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Pulm Disease Exam 5

SPC Pulmonary Disease Exam 5 Ch. 20 Pulmonary Edema

2 categories of Pulmonary Edema? Cardiogenic & Non-Cardiogenic
Most common cause of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema? CHF (Left Heart Failure)
Oncotic pressure is produced by what? Albumin & Globulin in the blood
The stability of fluid within the pulmonary capillaries is determined by a balance of what? Hydrostatic & Oncotic Pressure
T/F Hydrostatic pressure of 10-15mmHg is offset by Colloid Osmotic Force (Oncotic Pressure) of 23-30mmHg? True
How is the balance tested between Hydrostatic & Oncotic Pressures? Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
The result in pulmonary edema in a patient is caused by what? 1. Hydrostatic >25-30 mmHg 2. Oncotic Pressure loses holding force 3. Fluid spills into interstitial space & alveoli
Movement of fluid in and out is expressed as? Starlings Equation
Most common Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema include? 1. Increased Capillary Permeability 2. Lymphatic Insufficiency 3. Decreased/Intrapleural Pressure 4. Decreased Oncotic Pressure
What is a flash pulmonary edema? Fast re-expansion of lung from pneumothorax secondary to other pulmonary diseases
What is Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis? Lymphatic vessels obstructed by a tumor
Decreased oncotic pressure may be caused by what? 1. Overtransfusion/Rapid Transfusion of Intravenous fluids 2. Uremia 3. Hypoproteinemia 4. Sever Trauma decreases Oncotic Pressure
Causes of Increased Capillary Permeability? 1. ARDS #1 2. Alveolar Hypoxia 3. Inhalation of Toxic Agents 4. Pulmonary Infection (Pneumonia) 5. Therapeutic Radiation of the lung 6. Acute Head injury
Clinical data associated with Pulmonary Edema? 1. ^ Tachypnea 2. ^HR & ^ BP 3. Cheyne-Stokes Respiration 4. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea 5. Orthopnea
Sputum with Pulmonary Edema? Frothy & Pink
Oxygenation indices with Pulmonary Edema? Increase O2Er & Increase Os/Ot shunt
Hemodynamic Indices with CARDIOGENIC Pulmonary Edema? 1. ^CVP 2. ^PCWP
Is pulmonary edema restrictive or obstructive? Restrictive
How are the lung volumes in relation to Pulmonary Edema? All Decrease
How is FEV related to Pulmonary Edema? FEV1/FVC is the only one that increased
Radiologic findings of Cardiogenic pulmonary Edema? 1. Left Vent Hypertrophy (Cardiomegaly) 2. Engorgement of Pulmonary Arteries 3. Kerley A & B Lines 4. Pleural Effusion
Radiologic findings of Non-Cardiogenic pulmonary Edema? 1. Fully densities 2. unilateral or bilateral infiltrates
What are inotropic agents and what does it treat? Produce vasodilation & increase cardiac output. Treats hypotension
Inotropic agents used with Pulmonary edema? 1. Dobutamine** 2. Dopamine 3. Norepinephrine
Respiratory care treatment protocals with lung expansion therapy? CPAP is used to: 1. Improved decreased lung compliance 2. Reduce WOB 3. Enhances gas exchange 4. Decrease vascular congestion
When is mechanical ventilation protocol used? When CPAP fails
Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema occurs when? The left ventricle is unable to pump out sufficient amount of blood during each ventricular contraction.
Created by: Langhout1418
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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