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MDA - Blankenship

MDA final

DrugClassMOAUsesSide Effects
Spironolactone Diuretics (K sparing) competitive aldosterone receptor antagonist XXX hyperkalemia (cardiac arrhythmias); endocrine side effects (steroid effects)
Eplerenone Diuretics (K sparing) competitive aldosterone receptor antagonist XXX hyperkalemia (cardiac arrhythmias)
Triamterene Diuretics (K sparing) blocks aldosterone induced Na channels on lumen side of collecting duct XXX hyperkalemia (cardiac arrhythmias)
Amiloride Diuretics (K sparing) blocks aldosterone induced Na channels on lumen side of collecting duct XXX hyperkalemia (cardiac arrhythmias)
Acetazolamide (Diamox) Diuretics (Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) inhibits CA Glaucoma (decreases Aqueous humor formation), Acute elevation sickness (reduces CSF synthesis); Alkalinize urine (excretion of weak acids) metabolic acidosis, renal stones (Ca and PO4 less soluble); K loss
Quinidine (Class IA antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (Na channel blocker- Moderate) blocks voltage gates Na channels arrhythmias prolongs Q-T interval (can produce torsade de pointe); proarrhythmogenic; cinchonism (nausea, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus)
lidocaine (Class IB antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (Na channel blocker- Weak) blocks voltage gates Na channels IV - ventricular arrhythmias (tachycardia/fibrillation); post MI (controversially) Least cardiotoxic (little benefit); CNS toxicity - tremors, paresthesias, nausea, lightheadedness, slurred speech, convulsions
Flecainide (Class IC antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (Na channel blocker- Strong) blocks voltage gates Na channels IV - ventricular arrhythmias; last resort for ventricular tachycardia CNS toxicity - tremors, paresthesias, nausea, lightheadedness, slurred speech, convulsions
Propranolol (class II antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (Beta Blocker) Beta Blocker also blocks Na channels (at high doses) Supraventricular tachycardia; ventricular tachycardia XXX
Amiodarone (class III antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (K channel Blocker) Blocks K channels, Na channel blocker, weak beta blocker, weak alpha blocker, weak Ca channel blocker Supraventricular arrhythmias; ventricular arrhythmia bradycardia; exacerbate CHF ; torsades de pointe; pulmonary fibrosis; deposits on cornea; photodermatitis; neurological (numbness, tremors, ataxia, headaches); hyper/o thyroidism; constipation
Sotalol (class III antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (K channel Blocker) Blocks K channels; nonselective beta blocker XXX Beta blocking side effects
Verapamil (Class IV antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (Ca channel Blocker) Ca channel Blocker - shorten the plateau phase of action potential (phase 2 - non nodal); slow conduction velocity (phase 0) and prolong refractory period (Nodal tissue) Supraventricular tachycardia XXX
Adenosine (unclassified antiarrhythmics) Antiarrhythmic (A1 receptor agonist) A1 receptor agonist; activate K channels and inhibit CA channels DOC of supraventricualr tachycardia Bronchoconstriction, vasodilator, flushed appearance, chest pains (burning), strong SOB, flash of a headache, AV block (desired)
Verapamil Calcium Channel Blocker Binds the Phenylalkylamine site on L-type Calcium channel Drug of choice for supraventricular tachycardia Multi-drug resistance, Ankle edema, Hypotension, Headache, Flushing Appearance, Cardiac Depression, Constipation, MI, cancer; Contraindicated in CHF
Nifedipine Calcium Channel Blocker Binds the Dihydropyridine site on L-type Calcium channel Angina Ankle edema, Hypotension, Headache, Flushing Appearance, Cardiac Depression, Constipation, MI, cancer
Diltiazem Calcium Channel Blocker Binds the Benzothiapine site on L-type Calcium channel Angina, HTN Ankle edema, Hypotension, Headache, Flushing Appearance, Cardiac Depression, Constipation, MI, cancer
Captopril ACE-Inhibitor (Class I) Inhibit Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme from converting Angiotension I to Angiotension II, and allows Bradykinin effects to occur HTN, CHF, Diabetic nephropathy Neutropenia/proteinuria/agranulocytosis, Anaphylactoid/angioedema, renal impairment/failure, First-dose hyptension, hyperkalemia, dry cough/whezzing, Dysgeusia, Teratogenic
Enalapril ACE-Inhibitor (Class II) Inhibit Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme from converting Angiotension I to Angiotension II, and allows Bradykinin effects to occur HTN, CHF, Diabetic nephropathy Neutropenia/proteinuria/agranulocytosis, Anaphylactoid/angioedema, renal impairment/failure, First-dose hyptension, hyperkalemia, dry cough/whezzing, Dysgeusia, Teratogenic
Lisinopril ACE-Inhibitor (Class III) Inhibit Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme from converting Angiotension I to Angiotension II, and allows Bradykinin effects to occur HTN, CHF, Diabetic nephropathy Neutropenia/proteinuria/agranulocytosis, Anaphylactoid/angioedema, renal impairment/failure, First-dose hypotension, hyperkalemia, dry cough/whezzing, Dysgeusia, Teratogenic
Losartan (-sartans) Angiotension Receptor Blockers Block Angiotension II (type 1) receptors HTN, CHF (not work very well) Renal impairment/failure, First-dose hypotension, hyperkalemia, Dysgeusia, Teratogenic
Nitroglycerin Organic Nitrate Converted to Nitric Oxide Acute attack of angina XXX
Isosorbide Dinitrate Organic Nitrate Metabolized to isosorbide-5-mononitrate (Ismo), which will give rise to NO Acute attack of angina Orthostatic Hypotension, flushing appearance, tachycardia/palpitations, throbbing headaches, methemoglobinemia, tolerance
Digoxin Digitalis Glycoside Inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase CHF, Anti-arrhythmias (paroxysmal supraventricular tachicardia) Arrhythmias, anorexia, N/V, Headaches, confusion, disorientation, seizures, visual distrubances
Inamrinone Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors Inhibits Phosphodiesterase (Type III) CHF N/V, Cramps, thrombocytopenia, increased hepatotoxicity, hypotension
Dobutamine Selective Beta-1 Agonist Stimulates cardiac contractility CHF XXX
Dopamine Beta-1 Agonist Converted to epinephrine/norepinephrine CHF (shock associated with CHF) XXX
Mannitol Diuretics (Osmotic) freely filtered in the glomerulus, not reabsorption, not metabolized - retains water in the lumen maintain urine flow (kidney damage/removal of poison); decrease pressure/volume CSF; decrease intraocular pressure do not use with heart conditions b/c increase vascular volume thus increasing workload
Furoseminde (Lasix) Diuretics (Loop diuretics) inhibits Na-K-2Cl symporter in the ascending loop of henle pulmonary edema (major use); edema (CHF); hypertension (thiazide is 1st choice); hypocalcaemia) hypovolemia; chronic dilutional hyponatriemia; hypokalemia; alkalosis; hypomagnesaemia, syncope, hyperuricemia (Ethacrynuc acid - ototoxicity)
Hydrochlorothiazide Diuretics (Thiazide) inhibit Na/Cl cotransporter in early distal tubule on lumen side Hypertension, mobilize edema fluid (mild cases of CHF - loop is better) hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia - interacts with NSAIDs and Li
Created by: clamattina
Popular Pharmacology sets




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