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Process by which a drug enters the body Absorption
Extent of absorption determines Magnitude of response to drug and time of onset of action
Forms in which drugs can be administered Tablets, enteric-coated preparations, sustained release preparations, topical preparations, injectable liquids
Routes of administration Oral, intravenous, inhalation, epithelial, sublingual, rectal
Once absorbed, the drug must be transfered betwen one location ad another in the body Drug distribution
Rate which drug enters compartments depends on... Permeability of capillaries for drug, and perfusion
Volume of distribution Volume of fluid in which the amount of drug in the body would need to be uniformly distributed to produce observed concentration in blood
Volume of distribution is determined by... Strength of binding of drug to tissue components compared with plasma proteins
Vd = Total amount of drug in body / Plasma drug concentration
Two processes of elimination Metabolism and Excretion
How do lipophilic properties of drugs affect their metabolism Hinders elimination from the body
Group of hepatic enzymes which catalyse Phase I reactions CYP450 (cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase)
Phase I reactions are Functionalisation reactions in which a functional group is added or exposed
Phase II reactions involve A covalent linkage made between a functional group on a drug or Phase I metabolite
How do the interactions between drugs affect drug metabolism? Creates competition for metabolic pathways and drug induced alteration in liver enzymes
How does first-pass presystemic metabolism affect bioavailability? Reduces bioavailability because drugs are extracted so efficiently by liver or gut wall that the amount reaching systemic circulation is considerably less than the amount absorbed
How do genetic factors affect drug metabolism? Genetic polymorphisms result in different expression of enzymes
What's CYP2D6? Catalyses metabolism of beta-blockers, tricyclics and antidepressant, codeine
t^(1/2)= (0.693 x VD)/ CL
Bioavailability= fraction absorbed x fraction escaping first pass clearance
Clearance The ability of an individual organ or the body to eliminate a drug
Half-life is a major determinant of Duration of action of a drug after a single dose AND dosing frequency required
Created by: 813890255
Popular Pharmacology sets




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