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Module 4 Kozier

Health Assessment

inspection the visual examination, that is, assessing by using the sense of sight
palpation the examination of the body using the sense of touch
percussion the act of striking the body surface to elicit sounds that can be heart or vibrations that can be felt
flatness an extermely dull sound produced by very dense tissue, such as muscle or bone
dullness a thudline sound produce by dense tissue such as the liver, spleen or heart
resonance a hollow sound such as that produced by lungs filled with air
hyperesonnance booming sound; not normally produced
tympany a musical or drumline sound produced by an air-filled stomach
ausculation the process of listening to sounds produced within the body
pitch the frequency of the vibrations
intensity the loudness or softness of a sound
pallor the result of inadequate circulating blood or hemoglobin and subsequent reduction in tissue oxygenation
cyanosis a bluish tinge; noticable in nail beds, lips and buccal mucosa
jaundice yellowish tinge; noticable in the sclera of the eyes, then the mucous membrance and skin
erytema redness associated with rashes
vitiligo patches of hypopigmented skin, caused by the destruction of melanocytes
edema presence of excess interstitial fluid; swelling
alopecia hair loss
clubbing condition in which the angle between the nail and then ail bed is 180 degrees or greater
blanch test tests the capillary refill, that is peripheral circulation
normocephalic normal size of the head
exophthalmos a protrusion of the eyeballs with elevation of the upper eyelids
visual acuity the degree of detail the eye can discern in an image
visual fields the area an individual can see when looking straight ahead
myopia nearsightedness
hyperopia farsightedness
presbyopia loss of elasticity of the lens and thus loss of the ability to see close objcts
astigmatism an uneven curvature of the cornea that prevents horizontal and vertical rays from focusing on the retina
conjuntivitis inflammation of the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva
dacryocystitis inflammation of the lacrimal sac
hordeolum(sty) redness, swelling and tenderness of the hair follicle and the glands that empty at the edge of the eyelids
glaucoma disturbance in the circulation of aqueous fluid, which cuases an increase in intraocular pressure
mydriasis enlarged pupils
miosis constricted pupils
otoscope insrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum
auricle or pinna external auditory canal
tympanic membrane eardrum
lobule earlobe
helix posterior cure of the auricle's upper aspect
antihelix anterior curve of the auricles's upper aspect
tragus the cartilaginous protrusion at the entrance to the ear canal
trangular fossa a depression of the antihelix
external auditory meatus entrance to the ear canal
mastoid bony prominence behind the ear
cerumen earwax
ossicles bones of sound transmission
malleus hammer
incus anvil
stapes stirrups
eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx
cochlea seashell-shaped structure essential for sound transmission and hearing
vestibule and semicircular canals contain the organs of equilibrium
conduction hearing loss the result of interrupted transmission of sound waves through the outer and middle ear structures; possible causes are a tear in the tympanic membrane or an obstruction
sensorineural hearing loss the result of damage to the inner ear, the auditory nerve or the hearing center of the brain
mixed hearing loss combination of conduction and sensorineural loss
caries cavities
pyorrhea periodontal disease
plaque invisible soft film that adheres to the enamel surface of the teeth
tartar visible, hard deposit of plaque and dead bacteria that forms at the gum line
gingivitis red, swollen gum, bleeding, receding gum lines, and pockets between the teeth and gums
glossitis inflammation of the tongue
parotitis inflammation of the parotid salivary gland
sordes accumulation of foul matter on the teeth and gums
angle of Louis the junction between the body of the sternum and the manubrium
manubrium the handle-like superior part of the sternum that joins with the clavicles
adventitious breath sounds occur when air passes though narrowed airways or airways filled with fluid or mucus, or when pleural linings are inflamed
crepitations crackles (lung sounds)
pericordium the area of the chest overlying the heart
systole period when the ventricles contract
diastole the period when the ventricles relax
bruit a blowing or swishing sound (vessel sounds)
thrill a vibrating sensation like the purring of a cat or water running through a hose (vessel sounds)
perfusion blood supply to an area
tremor an involuntary trembling of a limb or body part
intention tremor becomes more apparent when an individual attempts a voluntary movement
resting tremor more apparent when the client is at rest and diminished activity
reflex an automatic response of the body to a stimulus
proprioceptors sensory nerve terminals, occurring chiefly in the muscles, tendons, joints and the inter ear that give information about movements and the position of the body
one and two point discrimination the ability to sense whether one or two areas of the skin are being stimulated by pressure
stereognosis the act of recognizing objects by touching and manipulating them
extinction the failure to perceive touch on one side of the body
hernia a protrusion of the intestine through the inguinal wall or canal
Created by: nymph487
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