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MA1020CommonTerm Wk1

MA1020 Common Medical Terminology Definitions; Week#1

SIGN an objective evidence; can be measured, can be seen
SYMPTOM perceptible changes in the body or functioning. Pt TELLS you he "feels" bad or he "perceives" it.
SYNDROME a group of signs & symptoms related to one another; a framework of reference for investigating
TRAUMA a physcial injury or wound; an emotional or psychological shock
DIAGNOSIS (Dx)The use of scientific & skillful knowledge to establish a cause & nature of illness.(Dr gathers info from pt,tests & his knowledge and comes to an educated guess.
PROGNOSIS prediction of the course & end of the disease. prediction of the disease.
ETIOLOGY the study of the causes of the disease. [etio(CF)=cause / -ology(S)=study of]
IDIOPATHIC a disease without a recognizable cause/unknown cause
NOSOCOMIAL pertaining to the hospital. Like pertaining to hospital germs/illnesses
SEQUELA a condition resulting and following a disease. Condition after a disease. [sequel(CF) + a]
MALAISE a bad feeling. Blah feeling.
IATROGENIC any abnormal condition caused by medical personnel/procedures/facility;including fears instilled in pt by remarks of HCworkers.[iatro(CF)=treatment/-genic(S)=producing]
EXACERBATION aggravation of symptoms or increase in the severity of a disease/it gets worse.
REMISSION lessening of severity or abatement of symptoms. symptoms seem to stop of lessen.
RELAPSE return of the maifestations of a disease after an interval of improvement.
INTRACTABLE incurable or resistant to therapy
PALLIATIVE serving to relieve or alleviate without curing. make pt comfortable
PROPHYLAXIS observance of rules necessary to prevent disease.
CONTRAINTICATION contra/indication any special circumstance that renders the use of a remedy or procedure inadvisable because of risk.
MORBIDITY the number of cases of a disease in a specific population; disease rate
MORTALITY the ratio of number of deaths to a given population; death rate
EPIDEMIC appearance of an infectious disease or condition that attacks many people at the SAME TIME IN THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREA
ENDEMIC a disease that occurs continuously in a particular population, but has a low mortality rate
PANDEMIC [PAN=all or total]a disease affecting the majority of the population of a LARGE AREA
PATHOGEN [patho(CF)=disease / -gen(S)=producing] a microorganism or substance capable of producing disease
DISEASE literally the lack of ease. Pathological condition that represent a group of CLINICAL SIGNS,SYMPTOMS&LAB FINDINGS peculiar to a particular STATE
INFECTION STATE OR CONDITION whereby the body is invaded by a pathogen;pathogen multiplies&produces injurious effects.Condition that invades body thats injured.
SUPPURATIVE producing pus [SUP backwards is PUS]
ASEPSIS [a- = without / -sepsis = germs] sterile; a condition fre of pathogens
ANTISEPSIS [anti- = against/ -sepsis = germs] substance used against infection
COMMUNICABLE a disease that is transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another. disease transmitted to another
SEPTICEMIA [septico=germs/ -emia=blood condition] presence of pathogenic bacteria in blood;if allowed to progress may become overwhelming & cause death.
ANTIBIOTIC [anti- =against/bio=life/ -ic=pertaining to] soluble substance derived from a mold inhibiting growth of microorganisms. against the pathogen
INFLAMMATION redness,heat,swelling & pain. tissue reaction to injury.
ACUTE sharp, severe, sudden onset
CHRONIC of long duration; opposite of acute; lasts a long time
FULMINATE coming in lightening-like flashes of pain
EDEMA swelling. local or generalize condition in which body tissues contain excessive tissue fluid.
CYANOSIS [cyano=blue/-osis=abnormal] bluish,grayish,purple discolored skin due to abnormal amounts/reduced hemoglobin in blood; Oxygen deficiency&excess carbon dioxide.
CACHEXIA a state of ill health, malnutrition and wasting away.
NECROSIS [necro=dead/ -osis=abnormal condition] an abnormal condition whereby there is death to a portion of tissue
GANGRENE a necrosis or death of tissue usually due to deficient or absent blood supply. Death of tissue.
ULCER open sore or lesion of skin or mucous membrane with sloughing off inflamed necrotic tissue.
ANOMALY deviation from the normal. Something that is not normal.
CONGENITAL present at birth
ACQUIRED not hereditary; occuring after birth. Something that occured after you're born.
MUCOSA mucous membrane; membrane that lines cavities of the body that open to the outside of the body.
SEROSA serous membrane; membrane that lines closed cavities in the body
ORIFICE mouth; entrance or outlet
PATENT (pronounced: pay tent) State of being freely open
ANASTOMOSIS connection of 2 tubular structures. An operation that reconnects the 2 tubular structures.
ATRESIA absence of a normal body opening (in any of our tubing)
PERISTALISIS WAVE-LIKE MOVEMENT. Progressive,wave-like movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body
PARENCHYMA ESSENTIAL WORK. The essential parts of an organ that are concerned with its function&not its framework.
STROMA SUPPORT STRUCTURE. Foundation, supporting system structure of an organ.Opposite of parenchyma
INFARCT LACK OF BLOOD TO AN ORGAN. Area of necrosis resulting from sudden decrease in blood supply.
INFARCTION the formation of an infarct
OCCLUSION blockage
THROMBUS THROMBI BLOOD CLOT(s) that obstructs blood vessel or cavity of the heart.
EMBOLUS EMBOLI A MOVING CLOT. A mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel that travels through the vessels.
EXCISION [ex- =out /ciso=cut/ -ion=process] Cutting to take out. The process of completely removing.
INCISION [in- =in/ciso=cut/ -ion=process] A cut produced surgically to creat an opening into an organ or body cavity. Cutting to look inside a cavity.
RESECTION partial excision of a structure. Cutting back to good tissue to reconnect/resect
BIOPSY Bx [bio=life/ -opsy=view] excision of a small piece of a living tissue for microscopic examination
AUTOPSY PM postmortem exam of organs & tissues of a body to determine cause of death
NECROPSY usually refers to an animal; examination of dead body to determine cause of death.
TUMOR swelling or enlargement; spontaneous new growth or tissue formation
NEOPLASM New tissue. a new & abnormal formation of tissue
CANCER malignant tumor; invasive tumor, that is capable of metastasis
CARCINOMA cancer/malignancy that occurs in epithelial tissue(linings or coverings-skin or mucous membrane)
MALIGNANT cancerous as opposed to benign; threatening harm & progresses
BENIGN not recurrent or progressive; opposite of malignant
METASTASIS movement from one part of the body to another; a secondary growth
CYST a sac that has a fluid inside. A closed sac or pouch with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material.
SARCOMA [sarco=flesh,bone,or muscle/ -oma=tumor] cancer arising from connective tissue, bone or muscle.
APLASIA [a- =without/ -plasia=formation] failure of an organ or tissue to develop normally
DYSPLASIA [dys- =bad/ -plasia=formation] abnormal development of tissue
HYPOPLASIA [hypo- =decrease/ -plasia=formation] underdevelopment of tissue
HYPERPLASIA [hyper- =excessive/ -plasia=formation] overdevelopment of tissue
ATROPHY [a- =without/ -trophy=development] decrease in size of an organ or tissue. a wasting
DYSTROPHY [dys- =bad/ -trophy=development] disorder caused by defective nutrition or metabolism
HYPERTROPHY [hyper- =excessive/ -trophy=development] increase in size of an organ or structure that does not involve a tumor
ANTIGEN [anti- =against/ -gen=produce] Substance that body produces to protect against. Substance induces state of sensitivity and/or immune response.
ANTIBODY immunoglobulin molecule evoked by an antigen. The body's response to protein markers.
Created by: Ritaroo
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