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Vocab Test 3

3rd vocab test Nawrocki 2017-18

Rectify Verb- To make right or correct
Proletariat Noun- A social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages
Pedantic Adj.- Marked by a narrow focus or display of learning especially its trivial aspects
Mutability Noun- The quality of being changeable
Knell Noun- The sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death
Etiolate Verb- To make weak by stunting the growth of development of; to make pale or sickly
Obeisance Noun-1. Dutiful submission 2. Bending the head or body as a sign of submission
Prosaically Adverb- In a matter of fact manner
Effigy Noun- A representation of a person
Harangue 1. Noun- A loud declaration spoken emotionally and with strength 2. Verb- To address forcefully
Oligarchy Noun- A political system governed by a few people
Fecundity Noun- The quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth
Wheedle Verb- To influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
Copiously Adverb- In an abundant manner
Martyr Noun- One who voluntarily suffers death for their beliefs
Doublethink The act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct
Cognitive Dissonance Contradictory beliefs that cause conflict in one's mind
Existentialism The study of human existence, philosophy with an emphasis on the individual
Metaphysics Philosophy exploring the concepts of being, existence, and reality
The Theory of the Absurd Applied to modern sense of human purposelessness or a universe with no meaning
Quietism Inaction, the idea that we have no guarantee that we can make things better
Colloquialism A colloquial expression, characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech: an expression or cliche
Analogy A literary device that creates a relationship based on parallels or connections between two ideas
Coercive Persuasion Brainwashing; a process in which someone systematically uses unethical, manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator
Solipsism The philosophical theory that what's in your mind is the only reality that can be known and verified
Biblio Book
Phile Denoting fondness for a specified thing
Sol Alone
Ipse Self
Gratus Thankful, pleasing
Created by: lopiegabby
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