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Looking to learn 2000 words in 100 days! Come join me!

出租车 1. taxi chu1zu1che1
2. cat mao1
打篮球 3. play basketball da3lan2qiu2
4. cloudy yin1
5. medecine yao4
6. slow man4
7. sunny qing2
8. busy mang2
教室 9. classroom jiao4shi4
颜色 10. colour yan2se4
旅游 11. travel lü3you2
游泳 12. swim
踢足球 13. play football ti1zu2qiu2
通告 15. announcements?
强度 16. intensity, strength
低调 17. low key di1diao4
有意识的 18. consciousness, awareness
19. show xiu4
剧情 20. story/plot
食谱 21. cookbook, recipe, menu shi2pu3
尽量清淡 22. light, fresh _ _ qing1dan4
养生 23. keep in good health yang3sheng1
命名 24. to name it
空闲 25. free time
以治 26 treat - zhi4
失眠 27 insomnia shi1mian2
伙伴 28 partner, companion huo3ban4
陪伴 29 to accompany pei2ban4
尽心尽力 30 to do one's utmost jin4-1-4-4
蛮(多) 31 quite man2
记忆 32 memory -4 -4
肩膀 33 shoulder jian1bang3
期待 34 respect, await, look forward to qi1dai4
心态 35 psychology, mentality
乐观 36 optimistic
进取 37 enterprising
心情愉快 38 have a light heart, be in a good mood
捐赠 39 donate
碰面 40 meet peng4mian4
挫折 41 setback cuo4zhe2
行业 42 trade, profession? hang2ye4
解读 43 decipher jie3du2
紧张 44 nervous jin3zhang1
天然 45 natural
吸引 46 attract xi1yin3
掌握 47 control zhang3wo4
48 practice lian4
往往 49 often
彻底 50 totally che4di3
粉红 51 pink fěn hóng
玫瑰红 52 rose red méi gūi hóng
朱红 53 vermilion vermilion
枣红 54 maroon zǎo hóng
莲红 55 lotus red lián hóng
深红 56 dark red shēn hóng
辣椒红 57 chili red là jiāo hóng
珊瑚红 58 coral shān hú hóng
棕红 59 reddish brown zōng hóng
鲜红 60 bright red xiān hóng
绯红 61 scarlet fēi hóng
桔黄 62 tangerine jú huáng
柠檬黄 63 lemon yellow níng méng huáng
橄榄黄 64 olive yellow gǎn lǎn huáng
杏黄 65 apricot xìng huáng
金黄 66 golden yellow jīn huáng
豆绿 67 bean color dòu lǜ
橄榄绿 68 olive green gǎn lǎn lǜ
茶绿 69 tea green chá lǜ
葱绿 70 scallion green cōng lǜ
苹果绿 71apple green píng gǔo lǜ
森林绿 72 forest green sēn lín lǜ
水草绿 73 seaweed shǔi cǎo lǜ
草绿 74 grass green cǎo lǜ
天蓝 75 sky blue tiān lán
蔚蓝 76 azure wèi lán
月光蓝 77 moonlight blue yuè guāng lán
海洋蓝 78 sea blue yuè guāng lán
湖蓝 79 lake blue hú lán
紫罗兰色 80 violet zǐ lúo lán sè
葡萄紫 81 grape color / grayish purple pú táo zǐ
玫瑰紫 82 rose purple méi gūi zǐ
暗紫 83 gloomy purple àn zǐ
橙红色 84 reddish orange chéng hóng sè
柿子橙 85 persimmon shì zǐ chéng
阳橙 86 sun orange yáng chéng
热带橙 87 tropical orange rè dài chéng
蜜橙 88 honey orange mì chéng
深橙 89 dark orange shēn chéng
象牙白 90 ivory xiàng yá bái
牡蛎白 91 oyster white mǔ lì bái
珍珠白 92 pearl white zhēn zhū bái
玉石白 93 jade white yù shí bái
银白 94 silvery white yín bái
米白 95 beige mǐ bái
土黑 96 soil- or earth-colored tǔ hēi
煤黑 97 coal black méi hēi
碳黑 98 soot black tàn hēi
古铜黑 99 black like the color of old copper gǔ tóng hēi
铁黑 100 black like iron tiě hēi
银灰 101silver gray yín hūi
铁灰 102 iron gray tiě hūi
铅灰 103 lead gray qiān hūi
烟灰 104 smoky gray yān hūi
褐色 105 another name for brown hè sè
红棕 106 reddish brown hóng zōng
金棕 107 golden brown jīn zōng
金色 108 gold jīn sè
银色 109 silver yín sè
咖啡色 110 coffee color (or “brown” for Cantonese speakers) kā fēi sè
奶油色 111 cream or nude nǎi yóu sè
豆沙色 112 literally “red bean colored,” this color looks like a pinky-mauve and is a popular color for lipstick! dòu shā sè
牛仔色 113 denim colored níu zǎi sè
荧光色 114 neon yíng guāng sè
彩虹色 115 rainbow cǎi hóng sè
模范 116 model mó fàn
发展中国家 117 developing countries fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
发达国家 118 developed countries fā dá guó jiā
业务模式 119 business model yè wù mó shì
宅男 120 male tech geek who stays home all the time zhái nán
宅女 121 female tech geek who stays home all the time zhái nǚ
网友 122 internet friend wǎng yǒu
黑客 123 hacker hēi kè
用户 124 user yòng hù
管理员 125 administrator guăn lĭ yuán
版主 126 moderator bǎn zhǔ
程序设计师 127 programmer chéng xù shè jì shī
开发人员 128 developer kāi fā rén yuán
网页 129 webpage wăng yè
发微博 130 tweet (from Weibo, China’s Twitter) fā wēi bó
帖子 131 a post (on a blog) tiě zi
上线 132 online shàng xiàn
离线 133 offline lí xiàn
评论 134 comment píng lùn
回复 135 reply huí fù
接收 136 accept jiē shōu
拒绝 137 decline jù jué
注册 138 register zhù cè
登录 139 login /signin dēng lù
下载 140 download xià zăi
上传 141 upload shàng chuán
点击 142 click diăn jī
双击 143 double-click shuāng jī
无咖啡因咖啡 144 Decaf Coffee wú kā fēi yīn kā fēi
浓缩咖啡 145 Espresso nóng suō kā fēi
拿铁咖啡 146 Latte ná tiě kā fēi
香草拿铁 147 Vanilla latte xiāng cǎo ná tiě
美式咖啡 148 Americano měi shì kā fēi
卡布奇诺 149 Cappuccino kǎ bù qí nuò
拉茶 150 Chai tea lā chá
乌龙茶 151 Oolong tea wū lóng chá
普洱茶 152 Pu’er tea pǔ ěr chá
菊花茶 153 Chrysanthemum tea jú huā chá
甘菊茶 154 Chamomile tea gān jú chá
格雷伯爵茶 155 Earl Grey gé léi bó jué chá
蜂蜜柚子茶 156 Honey Citron tea fēng mì yòu zǐ chá
薄荷茶 157 Mint tea bò hé chá
珍珠奶茶 158 Boba/Pearl milk tea zhēn zhū nǎi chá
Root Beer 159 根汁汽水 gēn zhī qì shuǐ
脱脂牛奶 160 Skim Milk tuō zhī niú nǎi
豆浆 161 Soy Milk dòu jiāng
瓶装水 162 Bottled Water píng zhuāng shuǐ
自来水 163 Tap Water zì lái shuǐ
矿泉水 164 Mineral water kuàng quán shuǐ
巧克力 165 Chocolate qiǎo kè lì
生/鲜奶油 166 Whipped Cream shēng /xiān nǎi yóu
衬衫 167 Dress shirt / Blouse chèn shān
T恤 168 T-shirt T xù
裤子 169 Pants kù zi
牛仔裤 170 Jeans niú zǎi kù
短裤 171 Shorts duǎn kù
连衣裙 172 Dress lián yī qún
裙子 / 短裙 173 Skirt qún zi / duǎn qún
燕尾服 174 Tuxedo yàn wěi fú
西装 175 Suit xī zhuāng
领带 / 领结 176 Tie lǐng dài / lǐng jié
领巾 177 Cravat lǐng jīn
泳衣 178 Bathing Suit yǒng yī
比基尼 179 Bikini bǐ jī ní
泳裤 180 Swim Trunks yǒng kù
睡衣 181 Pajamas shuì yī
内衣 182 Underwear nèi yī
短袜 183 Socks duǎn wà
长袜 184 Stockings cháng wà
外套 185 Coat wài tào
夹克 186 Blazer / Jacket jiá kè
背心 187 Vest bèi xīn
卫衣 188 Hoodies wèi yī
毛衣 189 Sweater máo yī
运动衫 190 Sweatshirt yùn dòng shān
围巾 191 Scarf wéi jīn
手套 192 Gloves shǒu tào
人字拖 193 Flip-flops rén zì tuō
运动鞋 194 Sneakers yùn dòng xié
凉鞋 195 Sandals liáng xié
高跟鞋 196 Stilettos / High heels gāo gēn xié
靴子 197 Boots xuē zi
木屐 198 Clogs mù jī
首饰 199 Jewellery shǒu shì
项链 200 Necklace xiàng liàn
戒指 201 Ring jiè zhǐ
手镯 202 Bracelet shǒu zhuó
耳环 203 Earring ěr huán
手表 204 Watch shǒu biǎo
皮带 205 Belt pí dài
太阳镜 206 Sunglasses tài yáng jìng
拉链 207 Zipper lā liàn
扣子 208 Button kòu zi
口袋 209 Pocket kòu dài
210 Cotton mián
211 Silk
聚酯纤维 212 Polyester jù zhǐ xiān wéi
尼龙 213 Nylon ní lóng
214 Velvet róng
羊毛 215 Wool yáng máo
牛仔布 216 Denim niú zǎi bù
帆布 217 Canvas fān bù
皮革 218 Leather pí gé
毛皮 219 Fur máo pí
亚麻 220 Linen yà má
杏儿 221 apricot xìng’er
牛油果 222 avocado niú yóu guǒ
香蕉 223 banana xiāngjiāo
蓝莓 224 blueberry lán méi
樱桃 225 cherry yīng táo
栗子 226 chestnut lì zi
椰子 227 coconut yē zi
杨莓 228 cranberry yáng méi
葡萄柚 229 grapefruit pútáo yòu
榛子 230 hazelnut zhēn zi
猕猴桃 231 kiwi míhóutáo
柠檬 232 lemon níngméng
芒果 233 mango máng guǒ
橙子 234 orange chéng zi
桃子 235 peach táo zi
236 pear
菠萝 237 pineapple bō luó
石榴 238 pomegranate shíliú
番茄 239 tomato fān qié
核桃 240 walnut hétáo
蔬菜 241 vegetables shūcài
洋蓟 242 artichoke yáng jì
芦笋 243 asparagus lú sǔn
西兰花 244 broccoli xī lánhuā
卷心菜 245 cabbage juǎnxīncài
胡萝卜 246 carrots hú luó bo
花菜 247 cauliflower huā cài
西芹 248 celery xī qín
黄瓜 249 cucumber huángguā
大蒜 250 garlic dà suàn
四季豆 251 green beans sìjì dòu
韭菜 252 leek jiǔcài
生菜 253 lettuce shēng cài
圆葱 254 onion yuán cōng
芹菜 255 parsley qíncài
青椒 256 pepper qīng jiāo
菠菜 257 spinach bō cài
西葫芦 258 zucchini xī hú lu
家养动物 259 domesticated animals jiāyǎng dòngwù
公牛 260 bull gōngniú
小牛 261 calf xiǎo niú
蜜蜂 262 honey bee mìfēng
火鸡 263 turkey huǒ jī
牦牛 264 yak máo niú
骆驼 265 camel luòtuo
鹦鹉 266 parrot yīngwǔ
野生动物 267 wild animals yěshēng dòngwù
蝙蝠 268 bat biānfú
鳄鱼 269 crocodile èyú
海豚 270 dolphin hǎitún
老鹰 271 eagle lǎoyīng
苍蝇 272 fly cāngyīng
长颈鹿 273 giraffe chángjǐnglù
大猩猩 274 gorilla dà xīngxīng
刺猬 275 hedgehog cìwei
土狼 276 hyena tǔ láng
昆虫 277 insect kūnchóng
水母 278 jellyfish shuǐ mǔ
蜥蜴 279 lizard xīyì
蚊子 280 mosquito wénzi
猫头鹰 281 owl māotóuyīng
鸽子 282 pigeon gēzi
犀牛 283 rhinocerus xīniú
鲨鱼 284 shark shāyú
蜗牛 285 snail wōniú
松鼠 286 squirrel sōngshǔ
287 wolf láng
斑马 288 zebra bānmǎ
文化和艺术 289 Culture and art wénhuà hé yìshù
展览 290 exhibition zhǎnlǎn
演出 291 show yǎnchū
音乐会 292 concert yīnyuè huì
表演 293 performance biǎo yǎn
跳舞 294 dance tiàowǔ
绘画 295 painting huìhuà
雕塑 296 sculpture diāosù
芭蕾舞 297 ballet bāléiwǔ
歌剧 298 opera gējù
电影院 299 cinema diànyǐngyuàn
动作片 300 action movie dòngzuò piān
卡通 301 cartoon kǎtōng
喜剧 302 comedy xǐjù
记录片 303 documentary jìlùpiān
剧情片 304 drama jùqíng piān
好莱坞电影 305 Hollywood movie hǎoláiwu diànyǐng
电影明星 306 movie star diànyǐng míngxīng
剧本 307 screenplay jùběn
掌声 308 clapping, applause zhang3sheng1
饰演 309 play role of shi4yan3
制片人 310 film producer zhi4pian4-
演技 311 acting yan3ji4
武术 312 martial arts wu3shu4
服装 313 costume, dress, clothing fu2zhuang1
道具 314 prop --
导演 315 director dao3yan3
编剧 316 screenwriter bian1ju4
扮演 317 play the part of ban4yan3
角色 318 role – in traditional Chinese drama jue2se4
情节 319 plot qing2jie2
宣传期 320 propaganda period
一首单曲 321 single (music) dan1qu3
电视剧 322 tv drama --ju4
网剧 323 internet drama --
演艺 324 performing arts yan3yi4
系列 325 series xi4lie4
片场 326 filming site pian4chang3
英雄 327 hero ying1xiong2
现场 328 scene
替身 329 stand-in, double ti4shen1
戏剧化 330 theatrical
广告 331 ads guang3gao4
演艺圈 332 show-biz yan3yi4quan1
出道 333 make one's debut
艺人 334 actor yi4-2
试唱 335 audition
橙汁 336 Orange Juice chéng zhī
番茄汁 337 fān qié zhī
蔓越莓汁 338 Cranberry Juice màn yuè méi zhī
菠萝汁 339 Pineapple Juice bō luó zhī
水果和果仁 340 fruits and nuts shuǐguǒ hé guǒ rén
床单 341 sheets chuángdān
枕头 342 pillow zhěntou
楼梯 343 staircase lóutī
剪刀 344 scissors jiǎndāo
遥控器 345 remote control yáokòngqì
植物 346 plant zhíwù
架子 347 shelf jiàzi
柜子 348 cupboard guìzi
桌布 349 table cloth zhuōbù
加热器 350 heating jiārèqì
灯泡 351 light bulb dēngpào
地毯 352 carpet dìtǎn
窗帘 353 curtains chuāngliánr
厨柜 354 cabinet chú guì
开罐器 355 can opener kāi guàn qì
咖啡机 356 coffee maker kāfēi jī
台子 357 counter táizi
菜板 358 cutting board cài bǎn
洗碗机 359 dish washer xǐ wǎn jī
抽屉 360 drawer chōutì
电动搅拌器 361 electric mixer diàn dòng jiǎobàn qì
食物调理机 362 food processor shíwù tiáolǐ jī
冰柜 363 freezer bīngguì
微波炉 364 microwave oven wēibō lú
烤箱 365 oven kǎoxiāng
平底锅 366 pan píngdǐ guō
纸巾 367 paper towels zhǐ jīn
闷罐 368 pot mèn guàn
电冰箱 369 refrigerator diàn bīngxiāng
水槽 370 sink shuǐcáo
煤气灶 371 stove méiqì zào
热水壶 372 tea kettle rè shuǐ hú
烤面包机 373 toaster kǎomiànbāo jī
叉子 374 fork chāzi
勺子 375 spoon sháozi
电饭锅 376 rice cooker diàn fàn guō
滤网 377 strainer lǜ wǎng
木料 378 wood mùliào
金属 379 metal jīnshǔ
塑料 380 plastic sùliào
玻璃 381 glass bōlí
382 fabric
陶瓷 383 ceramic táocí
384 steel gāng
窗户 385 windows chuānghù
门铃 386 doorbell ménlíng
邮箱 387 postbox yóuxiāng
围墙 388 fence wéiqiáng
墙壁 389 walls qiángbì
棚顶 390 ceiling péng dǐng
屋顶 391 roof wūdǐng
地板 392 floor dìbǎn
车库 393 garage chēkù
客厅 394 living room kètīng
饭厅 395 dining room fàntīng
卧室 396 bedroom wòshì
儿童房 397 children’s room értóng fáng
阁楼 398 attic gélóu
地下室 399 basement dìxiàshì
大厅 400 lobby dàtīng
厨房 401 kitchen chúfáng
浴室 402 bathroom yùshì
镜子 403 mirror jìngzi
洗手盆 404 sink xǐshǒu pén
牙膏 405 toothpaste yágāo
剃须刀 406 razor tì xū dāo
肥皂 407 soap féizào
牙刷 408 toothbrush yáshuā
面霜 409 (face) cream miàn shuāng
浴巾 410 towel yùjīn
纸巾 411 toilet paper zhǐjīn
淋浴 412 shower línyù
身体部位 413 parts of the body shēntǐ bùwèi
脖子 414 neck bózi
手臂 415 arm shǒu bì
手肘 416 elbow shǒu zhǒu
手腕 417 wrist shǒu wàn
胸部 418 chest xiōng bù
乳房 419 breast rǔ fáng
肚子 420 abdomen dù zi
屁股 421 buttocks pì gu
阳具 422 penis yángjù
阴道 423 vagina yīn dào
大腿 424 thigh dàtuǐ
膝盖 425 knee xī gài
小腿 426 calf xiǎo tuǐ
脚踝 427 ankle jiǎo huái
脚趾头 428 toe jiǎozhǐ tóu
手指 429 finger shǒu zhǐ
大拇指 430 thumb dà mǔ zhǐ
食指 431 index finger shí zhǐ
中指 432 middle finger zhōng zhǐ
无名指 433 ring finger wú míng zhǐ
小指 434 little finger xiǎo zhǐ
指甲 435 finger nail zhī jia
手掌 436 palm shǒu zhǎng
指关节 437 knuckle zhǐ guān jié
拳头 438 fist quán tóu
额头 439 forehead é tóu
睫毛 440 eyelashes jié máo
眉毛 441 eyebrows méi máo
嘴巴 442 cheeks zuǐ bā
牙齿 443 teeth yá chǐ
444 lips chún
下巴 445 chin xiàba
天气预报 446 weather forecast tiānqì yùbào
暴风雨 447 storm bàofēngyǔ
448 fog
多风 449 windy duōfēng
多雨 450 rainy duōyǔ
飓风 451 hurricane jùfēng
阴天 452 overcast sky yīn tiān
size and quantity tǐjī hé liàng 体积和量 453 size and quantity tǐjī hé liàng
面积 454 area miànjī
深度 455 depth shēndù
距离 456 distance jùlí
高度 457 height gāodù
长度 458 length chángdù
体积 459 size tǐjī
空间 460 space kōngjiān
重量 461 weight zhòngliàng
公斤 462 kilogram gōngjīn
463 gram
464 liter shēng
465 meter
橄榄球 466 rugby gǎnlǎnqiú
跑步 467 running pǎobù
帆船 468 sailing fānchuán
滑雪 469 skiing huáxuě
冲浪 470 surfing chōnglàng
排球 471 volleyball páiqiú
射箭 472 archery shèjiàn
田径运动 473 athletics tiánjìng yùndòng
赛车 474 car racing sàichē
棒球 475 baseball bàngqiú
篮球 476 basketball lánqiú
划船 477 boating huáchuán
保龄球 478 bowling bǎolíngqiú
拳击 479 boxing quánjī
攀岩 480 climbing pānyán
板球 481 cricket bǎn qiú
极限运动 482 extreme sports jíxiàn yùndòng
钓鱼 483 fishing diào yú
高尔夫 484 golf gāo’ěrfū
射击 485 shooting shèji
曲棍球 486 hockey qūgùnqiú
赛马 487 horse racing sàimǎ
狩猎 488 hunting shòuliè
马球 489 polo mǎ qiú
交通工具 490 transportation jiāotōng gōngjù
卡车 491 truck kǎchē
客船 492 ferry kèchuán
帆船 493 sail boat fānchuán
救护车 494 ambulance jiùhùchē
直升机 495 helicopter zhíshēngjī
货车 496 van huòchē
灯具 497 lamps,lanterns,lights, lighting equipment deng1ju4
审查 498 examine, censor shen3cha2
负责任 499 assume the responsibility fu4 ze2ren4
主动 500 take the initiative
14. MW piece kuai4
Created by: Ruth Zannis
Popular Chinese sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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