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SAT Word List A

Abase lower; humiliate
Abash to embarrass
Abate to lessen
Abominate to loathe; hate
Abstruse profound; difficult to understand
Accentuate to stress; emphasize
Acclivity sharp incline of a hill
Accolade award; honor
Accost to approach and speak to
Acne zits
Adroit skillful
Adulate to flatter and praise (so much it's sickening)
Adulterate to make impure
Adumbrate to foreshadow by disclosing only partially
Adverse hostile; opposed; unfavorable
Advocate to urge; recommend
Aesthetic artistic; pertain to a sense of what is beautiful
Affinity attraction
Affluent rich
Affray public brawl
Agape open-mouthed
Aghast horrified
Agile able to move in a quick and easy fashion
Alacrity cheerful promptness
Alias a false name
Alimentary supplying nourishment
Allay to soothe; to make more bearable
Alleged stated without proof
Alleviate to make more bearable
Allude to refer indirectly (close to allusion, but not quite the same)
Allusion a reference to something (close to allude, but not quite the same)
Altercation a violent dispute
Amass to collect; to get in a bunch
Ambulatory able to walk
Ameliorate to improve a bad situation
Amity peaceful relations; friendship
Amnesia loss of memory
Amok freaked out and violently pissed off
Amorphous shapeless
Anthropoid human-like
Antipathy hatred; aversion; dislike
Apathetic indifferent; showing lack of interest
Apathy indifference; lack of interest
Apex tip; peak; summit; way up there
Appease to soothe; placate (think: a-peace)
Arbitrary chosen at random or without apparent reason
Ardor heat; passion; zeal
Askew crooked; off to one side
Assuage to ease; pacify
Astute shrewd; wise; observing
Attribute (n.) a characteristic, usually a good one (v.) to explain by indicating a cause
Atypical not typical
Audacity boldness
August (not month) majestic; awe-inspiring
Austerity severity; strictness
Averse opposed; unwilling (watch out! close to adverse!)
Avuncular a funky word meaning "like an uncle"
Awry twisted; crooked; out of whack; askew; wrong
Created by: zeppy54
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