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Schwartz AP Gov 5

Political Parties

caucus party regulars meeting in small groups voting on whether or not to support a candidate
coalition a group united for a cause
critical election an election that reveals sharp, lasting changes in loyalties to political parties
dealignment a trend where a large portion of the electorate abandons its previous political party without finding a new one
Democrat-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson, characterized as the party of the "common man". Opposed the Federalists
divided government one party controls Congress and the other controls the White House
elites older or most influential members of a political party
Grand Old Party (GOP) the Republican party
ideological party a party that follows a prescribed ideology (ex. Socialist party )
minority parties third parties
New Deal coalition FDR's followers in the 1930s, including labor unions and African Americans. Elected FDR 4 times
party chairperson the chief strategist of a political party
party convention political convention held every 4 years in the US to choose the presidential nominee for each party
platform list of principles or plans that a political party hopes to enact
realignments large groups of voters switching allegiances from one party to another other divisive issues or in times of crisis
single-issue parties party created to solve a particular political concern or advance a particular policy
spoiler third party candidate who does not win the election, but causes another candidate to lose
superdelegates an unelected delegate who is free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination at the party's national convention
ticket splitting process where a voter chooses a candidate from one party for one office and the other party for another office
Whigs political party who opposed the Jackson Democrats in the 1930s
Created by: schwarms1
Popular American Government sets




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