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Scientists apologia


Imhotep Medicine man who helped cure in the Middle East
Thales Studied heavens, tried to develop a theme to explain & predict plantetary events, 1st to predict a solar eclipse.
Anaximander A student of Thales, studied the human race came to be.
James Clerk Maxwell Founder of modern physics
James Joule Determined that energy can't be destroyed or created,only change. The First Law of Thermodynamics.
Niels Bohr Developed the picture of the atom.
Anaximenes Believed air was the most basic substance in nature. A student of Anaximander.
Leucippus & his student Democritus Discovered atomic theory.
Aristotle came up with the idea of Spontaneous generation.
Carolus linnaeus Introduced a large-scale classification scheme for living creatures.
Ptolemy Considered the earth the center of the universe.
Nicolaus Capernicus Considered the sun the center of the universe.
Grosseteste Considered to be the first modern scientist. Introduced the scientific method.
Andreas Vesalius Wrote a book detailing the human body and showed illustrations of the insides.
Galileo Claimed he invented the telescope.
Sir Isaac Newton Greatest scientist of all time. Came up with the laws of motion, calculus & formulated universal law of gravitation.
Lavoisier Discovered that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms.
John Dalton Created the atomic theory building on the works of Democritus.
Charles R. Darwin "The Origin of Species", "Immutability of the species" ,"Natural selection", evolution
Gregor Mendel Studied the ways of reproduction - Genetics
Created by: 1381039820
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