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Revolution Drill IV

aloft adv. At a great height; in flight
tedious adj. boring, dreary, routine; tiresome, wearisome
integral adj. essential; complete; madeup of parts witch form a whole
deracinate v. pull out by the roots; remove sth. from its native environment
totality n. entirety, wholeness, total amount
aqueduct n. manmade canal for carrying water flow
lien n. right to make claim; right to confiscate a piece of property in place of payment for a debt
pleading adj. asking; begging
quack n. fake doctor; impostor; charlatan; trickster; fraudster
fringe n. margin, periphery, edge; ornamental border of hanging treads
table v. hold back to a later time
conservatism n. resistance to change
indecisiveness n. inconclusiveness
radicalism n. belief in extreme political views
conviction n. acknowledgement; condemnation; convincing; act of convicting
labored v. work hard, struggle
vociferous adj. loud, noisy, clamorous
snub v. repulse; reject outright and bluntly; refuse to ackknowledge
pan v. criticize harshly; making sweep movement
clinch n. settle conclusively; hold in a tight grasp; secure or fasten
beam v. express joy
larceny n. robbery, theft (Law)
arson n. deliberate and malicious burning of property
anxious adj. worried; to display solicitude (care); eager
smolder v. burn or smoke without flame; display repressed feelings of anger; continue in a suppressed state
blaze v. flare up, ignite; glow, shine; be publicized
populace n. public; world; people in general considered as a whole
gracious adj. courteous, polite; friendly; merciful; kind, benevolent; pleasant
surly adj. sullen, cross, irritable, ill-tempered
imbue v. inspire, strongly influence; fill with a feeling; cause to absorb a feeling or idea; permeate, infuse, stain
pucker v. become wrinkled
consolation n. comfort, solace; person or thing which brings comfort
defy v. oppose, resist; challenge
agog adj. enthusiastic; excited
hush v. make silent; be silent; make a person be quiet
arresting adj. thrilling, exciting; absorbing, interesting, striking
absentmindedness n. state of being distracted, state of being confused
loll v. sprawl, lean lazily, recline; hang loosely
pluck n. pulling; tuggling; daring; courage
grovel v. prostrate oneself; humiliate oneself; crawl; beg; be servile;
perjury n. act of lying under oath; act of giving false testimony in a court of law
crease v. fold, make a ridge (in paper, fabric, etc.); cause to wrinkle; become wrinkled
braiding n. trimming used for decorating clothes or draperies; braids (collectively)
perforating v. puncture, pierce; make holes, punch holes
verve n. enthusiasm; energy
rift v. burst open, split, cleave
shrug v. raise and lower the shoulders to express indifference or uncertainty
foppish adj. vain, foolish, conceited (arrogant)
resilience n. elasticity, ability to return to the original shape; cheerfulness, quality of quickly recovering from sadness or failure, buoyancy
fondness n. loving affection, fond feeling; penchant, liking (i.e. for drink or sweets)
disposition n. tendency; character, nature, trait; arrangement, placement
abide v. stay; live, dwell; continue, tolerate, put up with; wait; comply
unmistakable adj. clear, obvious, cannot be mistaken, unquestionable
cord n. amount of wood / (anal: ream is amount of paper)
objectionable adj. arousing opposition; causing objection; repulsive; unpleasant
grievance n. complaint; resentment; wrong; injustice
redress n. correction, compensation
filter v. to remove dregs (small particals)
winnow v. to remove the chaff from grain
passionate adj. full of desire; fervent; lack of restraint
domesticated adj. tamed, trained, accustomed to life with mankind
sully v. dirty, soil, tarnish; taint, defile, disgrace
transcribe v. make a written copy, transliterate
prompting n. suggestion
marred v. damage, mutilate, spoil, deface
bespeaks v. reserve in advance; order goods or services; show, bear witness
contrived adj. obviously planned or schemed; labored, artificial
ludicrous adj. ridiculous, comical, absurd, laughable
tact n. diplomacy, avoiding giving offence; ability to skillfully deal with people, finesse; sense of what is proper or appropriate, taste
unseemly adj. unbecoming, improper, indecorous, inappropriate
repentant adj. penitent; regretful or rueful about one's past actions, sorrowful about past occurrences
full-bodied adj. full of flavor; intense
full-blown adj. completely developed, fully mature, in full bloom
studied adj. deliberate, planned; not spontaneous, contrived; learned
Created by: thedanniest
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