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Terminology basics

medical terminology basics

acid/o acid, sour, bitter
acu- needle
acu/o, acut/o sharp, severe
adip/o fat
aer/o air, gas
agit/o rapidity, restlessness
-algia pain
ambul/o to walke
anomal/o irregular
anthrac/o coal, carbon, carbuncle
anthrop/o man, human being
antr/o antrum
aphth/o ulcer
apic/o apex
aque/o water
atmo- steam, vapor
axi/o axis
bar/o weight, pressure
bary- heavy, dull, hard
-basia walking
bathy- deep, depth
batho- deep, depth
bio- life, living
bi/o life, living
blasto/o early embryonic stage, immature
-blast early embryonic stage, immature
-calculia to compute
calor/i heat
campt/o bent
capsul/o capsule, container
caps/o capsule, container
carcin/o cancer
cari/o caries, rottenness
-cataphasia affirmation
cathar/o cleaning, purging
cathart/o cleaning, purging
-cathisia sitting
-kathisia sitting
caud/o tail
cavit/o hollow, cavity
cav/o hollow, cavity
chem/o chemical, chemistry
chron/o time, timing
clin/o to slope, bend
-coimesis sleeing
-coma deep sleep
consci/o awareness, aware
constrict/o narrowing, binding
contus/o to bruise
corpor/o body
critic/o crisis, dangerous
cry/o cold
cyt/o cell
-cyte cell
dem/o people
desicc/o to dry
dilat/o enlarge, expand
dolich/o long
dolor/o pain
dors/o back
duct/o to lead
dynam/o power, strength
-dynia pain
dys- bad, difficult, painful
echin/o spiny, prickly
ectr/o congenital absence
ele/o oil
emmetr/o the correct measure, proportioned
enanti/o opposite, opposed
equi- equality, equal
erethism/o irritation
eti/o cause
eu- good, normal, well
-facient to cause, make happen
febr/i fever
fil/o thread, threadlike
fil/i thread, threadlike
filament/o thread, threadlike
-form specified shape, form
frig/o cold
frigid/o cold
funct/o performance
gel/o to freeze, congeal
gemell/o twins
-gen producing, generating
gen/o producing, generating
-genesis production, formation
-genic produced by, forming
ger/o aged, old age
geront/o aged, old age
-grade step
hapl/o simple, single
heredo- heredity
-hexia condition
hist/o tissue
homeo- likeness, constant, sameness
hydro/o water, hydrogen
iatr/o treatment, physician
-ician specialist
ion/o ion
ipsi- same
-ist specialist
-itis inflammation
kary/o nucleus
kel/o tumor, fibrous growth
kraur/o dry
kym/o waves
-labile unstable, perishable
later/o side
ligat/o binding, tying
lim/o hunger
-logist specialist
-logy study of
-lucent light-admitting
lumin/o light
ly/o dissolve, loosen
-malacia softening
-masesis mastication, chewing
medi/o middle
medic/o heal, healing
mer/o part
meso- middle
method/o procedure, technique
-mimesis imitation, simulation
morph/o shape, form
mort/o death
nom/o custom, law
nomen- name
nos/o disease
nucle/o nucleus
nutri/o nourish
nutrit/o nourish
ole/o oil
-oma tumor, mass
onc/o tumor, mass
organ/o organ
palliate/o soothe, relieve
pant/o all, whole
path/o disease
pharmacy/o drugs
phyl/o race, species, type
physi/o nature
physic/o physical, natural
phyt/o plant
-phyte plant
pin/o to drink
plant/o sole of the foot
-plasm formation, growth
plex/o network (nerves or vessels), plexus
-poiesis formation
posit/o arrangement, place
prote/o protein
psamm/o sand, sand-like material
puls/o to beat, beating
pulsat/o to beat, beating
-puncture to pierce a surface
purul/o pus formation
pyr/o fire, fever, heat
pyret/o fever
-receptor receiver
-ceptor receiver
resuscit/o revive
reticul/o netlike
sanit/a health
scirrh/o hard
somat/o body
-some body
spectr/o image, spectrum
-stabile stable, fixed
-stasis standing still, standing
-stat device/instrument for keeping something stationary
stere/o solid, three-dimensional
succ/o juice
symptom/o occurrence
synaps/o point of contact, to join
synapt/o point of contact, to join
system/o system
systole/o contraction
techn/o skill, art
tele/o perfect, complete
temp/0 period of time, the temples
tempor/o period of time, the temples
-therapy treatment
therapeut/o treatment
therm/o heat
tors/o twisting, twisted
trem/o shaking, trembling
tremul/o shaking, trembling
tri/o to sort out, sorting
-tumescence swelling
tumesc/o swelling
-type class, representative form
typ/o class, representative form
ventil/o to aerate, oxygenate
ventr/o belly, front of the body
vers/o turn, turning
-verse turn, turning
vir/o virus
viscer/o internal organs
vit/o life
volv/o to roll
volut/o to roll
zyg/o union, junction
ab- away from
ad- toward, near
ambi- around, on both sides, about
amphi- around, on both sides
ana- up, backward, against
ante- before, forward
anter/o front
anti- against
apo- away, separation
cata- down, under
circum- around
contra- against, opposite
dextr/o right
dia- through, throughout
dis- apart, to separate
plan/o flat, level, wandering
prosop/o face
dist/o distant
ec- outside, out
ecto- outside, out
en- inside, within
endo- inside, within
epi- above, over, upone
eso- within
ex- out, away from
exo- outside, outward
extra- ouside
fore- before, in front
hyper- above, excessive, beyond
hypo- under, deficient, below
infra- below, beneath
inter- between
intra- within
juxta- near
later/o side
levo- left
medi/o middle
meso- middle
para- alongside, near, beyond, abnormal
per- through, throughout
peri- around, surrounding
post- after, behind
poster/o behind, towards the back
pre- before, in front of
pro- before
pros/o forward, anterior
proxim/o near
re- back, again
retro- behind, backward
sinistr/o left
sub- under, beneath
super- above, beyond
supra- above, beyond
tel/e- distant, end
trans- across
ultra- beyond, excess
-rrhagia excessive flow, profuse fluid discharge
-rrhage excessive flow, profuse fluid discharge
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-rrhythm/o rhythm
half demi-
half hemi-
half semi-
one mono-
one uni-
one-and-a-half sesqui-
two bi-
two di-
three tri-
four tetra-
four quadri-
five quinque-
five pent-
five penta-
six hex-
six hexa-
six sex-
seven hepta-
seven sept-
seven septi-
eight octa-
eight octi-
nine noni-
ten deca-
hundred hector-
thousand kilo-
million mega-
billion giga-
trillion tera-
quadrillion peta-
quintillion exa-
one hundredth centi-
one tenth deci-
one thousandth milli-
one millionth micro-
one billionth nano-
one trillionth pico-
one quadrillionth femto-
one quintillionth atto-
-centesis surgical puncture of a cavity
-desis surgical fixation, fusion
-ectomy surgical removal
-pexy fixation
-plasty surgical correction/repair
-rrhaphy suture
-sect to cut
-stomy surgical opening
-tomy surgical incision
-tripsy to crush, break
aspir/o removal
aspirat/o removal
-assay to examine, analyze
auscult/o to listen
auscultat/o to listen
echo- reverberating sound
electro/o electricity
-gram written record
-graph instrument for recording
-graphy process of recording
-meter instrument of measuring
-metry process of measuring
-opsy to view
palp/o to touch gently
palpat/o to touch gently
radi/o x-ray, radiation
-scope instrument for visual examination
-scopy visual examination
-tome instrument for cutting
acar/o mites
arachn/o spider
bacteri/o bacteria
-coccus berry-shaped bacterium
fung/i fungus, mushroom
helminth/o worm
-helminth worm
hirud/i leech
hirudin/i leech
ixod/i ticks
myc/o fungus
parasit/o parasite
pedicul/o louse
scolec/o worm
verm/i worm
vir/o virus
alb/o white
albin/o white
chlor/o green
cirrh/o orange-yellow
cyan/o blue
eosin/o red, rosy, dawn
erythr/o red
flav/o yellow
fusc/o dark brown
glauc/o gray, bluish green
jaund/o yellow
leuk/o white
lute/o yellow
melan/o black
poli/o gray
purpur/i purple
rhod/o red, rosy
rose/o rosy
rubr/o red
rubr/i red
tephr/o gray (ashen)
xanth/o yellow
acous/o hearing
acoust/o hearing
audi/o hearing
audit/o hearing
-cusis hearing
olfact/o smell
-osmia smell
osm/o smell
-ophresia smell
osphresi/o smell
haph/e touch
pselaphes/o touch
tact/o touch
thigm/o touch
-geusia taste
gustat/o taste
gust/o taste
-opia vision
-opsia vision
opt/o vision
abdomen/o abdomen
celi/o abdomen
lapar/o abdomen
aer/o air
phys/o air
pneum/o air
pneumon/o air
pan- all
pant/o all
bil/i bile
chol/e bile
cyst/o bladder
vesic/o bladder
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
sangu/i blood
sanguin/o blood
corpor/o body
somat/o body
-some body
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
-pnea breathe
respir/o breathe
respirat/o breathe
spir/o breathe
cec/o cecum
typhl/o cecum
pector/o chest
steth/o chest
thorac/o chest
-para childbirth
-parous childbirth
-partum childbirth
-tocia childbirth
toc/o childbirth
corne/o cornea of the eye
kerat/o cornea of the eye
mort/o death
necr/o death
thanat/o death
allo- different
hetero- different
nos/o disease
path/o disease
kraur/o dry
xer/o dry
aur/o ear
auricul/o ear
ot/o ear
myring/o eardrum
tympan/o eardrum
ocul/o eye
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o eye
blephar/o eyelid
palpebr/o eyelid
faci/o face
prosop/o face
adip/o fat
lip/o fat
steat/o fat
pimel/o fat
corp/o feces
scat/o feces
sterc/o feces
febr/i fever
pyr/o fever
pyret/o fever
arch/i first
arch/e first
-arche first
primi- first
prot/o first
ped/o foot
pod/o foot
pil/o hair
trich/o hair
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
calor/i heat
therm/o heat
card- heart
gigant/o huge
mega- huge
meglo- huge
prurit/o itching
psor/o itching
nephr/o kidney
ren/o kidney
phac/o lens of the eye
phak/o lens of the eye
bio- life
bi/o life
vit/o life
viv/i life
cheil/o lip
chil/o lip
labi/o lip
desm/o ligament
ligament/o ligament
syndesm/o ligament
-ole little, small
-ule little, small
pneum/o lung
pneumon/o lung
pulmon/o lung
galact/o milk
lact/o milk
ment/o mind
-noia mind
phren/o mind
psych/o mind
or/o mouth
stomat/o mouth
blenn/o mucus
muc/o mucus
myx/o mucus
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
myos/o muscle
onych/o nail
ungu/o nail
noct/i night
nyct/o night
nas/o nose
rhin/o nose
kary/o nucleus
nucle/o nucleus
ele/o oil
ole/o oil
oophor/o ovary
ovari/o ovary
-algia pain
dolor/o pain
-dynia pain
palat/o palate
uran/o palate
-cyesis pregnancy
gravid/o pregnancy
cor/o pupil
pupill/o pupil
proct/o rectum
rect/o rectum
ptyal/o saliva
sial/o saliva
homeo- same
homo- same
ipsi- same
tauto- same
cutane/o skin
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
son/o sound
phon/o sound
-ician specialist
-ist specialist
-logist specialist
lith/o stone
petr/o stone
ithy- straight
orth/o straight
dynam/o strength
-sthenia strength
sthen/o strength
gluc/o sugar
glyc/o sugar
sacchar/o sugar
hidr/o sweat
sud/o sweat
-edema swelling
-tumescence swelling
tumesc/o swelling
dacry/o tear
lacrim/o tear
pachy- thick
pycn/o thick
pykn/o thick
chron/o time
temp/o time
tempor/o time
gloss/o tongue
lingu/o tongue
dent/i tooth
odont/o tooth
onc/o tumor/mass
-oma tumor/mass
hyster/o uterus
metr/o uterus
colp/o vagina
vagin/o vagina
phleb/o vein
ven/o vein
rachi/o vertebral/spinal column
spin/o vertebral/spinal column
spondyl/o vertebral/spinal column
angi/o vessel
vas/o vessel
episi/o vulva
vulv/o vulva
aque/o water
hydr/o water
Created by: Pharmlearn
Popular Pharmacology sets




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