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Problem Flashcards

Ones I need more work to commit to memory

The first step in the teaching process of behavior modification is___ Goal setting
What training method would you use with a client who has an aerobic capacity of 1-3.9 METS (Poor CardioRespiratory Fitness level)? Low Level (2-3 METS) aerobic interval training
Which puts more stress on the joint, closed or open chain exercises? Open
When working with clients with__, extend the warm up and cool down periods and use isometric strength training. Arthritis
Activity that fixes the distal end of the extremity either to the ground or to a device that has a predetermined motion. When you keep your feet on the ground while you bend or straighten one joint, the other joints move in a predictable, set manner. Close Chain Exercise
Sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle, which primarily detect changes in the length of the muscle. Muscle Spindle
What training method would you use with a client who has an aerobic capacity of 4 - 6.9 METS (low cardiorespiratory fitness level)? Aerobic interval training at 3 -5 METS
Over inflation of the Alveoli Emphysema
When training with moderate loading, the outcome is __. Training should be at __ to __% 1RM with __ to __ reps, __to__ sets and __to__ seconds of rest. hypertrophy/strength, 70-80, 8-12, 1-6, 30-120
Which primary neural mechanism related to the stretch reflex causes a muscle to contract to protect itself in response to over stretching? Muscle Spindle Response
What is reciprocal innervation (reciprocal inhibition) and what is its primary neural mechanism related to stretch reflex? When you contract a muscle, its antagonist group relaxes. This allwos you to then stretch that antagonist group more efficiently when it is relaxed and its opposing muscle group is contracted.
What is are muscle spindles and what is its primary neural mechanism related to stretch reflex? These respone to actual stretch, not speed. When a muscle fiber is overstretched, muscle spindles will fire and will cause the muscle to contract to protect itself.
What are the Golgi Tendon Organs and their primary neural mechanism related to stretch reflex? Located in the muscle tendon, GTO respond to tension, so that when tension is great they fire, causing the muscle to relax and reduce tension.
What is the formula for calculating BMI? Weight in KG/Height in M squared.
What are some examples of low intensity active rest? Calf raises, walking, light stretching, abdominal and low back exercises.
Accommodating resistance forces, speed regulation, detailed performance feedback, and reduced muscle soreness are advantages to which type of equipment? isokinetic
When working with clients with ___, extend the warm up and cool down periods. osteoporosis
What are the implications of a shoulder adductor flexibility test where the shoulders do not lie flat? Client has shortness in pectoralis major, teres major, and latissimus dorsi area.
total caloric expenditure = RMR + (RMR * active factor)
what is considered an overweight BMI? 25-29
The fulcrum is at one end, the effort at the other end and the load lies between the effort and the fulcrum. class 2 lever
When working with clients with ___, extend the warm up and cool down periods, avoid extreme environmental conditions (high/low temps), and initially avoid upper-body exercises. asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
During a ___ stretch the muscles are contracting through the range of motion. active
What is the advisable percentage of maximal oxygen uptake for beginners in the lower cardiorespiratory fitness levels? 50-60
What kind of training integrates balance and intrinsic muscular stability and uses closed chain exercises? functional
For clients with ___, avoid overhead presses and increase abdominal strength and flexibility. Spinal Injuries
What is the appropriate maximal oxygen uptake range for those who are apparently healthy and in higher fitness classifications? 75 - 85
In pregnant women, changes in hormonal levels (namely relaxin) ___ joint and tissue laxity, which may increase their susceptibility to injury. increase
To find the ___ place two fingers below the left clavicle, between the anterior deltoid and pectoralis major. apical artery
What are the advantages to the isometric strength test? any strength test that involves movement will either underestimate or overestimate maximal force output due to internal friction; easy to administer
What are the advantages of hydrostatic weighing? most accurate for most clients, especially when coupled with a residual volume measurement
The fulcrum is at one end, the load at the other end and the effort lies between the load and the fulcrum class 3 lever
Unsupported forward flexion, twisting at the waist with turned feet (esp when carrying a load), lifting both legs simultaneously while in prone/supine position, and rapid movements such as twisting, forward flexion, and hyperextending are all what? movements that clients with lower-back pain should avoid
When training with heavy loading, the outcome is __. Training should be at __to__% 1RM with __ to __ reps, __to__ sets and __to__ minutes of rest. max strength/power, 80-100, 1-8, 1-5+, 2-5
The expense of equipment, limited number of training movements, and lack of accessibility are disadvantages to which type of equipment? dynamic variable resistance
__ is the most often cited reason for discontinuing a vigorous exercise program. musculoskeletal injury
People with relatively long muscles have __ potential for developing size and strength than people with relatively short muscles. greater
What evaluation would you give to a client where bending forward causes some restriction in the low back so that bending occurs more in the lumbar spine? fair trunk flexion
Slow, gradual and controlled elongation through a full range of motion. static stretching
The fulcrum lies between the effort and the load class 1 lever
What training method would you use with a client who has an aerobic capacity of 4-6.9 METS (low cardioresp fitness level)? aerobic interval training at 3 - 5 mets
sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle, which primarily detect changes in the length of this muscle. muscle spindle
When training with light loading, the outcome is __. Training should be at __% 1RM with __ to __ reps, __to__ sets and __to__ seconds of rest. muscular endurance, <70, 12-20, 1-3, 20-30
Borderline total cholesterol ranges from __ to __ mg/DL 200 - 240
activity factors for RMR highly active 5, moderately active 4, slightly active 3.
High total cholesterol is anything greater than __ mg/DL 240
total cholesterol for desirable level is ___, for borderline high is ___, and for high is ___. <200, 200-239, = or > 240.
LDL cholesterol for optimal level is ___, near or above optimal is ___, borderline high is ___, high is ___, and very high ___. <100, 100-129, 130-159, 160-189, = or > 190
The fulcrum is at one end, the effort at the other end and the load lies between the effort and the fulcrum class 2 lever
What area of the body is innervated by the brachial plexus (C5-T1)? Shoulders down to the finger tips
The ability to train through a full range of joint motion on most exercises, fairly consistent matching of resistive forces throughout the exercise movements, and (in most cases) tangible evidence of improvement are advantages to which type of equipment? Dynamic variable resistance
Clients with __ can't jump, do high-impact/step aerobics, jog/run, do spinal flexion, crunches, rowing machines, trampolines, abduct or adduct the legs against resistance, move their legs sideways across their body, or pull on neck with hands behind head. osteoporosis
PNF stretching is a combination of ___ and ___ stretching. passive, isometric
What are the three fundamental stages of the trainer-client relationship? 1. rapport. 2. investigation. 3. planning. 4. action.
Recognizing and understanding each client for his or her unique situation and giving and receiving feedback are examples of ___ sensitivity
Appropriate dress, behavior, and demeanor, as well as respecting the client-trainer relationship and the clients privacy and confidentiality are examples of __ professionalism.
When working with clients with ___ extend the warm up and cool down periods. osteoporosis
When working with clients with ___, extend the warm up and cool down periods and use isometric strength training. arthritis
List the appropriate exercise intensity, duration, and frequency for a low-risk client with cardiovascular artery disease. 40-75% HRR, gradually increased to 20-30 minutes, 3-5 days / week.
Four training recommednations for a cardiovascular program are a frequency of __, intensity of __, duration of __, with __ exercises. at least 3x/week, 50-85% max VO2, at least 10-20 min/session, rhythmic large muscle movement.
For every minute that goes by without defibrillation, the victims chance of survival decreases by ___ 7 - 10%
Created by: metalpalace
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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