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Medical Terminology: Female/Male Reproduction System

Aspiration Withdrawal of fluid by suction from cavity or sac
Palpation Examination by touch
Leukorrhea White/Yellowish Vaginal Discharge
Ectopic Pregnancy Out of place uterus
Chlamydia Bacterial Infection that is most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in US
PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Preeclampsia Pregnancy with high blood pressure, swelling..
Dermoid Cyst Benign collection of fluid & tissue within a sac in the ovary. Line with cells including hair, skin, teeth, & cartilage
Terat/o Monster
Teratomas Strange assortment of tissue in the tumor
Choriocarcinoma Malignant tumor of the pregnant uterus
Endometriosis abnormal condition of uterine tissue that is ectopic (out of its proper place)
Leiomyomas (or Fibroids) Benign tumors are composed of fibrous tissue & muscle & occur in the wall of the uterus
Leiomy/o smooth muscle
Endo- inner
Mammoplasty surgical repair of the breast
Pyosalpinx Pus in a fallopian tube
Py/o Pus
Endometrium Inner lining of the uterus (Endometritis - Inflammation of the uterus)
Metr/o Uterus
Karyotype Chromosomal anaylsis - is performed from cells obtained via amniocentesis,,info about the developing fetus
Aminocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from innermost membrane (aminion) surrounding the embryo
Galactorrhea persistant discharge of milk from the breast
Galact/o Milk
D&C Dilation & Curettage - dilate and scrape the inside of the uterine lining with curette (instrument)
Dilaton & Curettage D&C - dilate and scrape the inside of the uterine lining with curette (instrument)
Myomectomy Resection of a muscle tumor (or fibroid) from the uterus
Metrorrhagia Condition of excessive discharge of blood from the uterus (not during menstruation)
Metr/o Uterus
Gynecomastia Excessive development of mammary (breast) tissue in a male
Mast/o Breast
Oligomenorrhea Scanty or infrequent menstrual periods
Olig/o Scanty
Hyster/o Uterus
Oophor/o Ovary
Salping/o Fallopian Tube
Culd/o Cul-de-sac
Colp/o Vagina
Cervic/o Neck of the uterus
Episi/o Vulva
Lact/o Milk
Menopause Ending of menstrual function - usually ages 45-50 yrs old
Parturition Giving Birth
Menarche Beginning of the first menstrual periods during puberty
Corpus Luteum Empty egg sack that secretes hormones after release of the egg cell. Secretes progesterone and estrogen to maintain implantation of the embryo & pregnancy...Corpus=white,Luteum=yellow > Yellow Body
Graafian Follicle Sac in the ovaries that contains a maturing ovum. After ovum is released, the graafian follicle is known as corpus luteum (yellow body)
Chorion Outermost membrane surrounding the embryo in the uterus. It contributes to the development of the placenta
Estrogen Hormone produce by ovaries responsible for secondary sex characteristics such as breast development
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Hormone secreted by pituitary glands to act on the ovaries & stimulate the maturation of egg cells
-gen Producing
Estr/o Female
Progesterone Hormone secreted by the ovaries to maintain pregnancy
Gamete Sex cell
Orifice Opening especially to a cavity or part of the body
Papilla Nipple-shaped projection or elevation, located on the breast surrounded by the areola.
Placenta Vascular organ that develops during pregnancy in the uterine wall. Fetus derives its nourishment and oxgen, communication between maternal & fetal bloodstreams
Vulva Entire external genitalia of the female
Areola Dark-pigmented area around the breast nipple
Labia Lips of the vagina
Fertilization Union of the ovum and sperm cell. This usually occures in the fallopian tube
Prostatectomy Removal of prostate
Seminiferous Tubules Tubules carry seed
-ferous carrying or pertaining to bearing
semin/i semen, seed
prostat/o prostate gland
Prostatitis Often associated with urethritis and infection of the lower urinary tract
Orchitis caused by injury or by the mumps virus, which also infects the salivary glands
Orchiectomy Castration in males
Orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o testis, testicle
hydrocele sac of clear fluid in the scrotum. Congenital or occur as a response to infection or tumors
hydr/o water, fluid
Gonorrhea sexually transmitted infection
Gon/o Seed
Epididymitis Symptoms are fever, chills, pain in the groin, tender, swollen epididymis
Epididymis a system of ductules emerging posteriorly from the testis that holds sperm during maturation and that forms a tangled mass before uniting into a single coiled duct which is continuous with the vas deferens
Epididym/o a system of ductules emerging posteriorly from the testis
cryptorchism one or both testicles do not descend by the time of birth into the scrotal sac from the abdominal cavity
crypt/o Hidden
Cryogenic Surgery Remove portions of the prostate gland during a transurethral resection of the prostate
Cry/o Cold
Balanitis bacteria or viruses often cause inflammation and infections of the male reproduction system
Balan/o Glans Penis
Androgen Testosterone, testes in males and the adrenal glands in both men and women produce androgens
Andr/o Male
-potentia Power
im- Not
Erectile Dysfunction Impotence - male can't achieve erection
Prepuce Fold of skin over glans of penis, usually circumcision
Penis Composed of erectile tissue and at its tip expands to form a soft, sensitive region called the glans penis
Cowper Gland (Bulborethral) Lying below the prostate gland, also secrete fluid into the urethra
Bulbourethral Lying below the prostate gland, also secrete fluid into the urethra
Prostate Gland Secretes the thick fluid that is part of semen, aids motilily of the sperm. The muscular tissue of the prostate aids in the expulsion of sperm during ejaculation
Semen Combination of fluid & spermatozoa (sperm cells only 1% of fluid) Ejected through the urethra
Seminal Vesicles Two glands locaed at the base of the bladder, secretes thick, sugary, yellowish substance that nourishes the sperm cell & forms most ejaculated semen.
Vasectomy Sterilization, Urologist cuts and ties off each vas deferens
Vas Deferens (or Ductus Deferens) Narrow straight tube carries the sperm up into the pelvic region, at the level of the urinary bladder, merging with ducts from the seminal vesicles
Epididymis Large tube, upper part of each testis. The spermatozoa become mature, become motile in the epididymis and are temporarily stored there.
Parenchymal Tissue Tissue of the testis, seminiferous tubules perform the essential work of the organ - Formation of Sperm - Essential functions of the organ
Interstitial Cells Manufacture male hormone - Testosterone - Cells in the testis
Stroma - Stroma Tissue Supportive tissue and contain connective and framework tissue, such as blood vessels and sometimes muscle
Spermatozoon Male sex cell, composed of head and tail
Flagellum Hair-like process, makes the sperm motile, contains little food and cytoplasm, lives long enough to travel the fallopian tube
Ejaculation Eject sperm and fluid from the urethra
Fraternal Twins Fertization of separate ova by separate sperm celss, developing in utero with separate placentas
Identical Twins Fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm. Fertilized egg cells divides and forms many cells, continues separating to further division producing embryo.
Testosterone Male hormone produce male bodily characterists
Testes Male Gonads
Scrotum a sac enclosing the testes on the outside of the body for lower temperature from body
Spermatogenesis maturation and development of sperm
Perineum Between the anus and the scrotum at the floor of the pelvic cavity. Is analogous to the perineal region in the female
Seminiferous Tubules Interior of a testis is composed of large mass of narrow, coiled tubules. Tubules contain cells that manufacture spermatozoa. After sperm formation, sperm cells move through the tubules.
Ovulation producing an egg cell and discharging it from an ovary
Gestation The entire period of development of the embryo in the uterus until birth
Adnexa Accessory parts of an organ. "The adnexa uteri (of the uterus) are the ovaries and the fallopian tubes."
Genitalia Reproductive Organs, female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina
Perineorrhaphy Suture the perineum after childbirth
Episiotomy At childbirth, cut of the perineum (between vagina & anus)
Perineum Region on female between the vagina and anus. May be torn during childbirth, so surgeons cut it (episiotomy) and suture it (perineorrhaphy) after birth
Clitoris Organ of sensitve erectile tissue anterior to the urethral meatus (opening of the urethra to the outside of the body)
Bartholin Glands Small exocrine glands at the vaginal orifice (opening)
Vagina Canal leading fromt the female external genitalia (vulva) to the cervix (lower necklike portion of the uterus)
Cul-De-Sac Saclike cavity or region in the pelvis, midway between the recturm and the uterus
Uterus Hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity of females and in which the fertilized egg implants and develops
Fallopian Tubes (also called Uterine tubesor ducts) Pair of narrow ducts through which ova pass fro the ovaries to the uterus
Ovary Paired female reproductive organ (gonad) that produce ova (egg cells) and hormones (estrogen and progesterone)
Ova Egg Cells
Gonad Organ
Teratoma Tumor occuring in the testes composed of different types of tissue, such as bone, hair, cartilage and skin cells
Aspermia Lack of formation or ejaculation of semen
Sperm/o, Spermat/o Spermatozoa, semen
Terat/o Monster
Pseudocyesis False pregnancy
oxytocia rapid labor
leukorrhea white discharge
dyspareunia pain during intercouse
multigravida woman who had more than one pregnancy
endometritis inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus
amenorrhea no menstral flow
mammoplasty surgical repair of the breast
myomectomy removal of falobian tubes
anovulatory condition of no egg production
Salpingectomy removal of falobian tubes
oligomenorrhea scanty discharge
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina - bacteria causes: Gardnerella, Vaginalis
endocervicitis inflammation of inner lining of the cervix
colporrhaphy suture of the vagina
lactogenesis secretion of milk
bilateral oophorectomy removal of both ovaries
oogenesis production of eggs
neonatal pretaining to the newborn
metrorrhagia uterine bleeding other than caused by mentruation, between periods
culdocentesis withdrawal of fluid through wall of vagina
vulvovaginitis inflammation of vagina and vulva
gynecomastia condition of female breast enlarged in male, enlargement of one or both breasts
vasectomy surgical removal vas deferan
vasovasostomy reversal of the vasectomy
orchidopexy operation to correct cryptorchism
spermatogenesis maturation and development of sperm
azoospermia lack of spermatozoa in the semen
varicocele hernia above testes
Teratoma Tumor of testes
aspermia no sperm
oligospermia scanty production of sperm
spermolytic pertaining to destruction of sperm
orchitis inflammation the testicles
orchiectomy removal of the testicles (also, orchiectomy or castration)
hydrocele hernia in sack
epididymitis symptoms are fever, chills, pain in the groin, tender swollen epididyms
cryptorchism hidden testicles
balanitis inflammation of the glands of penis, bacteria or viruses often cause inflammation and infections of the male reproduction system
Created by: brendita
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