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LM ch1-4 and 14

Lymphatic and immune systems

What is lymph Clear watery fliud that surronds the body cells and flows in vessels through out the body.
lymphatic system functions Drainage system, absorbs lipids, assists imune systems
how do lymph nodes fight disease? T- cells and B-cells
T Cells produce antibodies in response to specific antigens
B Cells Multiply rapidly to produce cells that destroy antignes
Adenoids Masses of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx area (in throat near nasel cavity)
Tonsils Masses of lymph tissue in the oropharynx area (the throat near back of mouth)
Spleen Near the stomach, composed of lymph tissue, stores and elimantes blood cells, not essiental to life
Thymus gland located in upper mediastinum between lungs, helps body protect it self from disese (immune)
Phagocytes Migrate to infection an ingest bateria
Macrophages move to clear dead cells after infection
Toxin is poison, a protien produced by certian bacteria, animals or plants
active immunity Reciving vaccinations, having a disease that produces anitbodies, or aquried thru a transfer of immune cells from a donor
passive immunity antitoxins, immunoglobulins, maternal antibodies
immunoglobulin antibodies that are secreted by plasma cells in humoral immunity
vaccine weaken or kill microoganisms to induce immunity to infection or disease
vaccination an introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response and protection against disease
Dendritic cell an important cell of the immune system, captures antigens and presents them to t cells
immun/o Protection
Lymph/o Lymph
Splen/o Spleen
Ana Again
inter between
what are the 3 ways hiv may occur? sexual contact, blood inoculation and passage of virus from infected mothers to newborns
cryptococcus a yeast like fungus in lung, brian and blood infections
toxoplamosis a parasitice infection involving the central nerve system
tolerance self antigen
immunity the bodys ability to resist forign organisms and toxinss
natural immunity genetic preispostion present at birth ex. Natural killer cells, macrophages,phagocytosis
antibody protien produced by b cell lymphocytes to destroy antigens
antigen substance that the body recognizes as forign
aquried immunity formation of antibodies and lymphocytes after exposure to an antigen. active and passive
tolereance T lymphocytes learn to recoginze and accept the bodys own antigens as self or friendly
Iga, IgD, IgE, Igm immunoglobulins
NA Non applicible
Na Sodium
Ng tube nasogastric tube
NSAID Non steroioal anit- inflammatiroy drug
O, O2 Oxygen
os Opening , bone
PALS Perdiactric advanced life support
p.c After meals 9post cibum)
Peg percutionaous endoscopic gastrostomy(feeding tube placed in stomach)
per os By mouth
PE tube ventilating tube for eardrum
prep prepare for
ante before or forward
epi pon, on above
eu good, normal
hemi half
hypo under, deficency
what do lymph vessels do? lead toward the thoratic cavity and empty into 2 large ducts iin the upper chest
what does the thoratic duct do? drains lower body and left side of the head
what does the right lymphatic duct do? drains the right side of head and chest
where does the thoratic duct and right lyphatic duct carry the lymph to? the large veins in the neck where the lymph then enters the bloodstream
crytococcus a yeast like fungas in the lung brain and bloodinfections.
toxoplasmosis a parasitic infection involving the central nervous system
Allergy abnormal hypersensivity to an antigen
atopic hypersenitivity or allergic state
Anaphylaxis exxagerated or unusal hypersensivity to a forign protien or other substance
Hodgkin disease a maligant tumor of lymph tissue on the spleen and lymph nodes
what are the 4 stages of hodgkin diseases? stage 1: involves ingles lymph node stage 2: involves 2 or more sites of same side of diaghram stage 3: involves diseade in both sides of diaphram stage 4: is widespread invilving the liver, bone marrow, lung and skin
Allergen a forign substancce (antigen)
HIV Human immunodeficency virus , a retro virus that causes aids
AIDs Acquired immunodeficency syndrome, Caused by human immunodeficency virus
Kaposi Sarcoma Maligent (cancerous) condition associated with aids, arises from the lining of capillaries and appears as bluish-red skin nodules
opportunistic infections infectionoue disease associated with sids they occur becuase HIV infection lowers the bodys resistance and allows infection by bacteria and parasites that normally are easilly contained.
retrovirus RNA virus that makes copies of itself by using the host cells DNA
Whats are some drugs used to treat AIds? Protease inhibitor and revese transcriptase inhibitor
ELISA Enzyne linked immunosorbent assay
CT Scan Computerized xray imaging in the transverse plane
Gastr, Cardi, enter Roots words
-itits, -ology, -ic Suffixs
Gastr/o, cardi/o, enter/o Combining vowels
Sub-, epi-, brady- Prefixs
histologist Study of tissue
Epithelial tissue Covers outside of bosy and inner surface of internal organas
Connective tissue connects to bone or muscle
Muscle tissue allow for movement consiously or unconsicoulsy
Nervous tissue conducts impulses all over the body
Abdominopelvic regions Hypochondriac, epigastric, lumbar, umbilical, inguinal
Abdominopelvic quadrants RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ
Bacteria antigens Streptococcus, Staphlococci
Streptococcus Bacteria antigen thats berry shaped grows in twisted chains
Staphlococci Bacteria antigen thats berry shaped and grows in twisted clusters
Erythocytes are also called what? Red blood cells
Leukocytes are also called what? White blood cells
Spenomegaly lymph tissue occurs with high blood pressure in the hepatic veins (liver veins)
Antibodies Protien substances made by white blood cells in response to antigens
Antibiotics destroys in inhibits the growth of bacteria
invovment of single lymph node or group of nodes stage 1 of hodgkin disease
Involvement of 2 or more sites on same side of diaphram, often involves medistinum stage 2
Disease on both sides of diaphagm, may include spleen or localized extanodal disease stage 3
widespread extralymphatic involvment (liver, bone marrow, lung, skin) stage 4
Created by: vofide
Popular Medical sets




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