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La rentrée

Mme McAndrew Vocab related to first week's readings(3R)

la bande dessinée comic strip
la rentrée des classes start of the school year
les jumelles twins(f)/binoculars
les jumeaux twins(m)
irréfléchi unthinking
manquer to miss
se retrouver to meet/see each other
se présenter to introduce oneself/to run in an election
le/la délégué delegate/representative
ouah! wow!
gagner to win/earn
améliorer to improve
la cantine cafeteria
le fauteuil armchair
le lendemain the day after
le discours speech
l'haine hatred
applaudir to applaud
avoir le trac to get nervous/stagefright
le surveillant superintendent
un(une) élève/un(une) étudiant(e) student
l'école(élémentaire) elementary school
l'école maternelle nursery school
le directeur elementary school principal
un écolier/une écolière elementary school student
le collège middle school
le principal middle school principal
un collégien/une collégienne middle school student
le lycée high school
le proviseur high school principal
un lycéen/une lycéenne high school student
l'état state
le pays country
les autres the others
tout le monde everyone
personne no one
coûter to cost
dépenser to spend
durer to last
entre between
environ about/approximately
sur on
sûr sure
plus de...que more ...than
moins de...que less...than
autant de...que as much as
tard late
plus tard later
tôt early
à l'heure on time
en même temps at the same time
cent one hundred
mille one thousand
million one million
milliard one billion
un jour a day
une semaine a week
un mois a month
une année a year
un an a year
De quoi s'agit-il? What's it about?
Il s'agit de... It's about...
le thème principal the main idea
Created by: Mme McAndrew
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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