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NESA Herb Comp 09.4

NESA Herb Comp 09 Formula Drain Down, Harmonize & Tx Dryness

Da Cheng Qi Tang YM Organ disorder w/ acute severe constipation w/ gas, dry yellow or black coat w/ prickles, foul watery diarrhea?
Ma Zi Ren Heat caused dryness in ST/LI depletes SP fluids w/ constipation w/ hard dry BM, frequent urine
Ji Chuan Jian Constipation & KD Yang/Qi Deficiency w/ constipation, clear copious urine, LBP, cold hands/feet
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang Cold accumulating in Intestines block Yang Qi flow w/ ab pain, constipation, cold hands/feet
Xiao Chai Hu Tang SY Stage disease w/ alt fever/chills, bitter taste, chest fullness, dizzy
Da Chai Hu Tang Concurrent SY & YM organ disorder w/ alt fever/chills, epi pain, burning diarrhea or no BM
Si Ni San Yang Qi constraint & LV/SP disharmony w/ cold fingers/toes, +/- irritable
Chai Hu Shu Gan San Associated formula of Si Ni San w/ hypochondrial pain fixed & strong
Xiao Yao San LV Qi constrain & Blood & SP Deficiency w/ chronic hypoch pain, fatigue, loose stool, irreg menses
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San LV Qi constraint & SP Qi def becomes heat w/ irritable, red eyes, Yang Qi constitution patient
Tong Xie Yao Fang Painful diarrhea & SP Def & overcontrolling LV w/ borborygmus, painfull diarrhea, more severe w/ stress
Xing Su San Ext Cool Dry interfering w/ LU function & congested fluids w/ chills w/o sweat, watery sputum
Sang Xing Tang Ext Warm Dry injure LU Qi & deplete fluids w/ acute moderate fever, thirst
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang Warm Dry attack LU Yin severe & LU Qi mild w/ dry hacking cough, peeled tongue
Bai He Gu Jin Tang Int LU dryness & LU/KD Yin Ded w/ chronic cough & blood streaked sputum, night sweats
Zeng Ye Tang Dry intestines/constipation from Fluid injury w/ dry hard infrequent stools
Created by: clehmann
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