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Thedanniest GRE 4

profound adj. deep; not superficial
prohibitive adj. preventing; forbidding; so high as to prevent the purchase or use of
proliferate v. to increase rapidly
propensity n. inclination; tendecy; penchant
propitiate v. to appease; win over
propriety n. correct conduct; fitness
proscribe v. to condemn; forbid; outlaw
provident adj. frugal (thrift); providing for future needs
puissant adj. powerful
punctilious adj. precise; scrupulous; careful in observing rules of behavior (strictly attentive to minute details in action)
pungent adj. strong or sharp; penetrating; caustic
purport v. to profess (admit, state); suppose; claim
pusillanimous adj. cowardly
quagmire n. difficult situation
quail v. to cower (show fear); lose heart
qualified adj. limited; restricted
qualm n. uneasy feeling about the rightness of actions
query v. to question
quibble v. to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details
quiescent adj. still; quite; inactive
quorum n. number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
raconteur n. witty, skillful storyteller
rail v. to scold with abusive language
raiment n. especially fine, decorative clothing / garment
ramification n. consequence; implication (act of implicating (affect as consequence)); outgrowth
rarefied adj. refined
rationale n. fundamental reason
rebus n. puzzle in which pictures or symbols represent words
recalcitant adj. resisting authority or control
recant v. to retract (disavow) a statement or opinion
recluse n. person who lives in seclusion and in solitude; (adj. = reclusive / v. = cloister)
recondite adj. profound; abstruse
redoubtable adj. formidable; worthy of respect; arousing fear
refractory adj. stubborn; unmanageable; resisting ordinary method or treatment
refulgent adj. brightly shining; resplendent
refute v. to contradict; disprove
regale v. to entertain
relegate v. demote; to consign to an inferior position
remonstrate v. to protest or object
renege v. revoke; disavow; to go back on one's word
reparation n. amends; compensation
repine v. fret; complain
reprise n. repetition, especially of a piece of music
reproach v. to find fault with; blame
reprobate n. person without moral; miscreant
repudiate v. to reject as having no authority
rescind v. to cancel; revoke; overturn
resolution n. determination; resolve
resolve n. firmness of purpose; determination
reticent adj. restrained; not speaking freely; reserved; reluctant to gain attention
reverent adj. expressing deep respect; worshipful
riposte n. a retaliatory action or retort
rococo adj. excessively ornate; highly decorated; style of architecture in eighteeth-centurey europe
rubric n. category; protocol; established mode of procedure or conduct
rue v. to regret
ruse n. trick; crafty stratagem; subterfuge
sage adj. wise
salacious adj. lascivious; lustful
salubrious adj. healthful
salutary adj. expecting an improvement; favorable to heath
sanction v. to approve; ratify; permit / n. penalization; permission
sardonic adj. sarcastic; scornfully mocking
sartorial adj. pertaining to tailors
satiate v. to satisfy
saturate v. to soak thoroughly; cause to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
saturnine adj. gloomy; depressingly dark
satyr n. a creature that is half-man, half-beast with horns and legs of a goat; man with strong sexual desire (lecher)
savor v. to enjoy; have a distinctive flavor or smell
schematic adj. relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram
secrete v. produce and release substance into organism; keep secret
sedition n. behavior prompting rebellion
sedulous adj. diligent
seismic adj. relating to earthquakes; eartshaking
sensual adj. relating to the senses; gratifying the physical senses, especially sexual appetites
sensuous adj. operating through the senses; relating to the senses
sentient adj. aware; conscious; able to percieve
servile adj. submissive; obedient
sextant n. old navigation tool that determines latitude and longtitude
shard n. a piece of broken glass or pottery
sidereal adj. relating to the stars
simian adj. apelike; relating to apes
simile n. comparison of one thing with another using
sinecure n. well-paying job that requires little work
singular adj. unique; extraordinary; odd
sinuous adj. many curves and turns; wiggly; winding; complex
skeptic n. one who doubts
sobriety n. seriousness
sodden adj. thoroughly soaked; saturated
solicitous adj. eager; concerned; attentive
soliloquy n. dramatic speech by one person, not addressed to others
solvent adj. able to meet financial obligations
somatic adj. relating to the body; corporeal; ~physical (eg. Somatic functioning)
soporific adj. sleep producing
sordid adj. filthy; contemptible and corrupt
specious adj. seeming to be logical and sound, but not really so
spectrum n. band of colors; a broad range of related ideas or objects
spendthrift n. person who spends money recklessly
sporadic adj. irregular
squalor n. filthy, wretched condition; (adj = squalid)
staccato adj. marked by abrupt, clear-cut sound
stanch v. to stop or check the flow of
stentorian adj. extremely loud
stigma n. mark of disgrace or inferiority
stint v. to be sparing (economical) / n. meaning a period of time spent doing something
stipulate v. to specify as an essential condition
stolid adj. impassive; unemotional; having or showing little emotion
stratified adj. arranged in layers
straited adj. marked with thin, narrow grooves or channels (n=straition)
stricture n. something that restrains; negative criticism
strident adj. loud; harsh; unpleasantly noisy
strut v. to swagger; display to impress others
stultify v. to impair or reduce to uselessness
stupefy v. to dull the senses of; stun; astonish
stygian adj. dark and gloomy; hellish; saturnine
subpoena n. notice ordering someone to appear in court
subside v. to sattledown; grow quite
substantiate v. to support with proof or evidence
substantive adj. essential; substantial; pertaining to the substance
subsume v. to include; incorporate
subversive adj. (n=person who..) intended to undermine or overthrow, especially an established government
succor n. relief; help in time of distress or want
suffrage n. the right to vote
sundry adj. various
supersede v. to replace, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated
supine adj. lying on the back; marked by lethargy (sluggishness)
supplant v. to replace; substitute
suppliant adj. beseeching; ask for; request earnesty
supplicant n. one who asks humbly (not prideful) and earnestly
supposition n. the act of assuming to be true or real
syllogism n. a form of deductive reasoning that has - a major premise, - a minor premise, - and a conclusion
sylvan adj. related to the woods or forest
tacit adj. silently understood; implied
talisman n. charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune
tangential adj. peripheral; digressing
tautology n. unnecessary repetition
taxonomy n. science of classification; in biology, the process of classifying organisms in categories
tenet n. belief; doctrine
tenuous adj. thin; filmsy; weak; insubstantial
terrestrial adj. earhtly; commonplace
theocracy n. government by priests representing a god
thespian n. an actor or actress
timbre n. the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color
tirade n. long, violent speech; verbal assault
toady n. flatterer; hanger-on; yes-man; fawn
tome n. book, usually large and academic
torpor n. lethargy; dormancy; sluggishness; torpidity
torque n. a turning or twisting force
tortuous adj. having many twists and turns; highly complex
tout v. to promote or praise energetically
tractable adj. obedient; yielding
transgression n. act of trespassing or violating a law
transient adj. fleeting; temporary; short-lived
translucent adj. partially transparent
travail n. arduous work; tribulation; anguish
travesty n. parody; caricature
treatise n. article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
tremulous adj. trembling, quivering (shaking;vibrating); frugal; timid
trepidation n. fear and anxiety (not intrepid)
truculence n. aggressiveness; ferocity; eager to fight
tryst n. agreement between lovers to meet; rendezvous
tumid adj. swollen (ostentatious; false pride); distended; turgid
turbid adj. muddy; opaque; in a state of great confusion
turgid adj. swollen; bloated; pompous; bombastic; tumid
tutelary adj. serving as a gardian or protector
uncanny adj. mysterious; strange
undulating adj. moving in waves
unfeigned adj. not false; not made up; genuine
untenable adj. indefensible
untoward adj. not favorable; adverse; troublesome; unruly
usury n. practice of lending money at exorbitant rates
vacillate v. to waver; oscillate
vacuous adj. empty; void; lacking intelligence; purposeless; hollow
valedictory adj. pertaining to a farewell
vapid adj. tasteless; dull
variegated adj. varied; marked with different colors
vaunt v. to boast; brag
venal adj. bribable; corruptible; mercenary
vendetta n. prolonged feud (a bitter quarrel) marked by bitter hostility
venerate v. to adore; honor; respect
veracious adj. (n=veracity); truthful; accurate
verbose adj. wordy
vertigo n. dizziness
vexation n. irritation; annoyance; chafe
viable adj. practicable; capable of developing
vindictive adj. disposed (intended) to seek revenge; spiteful; vengeful; unforgiving
virtuoso n. someone with masterly skills; expert musician
visage n. countenance; appearance; aspect
viscous adj. thick, syrupy, and sticky
vitiate v. to impair the quality of; corrupt morally; making inoperative
vituperative adj. using or containing harsh, abusive censure
vivisection n. dissection, surgery, or experiments perform on a living animal for purpose of research
vogue n. prevailing (proved superior) fashion or practice
volatile adj. tending to vary frequently; fickle
vortex n. whirlpool; whirlwind; center of turbulence
warranted adj. justified
wary adj. careful; cautious
welter v. to wallow or roll; toss about; be in turmoil
whimsical adj. fanciful; unpredictable
wistful adj. vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful; deeply sadness
zealot n. one who is fanatically devoted to a cause
Created by: thedanniest
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