144 for 10 points: What que en came from a long distance to visit Solomon? The queen of Sheba
Created by: wstaylor
Popular Religion sets




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