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Herbs: Disperse Cold

Which exterior condition does Ma Huang Treat? Wind Cold Excess Pattern
What is the property of Ma Huang? acrid,sl. bitter, warm
What is the entered channels of Ma Huang? Lu, UB - most exterior channels. Help expel the pathogen
Which herb can promote sweating, calm asthma, and promote pee? Ma Huang
What are the cautions or contra-indications of using Ma Huang? Qi or Yin deficiency with excessive sweating, hypertension, asthma due to Qi def.
Which herb can be used for edema due to exterior pathogens? Ma Huang
What processing can reduce Ma Huang's damaging yin effect? mix frying w/ honey
What are the properties of Gui Zhi? Acrid, sweet/ warm
What is teh functions of Gui Zhi? harmonize the Ying and Wei Qi, warms teh channels adn scatter cold, diserpse wind cold
Which herb should be used to treat exterior deficiency sx such as sweating, aversion to wind and fever? Gui Zhi
Which herb is for a woman who suffers from dysmenorrhea due to cold in the blood vessels? Gui zhi
Which of the following herbs is not acrid and warm? Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhi, Sheng MaA: Sheng Ma
Which herb would you use for a pregnant woman who has wind cold? Ma Huang, Qiang Huo, Gao Ben, Zi Su YeA: Zi Su Ye
Which herb calms the fetus and moves qi? Zi Su Ye
Which herb can harmonize the stomach and calm the fetus Zi Su Ye
What channels Zi Su Ye enter? Lu, SP
Which herb is appropriate for a px who is suffering from a wind cold attack with chest congestion due to Qi stagnation? Fang Feng, Jing Jie, Zi Su Ye, Sheng JiangA: Zi Su Ye
Which herb can be sued for both wind cold and wind heat patterns? Jing Jie
Which exterior resolver expel wind,release rashes, and stop bleeding? Jing Jie
Which exterior resolver stops bleeding whit it is charred? Jing Jie
Jing Jie and Fang Feng both? Disperse wind and relieve the exterior
Which diaphoretic can expel wind as an auxiliary herb to alleviate trembling of the hands and feet and tetany? Fang Feng
Which channel fang feng enter? UB, LV, and SP
Which herb guides other herbs to the Tai Yang and Du channels Qiang Huo
Which is teh best herb to treat joint, shoulder, upper back pain and esp for teh upper part of the body due to wind cold damp attack? Qiang Huo
Which exterior resolveing herb is used for vertex headache? Gao Ben
What is teh function of Gao Ben? Resolve exterior, scatter cold, dispel wind and damp
Which one doesn't free the flow of the nasal orifice? Bai Zhi, Xin Yi Hua, Cang Er Zi, Fang FengA: Fang Feng
Which exterior resolving herb is effectvie for treating a Yang Ming Headache? Bai Zhi
What is the dosage of using Xi Xin? 1-3 grams
What is the regular dosage for Xi Xin? 1 Qian
Which one is the caution or contra-indication of using Xi Xin? Qi def w/ profuse sweating, h/a d/t blood def., renal problems
Which of the following diaphoretic can warm the lung elimate phlegm and open the nasal orifices? Xi Xin
What type of asthmatic cough can be treated by xi Xin cold phlegm
What type fo headache is most suitable for xi xin? Shao Yin headache
Which herb disperse wind cold and open the nasal orifice? Xin Yi Hua
What type of nausea and vomitting is best treated by sheng jiang? Stomach Cold
Which acrid, warm herb reduce the toxicity of Ban Xia and Tian Nan xing? Sheng Jiang
Which diaphoretic harmonize the constructive and defensive qi and reduces the toxicity of other herbs? Sheng Jiang
What is the common fx of zi su ye an sheng jiang? relieve fish and crab poison
what is the fx of sheng jiang pi? promote pee, reduce swelling
Which herb also known as "Summer Ma huang?" xiang ru
What is the common function of ma huang and xiang ru? promote pee and reduce swelling
which herb is the best to treat summer heat attack with fever, aversion to cold, vomtiing and diarrhea? Xiang Ru
What is teh caution or contr-indication of using dispersing exterior herbs? lin syndrome, blood def, chronic skin infection
Which is the powerful diaphoretic combination for w-cold exterior syndrome? Ma Huang + Gui Zhi
Which combination harmonize defenseive qi/wei qi, and constructive qi/ying qi? Gui Zhi and Bai Shao
Zi Su Ye can be combined with which herb in order to resolve ext, reg qi, warm the middle, and transform turbid damp? Huo Xiang
Which combination secure the exterior and tonify wei qi, dispel external evils? Fang Feng + Huang Qi
Which combination dispel wind cold damp and treat the bi syndrome over the whole body? qiang huo + du Huo
Which combo dispels wind, disperse lung qi and open the portals of the nose? Xin yi hua + cang er zi
Created by: Ksellati
Popular Acupuncture sets




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