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Quick & Easy MT ch 5

Quick & Easy MT Ch 5 Organization of the Body

Muscular System Makes movement possible
Skeletal System Provides protection; form and shape for the body, stores minerals and forms some blood cells
Cardiovascular System Delivers oxygen, nutrients, and vital substances throughout the body; transports cellular waste products to the lungs and kidneys for excretion
Lymphatic System helps maintain the internal fluid environment; produces some types of blood cells; regulates immunity
Respiratory System Brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide and some water waste
Digestive System Provides the body with water, nutrients and minerals; removes solid wastes
Urinary System Filters blood to remove wastes of cellular metabolism; maintains the electrolyte and fluid balance
Reproductive system Facilitates procreation
Integumentary system Provides external covering for protections; regulates the body temperature and water content
Nervous system Coordinates the reception of stimuli; transmits messages to stimulate movement
Endocrine system Secretes hormones and helps regulate body activities
anter/o nearer to or toward the front; ventral
poster/o nearer to or toward the back; situated behind
ventr/o belly side; same as anterior surface in human beings
dors/o directed toward or situated on the back side; same as posterior surface in human beings
medi/o middle or nearer the middle
later/o toward the side; denoting a position farther from the midline of the body or from a structure
super/o uppermost or above
infer/o lowermost or below
proxim/o nearer the origin or point of attachment
dist/o far or distant from the origin or point of attachment
cephal/o toward the head
caud/o toward the tail or in an inferior direction in human beings
abdomin/o abdomen
acr/o extremities (arms and legs)
blephar/o eyelid
cyst/o cyst, bladder or sac
dactyl/o digit (toes, fingers)
lapar/o abdominal wall
omphal/o umbilicus (navel)
onych/o nail
pelv/i pelvis
periton/o peritoneum
som/a body
somat/o body
thorac/o chest (thorax)
RUQ Right Upper Quadrant
RLQ Right Lower Quadrant
LLQ Left Lower Quadrant
LUQ Left Upper Quadrant
crin/o secrete
-crine secrete
dacry/o tear, tearing, crying
lacrim/o tear, tearing, crying
-emia condition of the blood
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hidr/o sweat or perspiration
lymph/o lymph
muc/o mucus
-poiesis production
-poietin substance that causes production
py/o pus
sial/o saliva
ur/o urine
Hematoma localized collection of blood (bruise)
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells
hemodialysis diffusing blood through a semipermeable membrane to remove toxic materials (for people with impaired kidney function)
coagulation blood clotting when removed from body
anticoagulant substance that prevents coagulation (forming blood clots)
Thrombosis formation of internal blood clots
thrombocytes platelets
erythrocytes red blood cells
leukocytes white blood cells
antigen substance that is capable of inducing a specific immune response
antibodies the immune response brought about by an antigen
Susceptibility lack of resistance or protection from infectious organisms
Immunization process by which resistance to an infectious disease is induced or augmented
Active immunity individual's own body produces and immune response to a harmful antigen
Passive immunity immune agents response develop in another person or animal and then are transferred to an individual who was not previously immune (borrowed immunity - effective for a short time)
Vaccination any injection or ingestion of inactivated or killed microbes or their products that is administered to induce immunity
immunocompromised immune response that has been weakened by a disease or immunosuppressive agent (drugs, radiation)
Allergies body reacts with an exaggerated immune response to common, harmless substances, most of which are found in the environment
anaphylaxis exaggerated, life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions t oa previously encountered antigen
benign favorable for recovery, not having a tendency to spread (not cancer)
Malignant tending to grow worse, to spread, and possibly become life threatening (cancer).
metastases spreading from one part of the body to another part
Bioterrorism use of pathogenic biological agents to cause terror in a population
Created by: MrsSlagter
Popular Medical sets




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