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Literary Terms (2)

Horatian Satire gentle,often humorous, ridicule of the follies and absurdities of human beings
Idiom meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its constituent elements
In medias res in the middle of things
Irony outcome of an event contrary to what is expected
Juvenalian Satire Speaker attacks vice and error w/ contempt
Logos use of logic to persuade
Metonymy part of something stands for the whole
Minimalism use of fewest essentials or elements to construct literature
Mood impression of the reader
Motif dominant idea or feature
Overstatement state too strongly;exaggerate
Onomatopoeia words imitate sounds
Oxymoron Contradiction in terms
Paradox seems self-contradictory but expresses a possible truth
Parody comedy charecterized by exaggeration and distortion of serious subject
Pathos emotional appeal to persuade
Rhetoric study of the effective use of language
Satire human folly and vice are held up to scorn
Symbolism use of symbols to convey hidden meaning
Synecdoche part is used for the whole
Syntax grammatical relation of words
Tone Main emotional attitude of the work of literature
Understatement State or represent less strongly
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