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Joints (ch15)-08-11

"Lang of Medicine" CH 15 - LTI - Joints

joint articulation/coming together of 2 or more bones
suture joints immovable (skull)
synovial joints freely movable//ball and socket types/ like shoulders) hinge type/like the elbows
bursae closed sackes of synovial flyuid with synovial membrane located near but not within a joint
ankyl/o stiff
arthr/o joint
articul/o joint
bur/o bursa
chondr/o cartilage
ligament/o ligament
rheumat/o watery flow
synov/o synovial membrane
ten/o tendon
tendin/o tendon
-desis to bind/tie together
-stenosis narrowing
arthritis inflammation of the joint
ankylosing spondylitis chronic progressive stiffening of joints, mostly spine
gouty arthritis inflammation due to excessive uric acid in the body
osteoarthritis (OA) loss of articular cartilage and formation of bone spurs at articular surfaces (DJD)
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) autoimmune reacation against joint tissue (synovial membrane)
bunion swelling of medical aspect of joint between big toe and first metatarsal bone
carpal tunnel syndrome compression of median nerve as it passeas between ligament and bones and tendons of the wrist
dislocation displacement of bone froma joint
ganglion a fluid filled cyst arising from a joint capsule or tendon in the wrist
herniation of intervertebral disk abnormal protrusion of the disk into teh neural canal or agianst spianl nerves
lyme disease recurrent arthritis, myalgia, malaise and neurologic and cardiac symptoms
sprain trauma to joint with pain, swelling and injury to ligaments
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) chronic inflammatory disease involving joints skin kidney nervous system heart and lungs affecting collagen in tendons ligaments bone and cartilage allover body
Created by: nhess0810
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