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synovial joints

Articular formation and function

linear motion gliding. tip can move
angular motion shaft changes its angle with surface
circumduction type of angular motion making wide circle
rotation shaft rotates
3 possible types of movements lindear (gliding), angular, rotation
monaxial articulation that permits movemetn along only one axis
what are the ways that synovial joints are described? gliding, hinge, pivot, ellipsoidal, saddle, ball-and-socket joints
i.e. of gliding synovial joint acromioclavicular and claviculosternal joints
i.e. of hinge synovial joint elbow, knee, ankle joints
i.e. of pivot jiont. atlos/axis
i.e. of ellipsoidal joint. radiocarpal joint
i.e. of saddle joint first carpometacarpal joint
i.e. of ball and socket joint shoulder joint, hip joint
what is an articulation? joint. doesn't have to move. where one bone meets another bone.
3 types of articulations 1. synarthroses 2. amphiarthroses 3. diarthroses/synovial joint
what type of movement do synarthroses articulations give? no movement
what type of movement do amphiarthroses articulations give? slight movement
what type of movement do diarthroses/synovial articulations give? multiple ranges of movement
3 types of synarthroses? sutures, comphosis, synchondrosis
sutures synarthroses? 2 bones joined with fibrous tissue i.e. in skull
gomphosis synarthroses? ligament holds bones together. i.e. teeth held to sockets
synchondrosis synarthroses? cartilage between 2 bones (hyaline cartilage) i.e. epiphess and shaft of diaphysis (epiphyseal line)
2 types of amphiarthroses? syndesmosis, synthesis
syndesmosis amphiarthroses? ligament attaches 2 bones. i.e. between tibia and fibula
syntesis amphiarthroses? fibral cartilage connects 2 bones i.e. between pubic bones (slight movement during childbirth) i.e. intervertebral cartilage
types of diarthroses/synovial joints monoaxial, biaxial, triaxil, multiaxial or nonaxial
articular capsule membrane that lies on outside, shells bone (synovial joint)
synovial membrane (facing inside capsule, covers joint
synovial fluid hyaluronic acid. most abundent compound inside. proteins
what are the important structures of a synovial joint? articular capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, articular cartilage, meniscus, fat pads, ligamentes, bursae, blood vessles and nerves
what are the functions of synovial fluid? 1. lubrication 2. nutrient/waste regulation and exchange
what is the purpose of articular cartilage? 1. reduce friction
what is the purpose of the meniscus? help support joint, channel flow of synovial fluid
2 types of ligaments in synovial joints? 1. intracapuslar 2. extracapsular
what are the functions of fat pads? 1. cushioning 2. shock absorption
what are busae? small pockets of synovial fluidseperate from the articular capsule. lined by synovial membrane. located where tendon or ligament rubs against other tissues
purpose of bursae? reduce friction between bones or muscles & bones
what is bursitis? inflamation of a bursa. synovial membrane gets inflamed and causes pain and difficulty in moving
what does a ligament do in a synovial joint? stabilizes the joint, effects movement.
what is an edema? when fluid accumulate abnormally in cell. it can heppen in joints
what are the important structure outside the articular capsule of the tibiofermoral joint? fibular collateral ligament, tibial collateral ligament, pateller ligament, quadriceps tendon, supropatellar bursa,
what's the proper name for the knee joint? tibiofermoral joint
what are the important structure inside the articular capsule of the tibiofermoral joint? artilcular cartilages, lateral and medial menisci, anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament
what happens when you hyperextend the tibiofermoral joint? you injure the ACL
what's the proper name for the shoulder joint? rotator cuff, glenal humeral joint
what are the important structures outside the articular capsule of the shoulder joint? coracoaromial, acromioclavicular, coracoclavicular ligments, subacromial busa, subcoracoid bursa,
important structures inside the articular capsule of the rotator cuff articular cartilage, labrum, articular capsul, synovial membrane,
how is the rotar cuff/glenal humeral joint different from the tibiofemoral joint? it has more ligaments and bursae, does not have menisci
function of glenoidal labrum? extension of articular cartilage that helps joint be more moveable
what is arthritis? inflammation of the joints
what are the 2 types of arthritis? rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis
osteoarthritis common. occurs in aging people. cause unknown. articular cartilage deteriorates & bone spurs develop
rheumatoid arthritis inflammation of synovial membrane, which causes breaking down of cartilage. synovial membrane increases in size and causes parrus. can spread to other membranes.
parrus swelling of synovial membrane (rheumtoid arthritis)
treatment of rheumatoid arthitis? surgery to remove parrus
which type of arthritis seems more deformed looking? rheumetoid arthritis
Created by: 2ND TESTS



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